InvalidateList method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface


Marks the list associated with a list source component as invalid.



  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a list source component object.


Calling this method guarantees that the list in a list source component will be reconstructed the next time the user accesses the list. List source components include the following component types:

  • Combo boxes (ComboBox)
  • Drop-down lists (DropList)
  • List boxes (List)
  • Grid columns (GridColumn)

In list boxes, this method reverts the list to its original state.


Sub Main()
   Dim oListBox As IWSFormComponent
   Dim iCurrentRow As Integer
   Dim iCounter As Integer
   Dim strListBox As String
   Dim bSuccess As Boolean
   Dim iReturn As Integer
   Dim iRow As Integer
   oListBox = ThisForm.Components("list1")
   'Check to verify that a list item is selected.
   'If not, display a message and exit. 
   iCurrentRow = oListBox.GetListBoxCurSel
   If iCurrentRow = -1 Then
       Application.ShowMessage("No list item selected!")
       Exit Sub
   End If
   'Display list box properties.
   Application.ShowMessage("Number of items: " & oListBox.GetListBoxCount().ToString() _
      & vbLf & "Current selection: " & (iCurrentRow + 1).ToString() & vbLf & _
      "Text: " & oListBox.GetListBoxText(iCurrentRow))
   'Display contents of list box.
   strListBox = ""
   For iCounter = 0 To oListBox.GetListBoxCount() - 1
       strListBox = strListBox & (iCounter + 1).ToString() & "  " & _
          oListBox.GetListBoxText(iCounter) & vbLf
   Next iCounter
   Application.ShowMessage("The following are the currently defined events:" _
      & vbLf & strListBox)
   'Set list box to second entry.
   iRow = 1
   bSuccess = oListBox.SetListBoxCurSel(iRow)
   'Insert new items at the second position.
   iReturn = oListBox.InsertListBoxString(iRow, "New Row Entry 1")
   iReturn = oListBox.InsertListBoxString(iRow, "New Row Entry 2")
   'Display contents of list box.
   strListBox = ""
   For iCounter = 0 To oListBox.GetListBoxCount() - 1
       strListBox = strListBox & (iCounter + 1).ToString() & "  " & _
          oListBox.GetListBoxText(iCounter) & vbLf
   Next iCounter
   Application.ShowMessage("Current list: " & vbLf & strListBox)
End Sub