Updating existing SQL tables

To update a table that you imported into the application database, use the Sql Tables form. These are tables that were not created using the Sql Tables form.

  1. Open the Sql Tables form and execute Filter-In-Place.
  2. Select the table you want to update.
    Note: System administrators can use the Metadata Access Controls form to restrict access to core SQL tables. SQL tables that are set to Locked in the Metadata Access Controls form are not available in the list. You can select SQL tables that are set to Read Only but you cannot modify them. You can view and modify SQL tables that are set to Unlocked.
  3. Verify that the Schema is dbo.
    At this time, the only schema that is supported is the dbo schema.
  4. Click Update Current Table.
    Note: If the selected table is set to Read Only in the Metadata Access Controls form, then this button is disabled.
The application performs these actions on the table:
  • Add the standard Mongoose-based application columns such as Create Date and Updated By.
  • Create the Delete, Insert and UpdatePenultimate triggers.
  • Add application schema table metadata.