
The UpdateCollection API is used to insert, update, or delete one or more records from an IDO colleciton.
POST /update/{ido}


Name In Required? Description
ido Path Yes The name of the IDO collection
refresh Query No Instructs the system to refresh the collection after the update is complete

Valid values are True or False.


Name Description
Authorization If the API is called directly, then the Mongoose security token is obtained through a call to the GetSecurityToken API.

If the API is called through the ION API, then a valid OAuth2.0 bearer token is provided by the ION API.

X-Infor-MongooseConfig The name of a configuration that is available on the application server

This header is required only when using the Mongoose API through the ION API.

Request data for an Insert action

  "Changes": [
      "Action": 1,
      "ItemId": "PBT=[UserNames]",
      "Properties": [
            "Name": "Username",
            "Value": "jdelacruz",
            "Modified": true,
            "IsNull": false
            "Name": "UserDesc",
            "Value": "Juan Dela Cruz",
            "Modified": true,
            "IsNull": false
      "UpdateLocking": 1

Request data for an Update action

   "Changes": [
         "Action": 2,
         "ItemId": "PBT=[UserNames] UserNames.DT=[2018-10-02 15:39:02.060] UserNames.ID=[4c9a96d0-ba3c-4de4-8657-6d262f9dcd3f]",
         "Properties": [
               "Name": "UserDesc",
               "Value": "John Doe Sr.",
               "Modified": true,
               "IsNull": false
         "UpdateLocking": 1
Note: If "ItemId" is empty, then the key properties are used to update the row, and optimistic locking is not used. All key properties must be included in the request when "ItemId" is empty.

Request data for a Delete action

   "Changes": [
         "Action": 4,
         "ItemId": "PBT=[UserNames] UserNames.DT=[2018-12-14 13:52:27.737] u.ID=[265df7d2-802c-4582-a774-a81b675a91a1]"
Note: If "ItemId" is empty, then the key properties are used to update the row, and optimistic locking is not used. All key properties must be included in the request when "ItemId" is empty.

Response data for an Insert action

    "Message": null,
    "Success": true,
    "RefreshItems": [
         "Action": 1,
         "ItemId": "PBT=[UserNames] UserNames.DT=[2019-05-03 13:24:07.080] UserNames.ID=[dd896b24-e1dd-47df-ad4f-f0378243c202]",
         "ItemNo": 0,
         "Properties": [
               "IsNestedCollection": false,
               "IsNull": false,
               "Modified": false,
               "Name": "Username",
               "OriginalValue": null,
               "Value": "jdelacruz"
               "IsNestedCollection": false,
               "IsNull": false,
               "Modified": false,
               "Name": "UserDesc",
               "OriginalValue": null,
               "Value": "Juan Dela Cruz"
         "UpdateLocking": 0

Response data for an Update action

   "Message": null,
   "Success": true,
   "RefreshItems": [
         "Action": 2,
         "ItemId": "PBT=[UserNames] UserNames.DT=[2019-05-03 13:24:07.080] UserNames.ID=[dd896b24-e1dd-47df-ad4f-f0378243c202]",
         "ItemNo": 0,
         "Properties": [
               "IsNestedCollection": false,
               "IsNull": false,
               "Modified": false,
               "Name": "UserDesc",
               "OriginalValue": null,
               "Value": "John Doe Sr."
         "UpdateLocking": 0

Response data for a Delete action

   "Message": null,
   "Success": true,
   "RefreshItems": null

Example 1 - Insert using UpdateCollection

This example code inserts jdelacruz as a new user.

string json = string.Empty;
using ( var client = new HttpClient() )
   string ido = "UserNames";
   string requestUrl = $"http://server/IDORequestService/ido/update/{ido}?refresh=true";
   // provide token in the Authorization header
      "b/XdI6IQzCviZOGJ0E+002DoKUFOPmVDkwpQDbQj…==" );
   UpdateProperty username = new UpdateProperty
      Name = "Username",
      Value = "jdelacruz",
      IsNull = false,
      Modified = true
   UpdateProperty userDesc = new UpdateProperty
      Name = "UserDesc",
      Value = "Juan Dela Cruz",
      IsNull = false,
      Modified = true
   IDOUpdateItem idoItem = new IDOUpdateItem
      Action = UpdateAction.Insert,
      Properties = new[] { username, userDesc },
      ItemId = "PBT=[UserNames]"
   UpdateCollectionRequest request = new UpdateCollectionRequest { Changes = new[] { idoItem } };
   // pass the UpdateCollectionRequest as the request data
   string contentStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( request );
   // send the post request
   HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync( requestUrl.ToString(), new StringContent( contentStr, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json" ) ).Result;
   using ( HttpContent content = response.Content )
      Task<string> result = content.ReadAsStringAsync();
      json = result.Result;

Example 2 - Update using UpdateCollection

This example code updates the description of user jdoe.

string json = string.Empty;
using ( var client = new HttpClient() )
   string ido = "UserNames";
   string requestUrl = $"http://server/IDORequestService/ido/update/{ido}?refresh=true";
   // provide token in the Authorization header
      "b/XdI6IQzCviZOGJ0E+002DoKUFOPmVDkwpQDbQj…==" );
   UpdateProperty userDesc = new UpdateProperty
      Name = "UserDesc",
      Value = "John Doe Sr.",
      IsNull = false,
      Modified = true
   IDOUpdateItem idoItem = new IDOUpdateItem
      Action = UpdateAction.Update,
      Properties = new[] { userDesc },
      ItemId = "PBT=[UserNames] UserNames.DT=[2019-05-03 13:24:07.080] UserNames.ID=[f33ef708-19bb-4ab9-aade-88a6e8853742]"
   UpdateCollectionRequest request = new UpdateCollectionRequest { Changes = new[] { idoItem } };
   // pass the UpdateCollectionRequest as the request data
   string contentStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( request );
   // send the post request
   HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync( requestUrl.ToString(), new StringContent( contentStr, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json" ) ).Result;
   using ( HttpContent content = response.Content )
      Task<string> result = content.ReadAsStringAsync();
      json = result.Result;

Example 3 - Delete using UpdateCollection

This example code deletes the user with the given _ItemID property value.

string json = string.Empty;
using ( var client = new HttpClient() )
   string ido = "UserNames";
   string requestUrl = $"http://server/IDORequestService/ido/update/{ido}?refresh=true";
   // provide token in the Authorization header
      "b/XdI6IQzCviZOGJ0E+002DoKUFOPmVDkwpQDbQj…==" );
   IDOUpdateItem idoItem = new IDOUpdateItem
      Action = UpdateAction.Delete,
      ItemId = "PBT=[UserNames] UserNames.DT=[2019-05-03 13:24:07.080] UserNames.ID=[dd896b24-e1dd-47df-ad4f-f0378243c202]"
   UpdateCollectionRequest request = new UpdateCollectionRequest { Changes = new[] { idoItem } };
   // pass the UpdateCollectionRequest as the request data
   string contentStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( request );
   // send the post request
   HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync( requestUrl.ToString(), new StringContent( contentStr, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json" ) ).Result;
   using ( HttpContent content = response.Content )
      Task<string> result = content.ReadAsStringAsync();
      json = result.Result;

You can use these classes to construct the Request Data as demonstrated in the previous code snippets:

public class UpdateCollectionRequest
   public IDOUpdateItem[] Changes { get; set; }
   public bool RefreshAfterSave { get; set; }
   public string CustomInsert { get; set; }
   public string CustomUpdate { get; set; }
   public string CustomDelete { get; set; }
public class IDOUpdateItem
   public UpdateAction Action { get; set; }
   public string ItemId { get; set; }
   public int ItemNo { get; set; }
   public UpdateProperty[] Properties { get; set; }
   public UpdateLocking UpdateLocking { get; set; }
public class UpdateProperty
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public string Value { get; set; }
   public string OriginalValue { get; set; }
   public bool Modified { get; set; }
   public bool IsNull { get; set; }
public enum UpdateAction
   Insert = 1,
   Update = 2,
   Delete = 4
public enum UpdateLocking
   Row = 0,
   Property = 1