
Use Invoke to call IDO methods, not including the custom load methods. Invoke requests are constructed using the InvokeRequestData IDO protocol class.


These properties are available on the InvokeRequestData class:

Property Data Type Description
IDOName System.String Identifies the IDO used to execute the request
MethodName System.String Identifies the IDO method to be executed
Parameters Mongoose.IDO.Protocol.InvokeParameterList Specifies a collection that contains instances of the InvokeParameter class corresponding to the IDO method parameters

Invoke example 1

To execute an Invoke request, first construct an instance of the InvokeRequestData class, and pass it to the Invoke method on the IIDOCommands interface.

InvokeRequestData request = new InvokeRequestData(); 
InvokeResponseData response; 

request.IDOName = "UserNames"; 
request.MethodName = "UserValidSp"; 
request.Parameters.Add( "ajones" ); 
// user name, input 
request.Parameters.Add( IDONull.Value ); 
// user ID, output 
request.Parameters.Add( IDONull.Value ); 
// description, output 
request.Parameters.Add( IDONull.Value ); 
// infobar, output 

response = this.Context.Commands.Invoke( request ); 

if ( response.IsReturnValueStdError() ) 
   // get infobar output parameter 
   string errorMsg = null; 
   errorMsg = response.Parameters[3].Value; 
   int userID = 0; 
   string desc = null; 

   userID = response.Parameters[1].GetValue<int>(); 
   if ( !response.Parameters[2].IsNull ) 
      desc = response.Parameters[2].Value; 

Invoke example 2

In many cases it is more convenient to call the overloaded version of the Invoke method that accepts parameters for the IDOName, MethodName, and method parameters InvokeRequestData properties.

InvokeResponseData response; 

response = this.Context.Commands.Invoke( 
IDONull.Value ); 

if ( response.IsReturnValueStdError() ) 
   // get infobar output parameter 
   string errorMsg = ""; 
   errorMsg = response.Parameters[3].Value; 
   int userID = 0; 
   string desc; 
   userID = response.Parameters[1].GetValue<int>(); 
   if ( !response.Parameters[2].IsNull ) 
      desc = response.Parameters[2].Value; 