Design Time user preferences options in the Windows client

Design Time settings control aspects of how forms look and behave when you are in Design Mode. You need these only if you are actively involved in creating or modifying forms in the system.

The Design Time user preferences options in the Windows client are organized into multiple sections.

General options

This table shows the available general Design Time user preferences options in the Windows client:

Option Description/Comments/Procedures
Show Rulers and Guidelines When selected, horizontal and vertical rulers are displayed on the top and the left side of the form, when in Design Mode.

When you select a component, blue lines are drawn from the upper-left corner of the component, to the rulers.

When the top or the left edge of a selected component is aligned with another component, a red dashed line is displayed.

Show Hidden Components When selected, hidden components on a form are displayed when in Design Mode. When cleared, components remain hidden.
Enforce Strict Locking of Forms and Global Objects
Note: This option applies only to users with Site Developer or Vendor Developer editing permissions.

When this option is selected, these changes take place:

  • The LockedBy field is set to your user ID for any forms or global objects you create.

    This prevents anyone else from making changes until you check the form or object in.

  • You receive a warning if you try to open a form or global object that someone else has checked out.
  • You cannot save a form or global object that someone else has checked out.

We recommend that you select this option in any environment where there are multiple developers designing and modifying forms.

Guidelines Specify the width and height values, in pixels, that you want to use for the design guidelines in the grid in Design Mode; that is, the distance between the vertical (Width) and horizontal (Height) lines that are used to display the design grid.

Script Editor options

This table shows the available Script Editor Design Time user preferences options in the Windows client:

Option Description/Comments/Procedures
WinStudio To develop scripts using the built-in script editor of the application, select this option.

The built-in script editor features keyword highlighting, code completion list, compilation error reporting, among others. If you prefer interactive debugging or the Visual Studio IDE as editor, then select one of the other options.

Visual Studio 2017 To develop scripts using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 installed on your computer, select this option.
Note: Infor neither provides nor installs Visual Studio 2017 as part of its software. You can select this option only if you already have Visual Studio 2017 Professional or Enterprise installed on the same computer that you are using to develop scripts.
Visual Studio 2019 To develop scripts using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 installed on your computer, select this option.
Note: Infor neither provides nor installs Visual Studio 2019 as part of its software. You can select this option only if you already have Visual Studio 2019 Professional or Enterprise installed on the same computer that you are using to develop scripts.

Visual Studio options

This table shows the available Visual Studio Options Design Time user preferences options in the Windows client:

Option Description/Comments/Procedures
Visual Studio Modeless This option is applicable only if you select Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2019 to develop scripts.

In most cases, you must leave this option selected. This minimizes the Edit Script in Visual Studio dialog box and makes it modeless. As soon as you click Save in the Visual Studio IDE, the changes to your script are copied to the Windows client cache and marked as modified. In addition, you can exit Design Mode and still access the Visual Studio instance from Runtime mode.

To enable the modal interface and enforce modal dialog access to Visual Studio, clear this check box. In this case, you can only edit scripts while you are in Design Mode.