
The InvokeIDOMethod API returns a list of properties and their attributes from an IDO collection.


Name In Required? Description
ido Path Yes This is the name of the IDO collection.
method Query Yes This is the name of the IDO method.


Name Description
Authorization If the API is called directly, then the Mongoose security token is obtained through a call to the GetSecurityToken API.

If the API is called through the ION API, then a valid OAuth2.0 bearer token is provided by the ION API.

X-Infor-MongooseConfig This is the name of a configuration that is available on the application server. This is required only when using the Mongoose API through the ION API.

Request data


Response data

   "Message": null,
   "Success": true,
   "Parameters": [
   "ReturnValue": "0"


This example code determines the user attributes of user sa using the IDO method GetUserAttributes.

string json = string.Empty;
using ( HttpClient client = new HttpClient() )
   string ido = "UserNames";
   string method = "GetUserAttributes";
   string requestUrl = $"http://server/IDORequestService/ido/invoke/{ido}?method={method}";
   // provide token in the Authorization header
      "b/XdI6IQzCviZOGJ0E+002DoKUFOPmVDkwpQDbQj…==" );
   string[] parameters = new[] { "sa", "", "", "", "" };
   // pass the array of parameters as the request data
   string contentStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( parameters );
   // send the post request
   HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync( requestUrl.ToString(), new StringContent( contentStr, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json" ) ).Result;
   using ( HttpContent content = response.Content )
      Task<string> result = content.ReadAsStringAsync();
      json = result.Result;