OAuth 1.0a Zero-Legged authentication

OAuth 1.0a authentication is a signature that is computed using a consumer key and a matching consumer secret, along with the details of the request.

For the Mongoose REST API, the OAuth 1.0 with HMAC-SHA1 algorithm is used when the REST API is being called through the ION API.

This authentication scheme uses these headers to create a Mongoose session using the workstation logon mechanism:

Header Description
X-Infor-Identity2 This is a unique, immutable user identifier within a tenant. It is provided by the ION API.
X-Infor-MongooseConfig This is the Mongoose configuration name, as provided by the user.

These properties must be configured in the IDO Request Service’s web.config:

Property name Property value
enableRestWorkstationLogon True
restOAuthConsumerKey Consumer key provided by ION API
restOAuthConsumerSecret Consumer secret provided by ION API