LoadCollection method

To perform a LoadCollection action by invoking a custom load IDO method called remotely, at a specific target site, and return result data sets, use the LoadCollection method.

The return value type of this method is Mongoose.IDO.Protocol.LoadCollectionResponseData.

You can use this method only if the replication interval type is Transactional. If you attempt to use a Delayed Replication interval type, the system throws an error.

Note: This method follows the same process to invoke the remote method as the Invoke method that is using the Transactional replication interval type.

Parameters required by this method

To be used correctly, these are the parameters that this method requires:

Parameter Data Type Description
Target Site System.String This is the name of the site where the IDO method is to be called.
Request Mongoose.IDO.Protocol.LoadCollectionRequestData

Properties required to be provided with value:

  • PropertyList: Mongoose.IDO.Protocol.PropertyList
  • IDOName: System.String
  • CustomLoadMethod:
    • Name: System.String
    • Parameters: Mongoose.IDO.Protocol.InvokeParameterList
This is the request for the data to be returned from the custom load method being invoked for a specific IDO:
  • PropertyList: This list contains the properties that the custom load method is expected to use to designate the data being retrieved.
  • IDOName: This is the name of the IDO on the target site where the remote IDO method resides.
  • CustomLoadMethod: This is the name of the custom load method to be invoked, along with its parameters to be passed to the custom load method in an InvokeParameterList.

This example instantiates the classes required to retrieve data from a remote method LoadCollection request and then returns a data result set:

var targetSite = "CA";
var arg1 = "New_";

//Instantiate a LoadCollectionRequestData class;
var request = new LoadCollectionRequestData();

//Instantiate a PropertyList class and
//add the properties mapped with the result set of the custom load method.
var propList = new PropertyList();
propList.Add( "Name" );
propList.Add( "Description" );

//Specify the IDO name.
request.IDOName = "Products";

//Specify the PropertyList created
request.PropertyList = propList;

//Instantiate an InvokeParameterList class and
//add the arguments to be passed in the custom load method's parameters.
var paramList = new InvokeParameterList();
paramList.Add( arg1 );

//Provide the custom load method name and the InvokeParameterList.
request.CustomLoadMethod = new CustomLoadMethod() { Name = "GetProductInfo", Parameters = paramList };

//Call the custom load method into the specified target site and
//return a LoadCollectionResponseData which contains the result set returned by the custom load method.
var response = RemoteMethod.LoadCollection( targetSite, request );