Configuring Field Service settings
The Item Number for Labor Time and Travel Time is required.
- On the M3 Mobility Core Toolbox, select System configuration > Field Service settings.
- Select a division from the Available divisions list and click the right arrow to add the division in the Selected division list.
- Select the newly-added division from the Selected division list.
In the General settings of the selected division, select
Time reporting
params tab and specify this information:
Note: All field service settings in Time reporting params are required.
- Item number - Labour time
- Search for the item number that is used for labor time reporting.
- Item name - Labour time
- This field displays the corresponding item name of the selected item number.
- Item number - Travel time
- Search for the item number that is used for travel time reporting.
- Item name - Travel time
- This field displays the corresponding item name of the selected item number.
Select Sync
point - status tab and set the mobility status as sync point if
you want to send out transactions automatically for that status.
- Available statuses
- Arrived at depot
- Arrived on site
- Finished
- Operation started
- Stopped/Pending
- Travel back started
- Travel back stopped
- Travel started
- Travel stopped
- Selected statuses
- By default, the required sync points are preselected and cannot
be removed. If you select a sync point from the Available
statuses column, the sync point is added on this
- Accepted
- Cancellation notification
- Completed
- Declined
- Reset
- Stopped/Interruption
- To be reallocated
In Select Sync point -
status, select Finished
to set as sync point.
Note: You are required to set Finished status as a sync point.
Select Sync point -
transactions tab to configure the sync points for service line
- Material line with line type 0
- Select this option to send out material line with issue method = 1 and line type 0 transactions to the Mobility Core for immediate processing.
- Misc. cost lines for approval
- Select this option to send out miscellaneous cost lines for approval transactions to the Mobility Core for immediate processing.
- Time reports (travel and/or labor)
- Select this option to send out travel or labor time report transactions to the Mobility Core for immediate processing.
By default, these sync points are preselected:- Material line with line type 1 - PO
- Select this option to send out purchase orders of material line with line type 1 transactions to the Mobility Core for immediate processing.
- Material line with line type 2 - PO
- Select this option to send out purchase orders of material line with line type 2 transactions to the Mobility Core for immediate processing.
- Material line with line type 3 - DO
- Select this option to send out direct orders of material line with line type 3 transactions to the Mobility Core for immediate processing.
Select Client base data
loading tab to configure the settings for client base
- Customer list filtered by division
- Select this option to limit accounts that are loaded to the mobile application. Loaded accounts are accounts with the same division as the mobile user.
- Customer list filtered by facility
- Select this option to limit accounts that are loaded to the mobile application. Loaded accounts are accounts with the same facility as the mobile user.
- Select the Operating reporting params tab to set the available status options in the app.
In the Mobility status options for
technicians section, select any of these options:
- Start Travel
- Select this option to enable the technician to report the Travel started mobility status.
- Arrive on Site
- Select this option to enable the technician to report the Arrived on site mobility status. This option requires you to set Start Travel as enabled.
- Start/Stop Travel
- Select this option to enable the technician to report the Travel stopped mobility status.
- Reallocate Work
- Select this option to enable the technician to reassign the service work order operations to another technician and report the work order operations as Reallocated mobility status.
- Defer Work
- Select this option to enable the Stopped/Run disturbance mobility status.
- Start Travel Back/Arrived at depot
- Select this option to enable the technician to report the Travel back started and Arrived back mobility statuses.
- Start/Stop Travel Back/Arrived at depot
- Select this option to enable the technician to report the Travel back stopped mobility status. This option requires you to enable Start Travel back.
In the Reporting process for
technicians section, select any of these options:
- Scan asset tag is mandatory
- Select this option to require the technician to scan or manually input the asset tag of the equipment or serial number manufacturer prior to start of work.
- Reporting of travel time to site is required
- Select to this option to require the technician to change to Travel started/Travel stopped or Travel started/ Arrived on site mobility statuses. No other options are provided to the technician other than the travel related statuses. This option requires you to set Allow report travel time to site as enabled.
- Reporting of travel back time to depot is required
- Select this option to require the technician to change to Travel back started/Travel back stopped or Travel back started/Arrived back mobility statuses. No other options are provided to the technician other than the travel back related statuses. This option requires you to set Allow report travel time return to base as enabled.
- Require technician to sign off work
- Select this option to require the technician to sign off prior to changing the status to Completed.
- Require customer to sign off work done by technician
- Select this option to require the customer to sign off prior to changing the status to Completed.
- Hide date picker on mobility status change
- Select this option to hide the date and time picker after a status change.
- Disable print prompt for Service report after WO completion
- Select this option to disable the dialog prompt that triggers the print job for the service error report upon completion of work.
In the Time reporting
section, select any of these options:
- Allow other tech report travel time
- Select this option to enable other technician to report travel time.
- Allow other tech report labor time
- Select this option to enable other technician to report labor time.
- Use hour for time reporting
- Select this option to enable technicians to report labor or time transactions in quantity and disable the reporting of date and time.
- Use start/stop for time reporting
- Select this option to allow technicians to report labor or time transactions by setting the start date and time and stop date and time.
- Auto report time based on mobility status change
Select this option so that technicians can automatically report based on mobility status change.Note: When the technician enables Auto report time based on mobility status change disables Hide date picker on Mobility Status Change parameter. While disabling Use start/stop for time reporting disables the Auto report time based on mobility status change parameter.
- Labor charge code
- Select a labor charge code from the list. The selected labor charge code is used for time entries that are created automatically.
- Labor costing type
- Select a labor costing type from the list. The selected labor costing type is used for time entries that are created automatically.
- Travel charge code
- Select a travel charge code from the list. The selected travel charge code is used for time entries that are created automatically.
- Travel costing type
- Select a travel costing type from the list. The selected travel costing type is used for time entries that are created automatically.
- Stop technician to report time when the runtime is 0
- Select this option to stop the technician from reporting time transactions when the operation has zero run time. When you enable this setting, Auto report time based on mobility status change setting is disabled.
- In the Misc cost reporting section, select Allow reporting of misc. cost incurred by other technicians option. This option enable technicians to report miscellaneous cost for other technicians.
Select Warehouse list
settings tab and select to enable any of these options:
- Allow technician to view their facility’s main warehouse
- Select this option to use the facility main warehouse.
- Allow technician to view other van warehouses
- Select this option to use the service center technicians warehouse.
- Allow technician to view all warehouses in their facility
- Select this option to use all warehouses. This field is required to display all warehouses.
For Facility settings
tab, select a consolidated facility from the list.
This setting creates a new work order or work request for a service offered in the specified facility.
For Service history settings tab, select the number of
jobs for service history.
The Service history settings allows the user to specify the number of service history records displayed in the application.
In the Dispatch WO Settings tab, enable Allow
allocated tech to have Write/Append rights on account check box.
If this setting is enabled, the technician automatically has read, write, and
append access to the account whenever a work order is dispatched.
If a reallocation of work order takes place, the previous technician retains the read, write, and append access to the account and the new technician is also granted with a read, write, and append access.Note: The Field Service settings only work when the Application Type is set as CLM+EQM+Field Service or Field Service only.
For Safety checks tab, select an inspection skill from
the Available inspection skills list and click the right
arrow to the add the skill in the Selected inspection
skills list. Select and enable any of these options:
- Reporting of safety inspection is mandatory
- Select this option to require the technician to report the safety inspection tasks before the start of work.
- Log safety check event
- Select this option to log reported safety inspection tasks.
- Report safety inspection again when one task failed
- Select this option to require the technician to report safety inspection tasks again when one or more reported tasks are not the expected value.
Note: When Report safety inspection again when one task failed option is enabled, reporting of safety inspection is required prior to start of work. -
For As built update settings tab, select the default
value to be displayed in the client app for Default Trans Type for
install and Default Trans Type for
For reporting of meters prior to component removal or installation, select and enable any of these options:
- Enable meter reporting
- Select this option to enable meter reporting prior to both install and removal transaction.
- Mandatory meter reporting before install
- Select this option to set the reporting of meters prior to install component as required.
- Mandatory meter reporting before removal
- Select this option to set the reporting of meters prior to removal of component as required.
- Component selection during install
- Select a report type from the component selection during
install list. These are the available options:
- 0 - Connected components in position: Select this option to list the components connected to the position.
- 1 - From material lines list: Select this option to list the category 7 material lines of the work order.
- 2 - Combination of 0 and 1: Select this option to list the category 7 material lines of the work order that is defined as a component to the selected position.
- Click Save.