Operation details tab
All tabs are displayed and these tabs are no longer dependent on the mobility status of the operation.
This table shows the tabs, the information that is displayed, and their triggers:
Tab |
Description |
Details |
Additional operation information about the work, the equipment, the customer, and the location. |
Materials |
Displays the list of materials used or issued to the technician against a work order operation either from the service definition, manually added lines in M3, or new material lines reported in the application. Further processing like confirming the quantities or deleting the line are provided as option to the user. |
Misc Costs |
Displays the list of expenses reported in the application as miscellaneous cost items such as meals, hotel, or gas expenses incurred in relation to the performance of the operation. Further processing like confirming the quantities or deleting the lines are provided as an option to the user. |
Inspection Tasks |
Displays a list of inspection tasks or checklist items that are predefined as operation element type 5 against a work order operation. This report needs to be filed prior to work finished. This allows the technician to report each of the inspection lines. An inspection is also considered a safety check when an M3 parameter of Inspection Skill (INSK) is defined. You need to fill these checks prior to Start Work. See Reporting inspection tasks through line details screen or Reporting inspection tasks through inline editing. See how to configure the checklists in Infor Mobility for Field Service Administration Guide. |
Time Reports |
Displays the list of reported travel or labor time rendered against a work order operation expressed as number of hours or time period (start and stop). |
Meter Readings |
Displays the list of operational meters of the serialized item that can be updated. It displays the last meter reading that serves as a reference for the new meter reading. See Reporting meter reading through line details screen or Reporting meter reading through inline editing. |
As Built Meter Readings | Reports the meter readings of different components of an As Built
equipment. An As Built equipment can have 1 to 4 installed components
and can operate one at a time or all at the same time. The As Built
Meter Readings tab in on premise only shows the top main equipment
because As Built Meters reporting or SystemLevelReporting (SYLR)
parameter is only available through MFS Cloud Edition. See Reporting As Built meter reading through line details screen or Reporting As Built meter reading through inline editing. |
Service Report |
The Field Service Technician is provided with a form that summarizes the task performed which includes information about the error symptom, cause of error, and actions performed. A section is also provided to specify the service repair notes. The service report is filed against the work order operation and always considered as the main service report. |
Event Logs |
Displays the list of activities performed through the mobility status updates reported by the Field Service Technician allocated to the work order operation. |