Configuring ION API

Note: If you are done setting up Single Sign-On for M3 Customer Lifecycle Management, you can skip this procedure.
  1. Log in to Infor Ming.le.
  2. Click ION API.
  3. On the available APIs, click (+) Add New API Suite.
  4. Specify these information:
    Suite Type
    Specify Infor Non-Provisioned.
    Application Name
    Specify Infor M3_CLM.
    Select All Versions.
    Suite Name
    Specify M3 CLM.
    API Context
    Specify CLM.
    Use HTTPS
    Select this option to use HTTPS..
    Ignore Certificate Errors
    Select this option to ignore certificate errors.
    Host Name
    Specify the M3 Mobility Core <host>.
    Specify the M3 Mobility Core <default router port>.
    Keep this field blank.
    Authentication Type
    Select Basic.
    User ID and Password
    Specify the service user credentials in this format: <domain>\<username>.

    The service user must have an Application Admin user role configured in IFS.

  5. Click Save.