To complete the support for scanning item alias in all M3WM functions


To complete the support for scanning item alias in all M3WM functions.


There is a need to be able to scan item alias in all functions where there is an item input field.


Support for scanning alias number is enhanced to make the behavior consistent when searching for item alias and displaying the results.

The alias list screen, which displays multiple record matches, is revised and a new parameter to configure its columns is added.

New parameter:

All/Parameter to configure column sizing/order/selection of the Alias list screen.


  • Stock Mover (STMV) and Warehouse Mover (WHMV) modules have Item field with search button where item number is the only input allowed to be scanned.

  • Some alias parameters under All scope only apply to certain modules. Refer to the parameter help text for more information.

Net Change ID 6687