Transfer sales budget to item forecast

You can use this procedure to transfer budget values from a sales budget to forecasts per item for a selected warehouse in the Forecasting module and in the master demand schedule.

Before you start

  • A dataset is defined and activated in 'Dataset. Open' (OSS401). See Datasets.
  • A sales budget version is defined and activated for the dataset in 'Sales Budget. Open' (OSS420). See Create Sales Budget Version.
  • Key field Item number (UCITNO), Family item (FJBUIT), or Planning entity (NDCCIT) is included as part of the key for the selected dataset.
  • A transferable dataset accumulator is defined in the dataset and contains budget values. See Sales Budgeting.

Follow these steps

  1. Select 'Manual Forecast. Update for Sales Budget' (FCS425).

  2. Specify the dataset, budget version, field, transaction type, and period from/to for the sales budget to transfer.

  3. Specify the warehouse for which the budget values have to be created. If planning entity (NDCCIT) is used as key in the dataset, warehouse may be left blank indicating that all warehouses have to be transferred and updated.

  4. To update the master demand schedule, specify a master demand schedule version.

  5. In the 'Cumulative' field, specify whether the values from the sales budget must be added to or replace existing values in the forecast system.

  6. Press Enter to start the transfer.