Create Location in Warehouse

This document explains how to create a location that usually corresponds to a shelf in a stock zone.


A location connected to a stock zone and a warehouse is set up. This location has parameters that among other things define the following:

  • whether or not the location may contain several balance identities.
  • whether or not orders should be allocated individually or all at once.
  • whether a container can be embraced by the location.
  • whether and how to compile statistics for it.

The location is used for further specification in handling different types of orders and helps determine how to handle items and lots stored at a location inside a warehouse.

Locations are stored in the MITPCE table.

Before you start

  • A company must have been created in 'Company. Open' (MNS095).
  • A division must have been created in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100).
  • A facility must have been created in 'Facility. Open' (CRS008).
  • A warehouse must have been created in 'Warehouse. Open' (MMS005).
  • A stock zone must have been created in 'Stock Zone. Open' (MMS040).
  • A location type must have been created in 'Location Type. Open' (MMS035).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Stock Location. Open'(MMS010).

  2. The sorting order in (MMS010) is used to show the sequence in which locations are retrieved according to the scenarios described in this table:

    Preferred Buffer Locations Specified in (MMS011)

    Stock Zone Specified on (MMS002/G)

    Sorting order













    The stock zone always acts as a filter (if defined).

    The sequence in which location types are searched can be defined in 'Item. Connect Location Type' (MMS057).

  3. On panels E and F, specify the required information and optional information that are useful for this location.

  4. End the setting of this location by pressing Enter.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MMS010/B) Sorting order

…Sorting order controls what information should be presented. The following sorting orders exist:

1 = Location, Name stock zone, Multi-storage location, Occupied location, Picking priority.

2 = Stock zone, Location type, Number of balance identities, Multi-storage location, Distribution identity, ABC-frequency, Transport flow, Location, Picking priority.

3 = Location Group, Location, Name, Stock Zone, Multiple balance ID flag, Number of balance IDs.

4 = Location Type, Number of Balance IDs, Multi-Storage location flag, Distribution Identity, ABC Code, Transport Flow, Location, Location Group.

5 = Location Group, Stock Zone, Location Type, Number of Balance IDs, Multi-Storage location flag, Distribution Identity, ABC Code, Transport Flow, Location

6 = Location Group, Location Type, Number of Balance IDs, Multi-Storage location flag, Distribution Identity, ABC Code, Transport Flow, Location

(MMS010/E) Customer number

…a certain customer connected to a specific location, according to the setup in 'Allocation Control Selection Table. Open' (MMS124).

This is used for example if you manufacture items with special features for a customer. Then, you can reserve this location for storage of items allocated only to this customer.

(MMS010/E) Location type ...a group of locations that have the same characteristics. This grouping can be used when trying to find an empty location that is the right size. A location type is created in 'Stock Location Type. Open' (MMS035). Mandatory information.
(MMS010/E) Location group

…a location group and is used in the preferred location group table. This table is used during system-directed put-away to find locations close to the picking location defined in the Location field on the (MMS002/G) panel.

When system-directed put-away is searching for locations, it first looks for free locations belonging to location groups defined for the picking locations in 'Stock Location. Connect Location Groups' (MMS011). This is done in the sequence specified in (MMS011).

(MMS010/E) Location check

…the location check code, which is used to verify that the correct location has been used by the person picking or putting away stock. You enter a location check code for a location in (MMS010).

Whenever a check code exists for a location, it must be entered in the panels where it is implemented on 'Picking List. Report' (MWS420/A) and 'Picking List. Report Lines' (MWS422/E).

When confirming a put-away on 'Pending Put-Away. Process' (MWS460/A), you read the location check code from the place you put the stock and enter the code on the panel together with the put-away number. M3 then checks that the location check code entered is the correct one.

(MMS010/E) Status proposal

...the location's default status, which is proposed when an item is placed in the location. The valid alternatives are:

1 = Under inspection

2 = Approved

3 = Rejected

This status will connect to the balance identity at this location and is displayed in 'Balance Identity. Open Toolbox' (MWS068). The status can be reclassified for a unique balance identity in 'Balance Identity. Reclassify' (MMS130).

(MMS010/E) Multi-storage location

...whether the location may contain several balance identities. A balance identity is a compilation of information containing item ID or lot number, its quantity and location. The valid alternatives are:

Note: Alternative 2 and 3 are implemented in Java 12.4 SP11:

0 = No. Only one balance identity is permitted at the location. An occupied location can not be reused unless the stock being put there is the same item, lot, and container.

1 = Yes. Several balance identities may be stored at the location. There are no restrictions on the reuse of the location.

2 = Yes, different containers in the same location provided they are the same item and lot.

3 = Yes, different lot and/or container provided the item number is the same.

Note that all put-aways are still subject to checks on weight, volume, and fill rate, regardless of the value of this flag.

(MMS010/E) Allocatable

...whether the balance identities created for the respective location should be allocatable. (This field is related to the previous field, Status proposal. If the status proposal code is set to 1, this parameter is probably set to No. That is, you cannot allocate balance identities that are under inspection). The valid alternatives are:



When creating new balance identities, in connection with receipts from stock, this code is obtained from the location for which the receipt is made. If there are any exceptions, the allocation code may be changed in 'Balance Identity. Open Toolbox'. (MWS068).

(MMS010/E) Delay ...the hours that may elapse before the location is marked as available after issue reporting has been performed and the on-hand balance is zero. The function is normally used when an issue is reported before the actual issue is made from the location.

This functionality only applies to locations with multi-storage set to '0'

(MMS010/E) Single allocation

...if locations can only be allocated to one order at a time. In that case, other reservations will remain unallocated until the single allocation is processed. The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes, a balance identity at this location can only be allocated to one order at a time.

(MMS010/E) Automatic deletion

...whether a balance identity is to be deleted automatically when the on-hand balance and allocated quantity equal zero. The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

The code is specified per location and is copied to the balance ID when it is created. The code does not apply for items stored in a single location without batch numbers. For these, only one balance ID should exist per warehouse/item combination.

(MMS010/E) Automatic deletion delay

…the number of days a balance identity is to remain in the system before being automatically deleted. (This is valid only when the previous field 'Automatic deletion' is set to Yes). By defining days of delay, you decrease the risk of incorrect information on on-hand balance reported by the system and the real on-hand balance.

Automatic deletion can only occur if the on-hand balance and allocated quantity are equal to zero.

If you do not want the location identity to be deleted, this should be marked in the location file for the locations, which are included in the balance identity.

(MMS010/E) Exclude location

...if this location should be excluded from system directed put away. For example, this location should never be used in the search logic for system directed put away

Valid alternatives are:

0 = No, do not exclude this location for system directed put away. Use this location.

1 = Yes, exclude this location for system directed put away

If this location should be used in the search logic, enter 0 here.

See Basic Settings for System-Directed Put-Away

(MMS010/E) Container management

...whether container management is used for the current location. The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

(MMS010/E) Auto-adjust negative on-hand balance

...whether an inventory adjustment should be created automatically when reporting material issue is greater than on-hand balance (OHB) for lot-controlled item in'Manufact Order. Report Issue' (PMS060).

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No, adjusting negative on-hand balance is not allowed.

1 = Yes, auto adjusting negative on-hand balance to zero is allowed.

The field is active only in M3 Manufacturing.

The adjustment is managed by the autojob MMS855. It creates a physical inventory transaction record (TTYP 90) in 'Stock Transaction. Display History' (MWS070) to cover for the negative on-hand balance at the manufacturing order (MO) issue.


- Autojob MMS855 must be running.

- 'Partner' and 'Message Type' in 'Settings - Manufacturing Orders' (CRS785) must be selected.

- The material requires to have an item setup lot control method set to 3 on 'Item. Open' (MMS001/E), sublot controlled set to 0 on (MMS001/F) and active/catch weight set to 0 on (MMS001/G). Furthermore, the issue method of the material must be set to a value between 2 and 6 on (PMS101/E).

(MMS010/F) Warehouse equipment

...a specific piece of warehouse equipment. This is used when special equipment is required for in-house movements of certain items, or to/from certain locations.

Warehouse equipment can be set for each item/warehouse 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002/G) and location (MMS010/F). Of the two, the item/warehouse has the highest priority.

When the special equipment is required for an issue, separate picking lists are created in M3 for different pieces of warehouse equipment.

(MMS010/F) Editing position 1

…the location ID position on which the first editing character should be printed for receipt and issue documents.

The field is only active in M3 purchasing.

(MMS010/F) Editing character 1

…the character that is to be printed in the location ID's editing position 1 on receipt and issue documents. This is used to help you to find the locations included in the document.

The field is only activated in the purchase module.

(MMS010/F) Editing position 2

...the location ID position on which the second editing character should be printed for receipt and issue documents.

The field is only active in M3 purchasing.

(MMS010/F) Editing character 2

…the character that is to be printed in the location ID's editing position 2 on receipt and issue documents. This is used to help you to find the locations included in the document.

The field is only activated in the purchase module.

(MMS010/F) Transportation flow …how to code coordinates, with the purpose of minimizing the transportation time during put-away and picking. The transportation flow is entered for each location and is used to override the location ID.
(MMS010/F) ABC class frequency

...the location's ABC class according to international ABC classification standards. The actual definition for each class, A to Z, is set in 'ABC Class. Open' (CRS015).

This parameter is used to match locations and items with the same ABC class according to sales volume logic. The matching of the item/warehouse ABC class frequency with the location ABC class frequency is considered when locations are suggested through System-directed Put-away.

A has the highest frequency.

Frequency is the frequency percent used top divide the items in A-, B-, C-groups etc.

The ABC value for a lot or item is calculated and printed in 'ABC Classification Frequency. Print' (MMS675).

(MMS010/F) Distribution identity

…where to find locations that are unoccupied during put-away, under the condition that the stock zone to which the location belongs utilizes distribution.

This field influences the sequence of the search for available locations during system directed put-away. It can be used for example to:

- enable distribution of an item to several aisles in a warehouse. This is done in order to minimize effect of, for example, a broken forklift that can only operate in one aisle.

- cause preferred buffer locations to be chosen only when all unassigned reserve locations are full. This helps ensure that preferred buffer locations are used for the intended items unless shortage of free locations forces their unplanned usage.

The field can also be used to ensure preferred buffer locations get filled last except when filled as the preferred buffer. For example, if you have a four pallet high rack, the first level (ground level) locations are picking locations, second are buffer locations for the picking locations, and the third and fourth level are for general reserve stock. When two pallets are received, the first should go into the preferred buffer for the items main location, and the second should go into general reserve, NOT into another locations preferred buffer. i.e., the second pallet should go into the third or fourth level, not the second level. To achieve this, locations on the third and fourth level could have distribution code 01, and those on the second

(MMS010/F) Transaction statistics

…if and how statistics for stock transactions on this location should be created and presented in a statistic log to be reviewed in 'Location Statistics. Display' (MMS012). Valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes, annually

2 = Yes, for each period