Analysis and Repair Functions for Meter Readings
This document describes the recalculation and simulation functionality in 'Model/Site Individual. Open Op History' (MOS270), 'Serialized Item. Display Install History' (MOS266), and 'Equipment/Ser Item. Open Meter Reading' (MMS241) that can be used to correct corrupt meter readings on:
- An operational unit
- Installed components
- Installation history records
- Removal history records
- Service history records
Faulty meter readings can be caused by various actions and scenarios such as mistakes made when specifying readings in 'Equipment. Report Meter Reading' (MOS160) or 'Operational Log. Open' (FLS001), system issues, or power outage.
This document also explains how to insert a new record in (MOS270) before or in between records created using the standard meter reporting functionality. This can be used when an OEM sends out a service letter with an action that should start x hours from a certain date. It can also be used when you need a meter reading for a removal or installation that has occurred while a vehicle is on a lease period.
Erroneous or corrupt meter readings for the operational unit and its installed components are recalculated and updated.
If the errors also occurred in installation, removal or service history, the meter readings are corrected and recalculated along with all related values.
Before you start
Erroneous or corrupt meter readings have been found for the operational unit or its installed components.
Meter reading corrections applied in these ways do not impact MCO or rental meter based invoices. If applicable, they must be corrected manually.
Follow these steps to recalculate a new meter value
Follow these steps if one of these prerequisites are fulfilled:
- A mismatch has occurred between 'Cumulative' in (FLS001) and 'new meter value - after transaction' in 'Model/Site Individual. Open Op Cycle Readings' (MOS271).
- A record has been specified as faulty in (MOS270). In this case a recalculation function exists to remove the mismatch and realign the values.
Select F15='Recalculate' at the operational unit level in (MOS270), to display a pop-up selection window where you can specify a start date and time to indicate when the meter readings were accurate. This can range from the previous week to several years in the past.
If required, restrict the recalculation to only include a specific operation cycle type, such as 'F' records from flightlog or 'C' records for correction. This is useful if only certain types should be recalculated and the corrections deleted or cleared.
Select a specific meter if required. If left blank the meters from 'Item. Open' (MMS001/J) are recalculated in addition to all meters that are calculated based on those. If other meters should be recalculated, they must be manually specified individually.
Starting from the record before the specified start date and time, all reported meter values in (MOS271) are then added to the last correct new meter value and updates each later record for 'New meter value' in (MOS271).
The result is a correct total on the last record in (MOS271) which then updates 'Since new' in 'Equipment/Ser Item. Open Meter Reading' (MMS241).
Follow these steps to simulate and update meter readings
Follow these steps if a mismatch has occurred between the database meter values and the correct values. In this case, simulation and update of the applicable tables in M3 Business Engine (M3 BE) is required.
Use sorting order 6 in 'Serialized Item. Display Install History' (MOS266) and F15='Simulate values'.
The sorting order includes fields from (MMS241) in the header and several columns in the list view to display the simulation results.
When using F15, the system searches for a start value for the component in 'Equipment. Update History' (MOS290).
If not found, the component is assumed to be new and the start value is 0.
These actions are then performed:
- The 'Sim' columns are populated with the start value, starting from the first installation.
- A search is made in (MOS271) for the operational unit and these
actions are performed, going through each installation record:
- The meter readings at the installation date and time are returned.
- The meter values for the operational unit at the removal date and time are returned.
- The duration for the operational unit is calculated and added to the component value at installation, resulting in the meter value at removal for the component.
If the simulated values are correct, select F17='Update' to update the 'Serialized Item. Display reading Ins/Rem' (MOS267) values at install and, if applicable, removal.
If the component remains as installed, that is, no removal record after the last install exists, the 'At inst op unit' and 'At inst comp' fields in (MMS241) are updated as the final step.
Follow these steps to change a faulty meter value on a single time reporting transaction
Note that several options are available to correct this, depending on the reporting method used, whether later transactions are reported, and the report type used.
Follow these steps if a faulty meter value was specified during normal reporting of meters, or if a value has become corrupt:
If a faulty meter reading is reported, you can use related option 11='Correction' in (MOS271) or MOS160MI, transaction CorrMeterRead, to update the faulty value. The steps then differ depending on the report type (For calculated meters, you can use related option 12='Correct calculated meter' or MOS160MI CorrCalcMeter.):
If report type 0 (new total) is used, the 'New mtr value' field is editable. Note that only those records up to the next report date and time are updated as the next report may be correct.
All calculated meters are also updated based on the changed meter if applicable. For example, hours multiplied by 2, if hours are updated.
If report type 1 (latest usage) is used on the meter, the 'Mtr value cycle' field is editable.
The 'New meter value' is updated for this record, all later records in (MOS270) and (MOS271), and finally the current 'Since new' value in (MMS241) for the operational unit.
All calculated meters are also updated based on the changed meter if applicable. For example, hours multiplied by 2, if hours are updated.
As there may be installations, removals, and services performed based on the faulty meter reading, function program (MOS928) is used to correct it. This updates (MOS267) for installations and removals and also updates (MOS180) and (MMS242) for the service history records of the operational unit and all installed components affected.
Correcting a faulty meter value for an installed component in (MMS241)
If a faulty meter value exists in (MMS241) for the 'At inst comp' or 'At inst op unit' field, you can edit it using related option 15='Correction' (For calculated meters, you can use related option 16='Correct calculated meter'.).
Security needs to be set on this option.
The E-signature functionality in M3 BE is available in (MMS241) to be able to trace corrections. Setup for this is required in 'E-signature. Open' (SES410). Use F14='Generate data' to retrieve (MMS241) to the list. Activate the e-signature functionality with status 20 and define that it is only needed on the first panel.
Use related option 11='E-signature Object' in 'E-Signature Object. Open' (SES411) to define which fields should trigger the E-signature.
Use related option 11='Signatory' in 'E-Signature Object. Connect Signatory' (SES415) to define who is authorized to sign for this correction.
When activated, the standard E-signature functionality is used for the related option 15='Correction'. You must sign for the correction and history records are saved.
Exception workflow
The preferred option is for faulty reporting to be corrected immediately using related option 11='Correction' in (MOS271). If meter readings and the new total is corrupt it is important that the repair functions are used in the correct sequence, which is:
Select F15='Recalculate' in (MOS270) and specify the start date and time to indicate when the meter readings were accurate.
Select F15='Simulation' in (MOS266) to simulate the meter readings for each component.
Select F17='Update' in (MOS266) to use the simulated values to update the values at installation or removal, or both.
The 'Reset approval' and 'Approval' in (MOS180) can then be performed based on the corrected meter values. This updates (MOS180) and (MMS242).
Add a historical record in (MOS270)
Sometimes an OEM issues service letters that define that a certain job should be done x hours from a specified date. If this date is before the first record in (MOS270), the system cannot calculate the next due values correctly.
Another use case is that a vehicle is on a longer lease, but the meters are not updated continuously. If a removal or installation is done in between two records in (MOS270), you can specify a record for that date, to ensure that the removal or installation transaction is correct.
The API transaction AddHistoryMeter in MOS290MI can be used for this.
In the AddHistoryMeter transaction meter readings can be added before the first existing record in (MOS270) or in between two existing records. If no records exist in (MOS270) a stop message is displayed with information to use the default MOS290MI transaction Add instead, or (MOS160) or (FLS001). The reason for this is that the new transaction is not updating anything else than (MOS270) or (MOS271). The current meter readings in (MMS241) are not updated.
There are verifications to make sure added meter readings on a certain date and time are reasonable, meaning that the value lies in between the meter readings in the previous and the subsequent transaction in (MOS270) or (MOS271).
Records that are added using this new transaction are marked with MOS290MI in the 'Changed by' field in (MOS270) or (MOS271). This is used to identify this kind of transaction, to allow the DltHistoryMeter transaction to run if the record was specified incorrectly. This is also used to stop the possibility to correct it using (MOS271) functionality and MOS160MI transaction CorrectMeterRead.
When using other meter reporting functions, calculated meters are automatically updated. When using the AddHistoryMeter transaction, you must update the calculated meters manually.