Define a Maintenance Agreement Header for a Customer-specific Agreement
This document explains how you define the agreement header for a customer specific agreement. The agreement header contains information that controls all jobs covered by the agreement.
Use this instruction when you want an agreement that is unique for one customer and specifies what jobs you perform and how these are priced.
An agreement header with common values is defined for a specific customer. The agreement header contains information that controls all jobs that are linked to the agreement. The information about the agreement header is stored in the file (ACUAGH).
Use the agreement header when you want to add agreement lines containing the different service jobs that are covered by the agreement.
Before you start
- Meet all starting conditions listed in Defining new Maintenance Agreements and Adjusting Existing Agreements.
- Define a customer in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).
- If the scope of the agreement will be checked against an object, connect the object in 'Maint Agrmt. Connect Objects' (COS412).
- If the scope of the agreement will be checked against a model individual, connect the model individual to the agreement in 'Maint Agrmt. Connect Model Individual' (COS413).
- Define the operation plan versions in 'Settings – Maintenance Customer Orders' (COS895) if the agreement will handle meter-based invoicing.
Follow these steps
- Start 'Maintenance Agreement. Open' (COS410/A).
- Specify a panel sequence.
The instruction is based on panel sequence EFGH. You may also select an optional text panel. If you do so, add T to the panel sequence.
- On the A panel, specify the agreement number and the predefined
agreement type for a customer-unique agreement. Select New to proceed to the E panel.
An agreement number may consist of up to ten letters or numbers.
- On the E panel, specify the agreement status and the dates when the
agreement should be valid.
Preliminary agreements have status 10, definite agreements have status 20, and expired agreements have status 90.
- Specify a payer, if other than the customer, references, and delay fines if applicable.
- Verify that the material currency and the agreement currency of the exchange rate type for these are correct.
- Specify a facility and a warehouse. Press Enter to display the F panel.
- On the F panel, specify if a check should be made at maintenance
customer order entry to ensure that the agreement is valid for specific objects or serial
numbers. Also specify whether a check should be made against a specific model individual.
- Specify whether the agreement should include serial number administration, if a maintenance program should be used, and if the agreement requires that the maintenance supplier checks of the maintenance object or any of its components is covered by a warranty.
- Specify which rules should apply for how serialized items are returned to the customer when maintenance has been performed.
- Specify for which maintenance customer order type the agreement is
valid, the invoice specification layout to be used, and a monitoring list (optional).
Where periodic invoicing is the required method of invoicing, an order type with
category 25 must be specified as a periodic invoice order type.
The MCO type specified on the agreement will default to MCOs that use this agreement.
- Specify a price list, if applicable, the maximum repair cost as a percentage, and a service price list (optional). Specify the operation plan versions to be used for agreement, meter based, invoicing. Press Enter to display the G panel.
- On the G panel, specify the material price origin sequence, the general
handling charge, and the material charge method.
If material handling charge method 0='General material handling charge' is selected, the general charge is used.
If material handling charge method 1='Handling charge per item group' is selected, a charge table must be defined for the item group in 'Maint Agrmt. Connect Handl ChgItem Grp' (COS415).
If material handling charge 2='Handling charge per price range' is selected a charge table must be defined in 'Maint Agrmt. Connect Handl ChgPr Intvl' (COS409).
- Specify the material exchange charge, the priority markup, and subcontract charge (optional fields). Press Enter to display the H panel.
- On the H panel, specify the language to use when external documents are printed, the delivery method, and the delivery terms.
- Specify terms for freight, packaging, and payment. Press Enter to Finish.
Parameters to set
Parameters to set for (COS410/E):
Program ID/Panel | Field | The field indicates … |
(COS410/E) | Payer | … the person or business responsible for paying invoices that are generated as a result of work being performed against the agreement. In 'Customer. Open' (CRS610), the payer is specified when an invoice should be sent somewhere other than to the customer placing the order. There is also functionality in 'Maint Agrmt. Connect Warehouse Priority' (COS417) to connect several payers; for instance, if the invoice should be split between two different payers. |
(COS410/E) | Statistical customer | … an identity of a statistical customer. A statistical customer can be used to generate and view statistical information for several agreements, agreement types or customers. |
(COS410/E) | Statistical agreement | … an identity of a statistical agreement that can be used to view statistics for several agreements together. |
(COS410/E) | Project | … an identity that can be used to group statistical information for several agreements. |
(COS410/E) | Project element | … the project elements to be connected. These are optional and can be used for follow-up, such as accounting. |
Parameters to set for (COS410/F):
Program ID/Panel | Field | The field indicates … |
(COS410/F) | Check agreement object | … whether a check should be made during order entry to ensure that the agreement is valid for the object and eventual serial numbers. If this function is activated, the objects that are covered by the agreement must be registered in 'Maintenance Agreement. Connect Objects' (COS412). |
(COS410/F) | Check agreement model individual | … whether a check should be made during order entry to ensure
that the agreement is valid for the model individual. Model individuals to be
covered by the agreement must be registered in 'Maintenance Agreement. Connect Model Individual' (COS413). This
setting should be selected on agreements used for meter based invoicing. Objects
should also be connected to such agreements in (COS412). Note: When this check box is selected, the installed
components in the as-built structure, as defined in 'As-Built Structure. Open' (MOS256), will also be covered by the
agreement, unless they have a separate agreement defined in 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240).
(COS410/F) | Serial number administration | … how checks are performed during installations and removals.
The valid alternatives are: 0 = No checks 1 = Technical record only 2 = Full control If you select alternative 0, there will be no checks when you perform installations and removals. This will allow you to work with an object even if you do not know the structure. If you select alternative 2, full configuration control will be activated. This means that you must know the configuration of an object in order to work with installations and removals. |
(COS410/F) | Modification | ...whether the agreement includes modification services or
not. The valid alternatives are: 0 = No 1 = Yes, propose engineering orders and planned services 2 = Yes, propose engineering orders classified as mandatory class 2 (required by authority). If alternative 1 or 2 is selected, MCO lines will be generated automatically if the serialized item is affected by engineering orders. |
(COS410/F) | R/I upd inv spc | Select the check box if a removal or installation should update the invoice specification in Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec (COS170). |
(COS410/F) | Serial number return code | … how an object may be returned to the customer. The valid
alternatives are: 0 = Not defined. 1 = A different serial number part can be returned as long as it belongs to the same customer. 2 = Exchange situation. Serial numbered part can be returned regardless of ownership. 3 = Exchange not permitted. Serial numbered part must be returned as received. |
(COS410/F) | Operation plan version | … the operation plan version that is used for initial
invoicing. If the operation plan version in this field is the same as the version selected for actual values in (COS895), actual usage recorded in (MOS275) will be used for invoicing if no values have been manually specified in the operation plan version used for actual values. No reconciliation invoicing is needed with this set up. If the operation plan for planned usage is selected here, planned values will be initially invoiced, and the difference between planned usage must be invoiced. |
(COS410/F) | Operation plan actual | … the operation plan that is used for actual usage. |
(COS410/F) | Discrepancy operation plan | … the operation plan that is used to record the difference between planned usage and actual usage. |
Parameters to set for (COS410/G):
Program ID/Panel | Field | The field indicates … |
(COS410/G) | Price origin sequence | the price for invoice lines is retrieved and in what
sequence. Alternatives: 1 = Price in item file 2 = Price list retrieved from selection table M = Price according to material pricing method W = Price from warranty 8 = Price according to charge for the core and its condition. S = Serial number-based pricing C = Calculation Example: If price origin sequence is 21M it will first check if there is a price in the item file (MMS001/H) sales price, if no price is found it continues to check the price list retrieved from the price list selection table. If no price is found, it continues to check for prices according to the material pricing method on the left side on panel (COS410/G). Price origin S follows the serial number-based pricing in 'Serial Number Based Pricing. Open' (MMS250). Price origin C utilizes a sales costing model from 'Sales Costing Model. Open' (OIS022), which is set up with different calculation bases and operators. For instance, a sales costing model can use calculation base 3 (item cost according to its inventory accounting method) and a % markup. For an item to be calculated, the parameter 'Calculate price for line type 0/1/2' must be activated for it on (MMS003/F). |
(COS410/G) | Price origin sequence miscellaneous | ... how the price for miscellaneous items is retrieved and in
what sequence. Alternatives: 1 = Sales price in an item master 2 = Price list retrieved from a selection table 3 = Price from an agreement miscellaneous price list 4 = Component price from a work order line M = Price according to a material pricing method and agreement contents W = Price from a warranty The field indicates how the price for miscellaneous items is retrieved and in what sequence. Once a price is found, the search stops. Value M: If the material price method = 0 (no material price method is used), only a check of agreement contents is performed. |
(COS410/G) | Cost origin sequence miscellaneous | ... how the cost for miscellaneous items is retrieved and in
what sequence. Alternatives: 1 = Purchase price in an item master 3 = WIP debit from an agreement miscellaneous price list 4 = Component price from a work order line The field indicates how the cost for miscellaneous items is retrieved and in what sequence. Once a cost is found, the search stops. |
(COS410/G) | Price list table | ... a joint ID for the sales prices of several items. Using
price list tables lets you process several sales price lists for customer orders for
each item. The price list table is defined in (OIS012). Connected to the price list table there is a user defined object control table that defines a matrix how to select the appropriate price list. |
(COS410/G) | Maximum repair cost | … the maximum repair cost percentage. The percentage is used
to generate a maximum material cost based on the price of a new item (according to
material price method) when specifying maintenance order lines in (COS101). Example: If you wish to define the maximum repair cost as 60% of the cost of a new item, specify 60 in this field. |
(COS410/G) | Material price method | ...where the price is retrieved from when the material price
is calculated and the price origin sequence is M. Alternatives: 1 = Supplier/item purchase price from 'Supplier. Connect Item' (PPS040 or, if no such price is found, the purchase price from 'Item. Open' (MMS001/H) 2 = Sales price list (according to price list specified in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open Line' (COS101) 3 = Purchase agreement price (Purchase Agreement. Open (PPS100)) or, if no purchase agreement price is found, last invoice price in 'Supplier. Connect Item' (PPS040) 4 = Average price ('Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003/E)) or cost price ((MMS003/E)) 5 = Highest price of the above alternatives. If you select alternative 5, the highest price of the alternatives (1 to 4) is used. |
(COS410/G) | Price list | ...the price list used in alternative 2 in Material price method. A number of price lists that can be used for material pricing. M3 will retrieve the material from the first price list in which the material is defined if material pricing. |
(COS410/G) | Service Price list | ...the price list used for service performed |
(COS410/G) | Discount model | It is possible to set a discount model for the material that is sold or used for the MCO. The discount models are set up in (OIS008) and are used within customer order too. |
(COS410/G) | Used mtrl discount | for used material. The discount model above has higher priority. |
(COS410/G) | Priority markup | … the extra markup to be charged to priority 1 orders. The
markup is added to the time reported. If you want to add a 10 percent markup, you should specify 10 in this field. |
(COS410/G) | Split material charges | … how material charges are split when there are multiple payers. These are the alternatives: 0 = Customer 1 = Split according to split percentage If 0 is selected, all charges go to the customer. If 1 is
selected, the charges are split between the different payers in 'Maint
CO. Connect Payers' (COS117) according to the set percentages. Note
that when warranty applies, the percentages displayed in (COS117) do not reflect
actual split values. Note: The charge model is always retrieved from the customer
on the MCO header.
Parameters to set for (COS410/H):
Program ID/Panel | Field | The field indicates … |
(COS410/H) | Delivery method | ... how the delivery is made. Valid values are defined in 'Delivery Method. Open' (CRS070). This value is defaulted to Maintenance customer order. |
(COS410/H) | Delivery terms | … the delivery terms, which determine when responsibility is transferred from the supplier to the customer. |
(COS410/H) | Payment terms | … the terms of payment that apply for the order. |
(COS410/H) | Packaging terms | …the terms regarding packaging. The packaging terms are defined in 'Packaging Term. Open' (CRS125). |
(COS410/H) | Freight terms | ...the freight terms which apply for the delivered goods. |