Corporate Accounting and Reporting FAS - Selling Equipment

Activating Corporate Accounting and Reporting for Fixed Assets with integration with equipment

You must enable corporate accounting and reporting for fixed assets in the division where the integration to equipment is used.

See Managing corporate accounting and reporting and Activating Corporate Accounting and Reporting in Fixed Assets .

Registration of equipment as a fixed asset

When corporate accounting and reporting for fixed assets is used with integration with equipment, the voucher series connected to the book of accounts that are used in the FAM functions AP10 (Manual entry of supplier invoices) and CA02 (Create internal account entries) must be 0 – Common.

The prefix of the fixed asset transaction number is set to AP10 if the fixed asset is activated through invoice matching. Otherwise, the prefix of the fixed asset transaction number is set to CA02, and the voucher number is created from 'Internal Account Entry. Create' (CAS950).

Refurbishment of Equipment

When corporate accounting and reporting for fixed assets is used with integration with equipment, the voucher series connected to the book of account used in the FAM function CA02 (Create internal account entries) must be 0 – Common.

The fixed asset value per period transaction number is created with the prefix CA02 upon completion of the work order, and an internal accounting entry is created.

Selling equipment registered as a fixed asset

When corporate accounting and reporting for fixed assets is used with integration with equipment, you must define fixed asset disposal (FA40) for all the accounting ledgers used in ‘Corporate Accounting. Specify Co Nbr Ser’ (GLS085) before the equipment is sold.

With these settings, when the equipment is sold, transactions with a specific depreciation type are created according to the accounting ledger to which the depreciation type is connected.

The revenue-specific transaction is also written in the fixed asset value per period table (FFAHIS) and is denoted according to its origin.

For example, an equipment registered as a fixed asset is connected to four (4) depreciation types. These depreciation types are connected to the 4 accounting ledgers: 1-local, 2- Corporate, 3-Additional 1, and 4-Additional 2.

This table shows the disposal transactions created upon the delivery of the equipment:
FA transaction Period Ser Vouch no Name Vtp Name Rcd Voucher type
FA400000050 202401 P41 10010011 FA40L1 12 10-YTD 0 1
FA400000050 202401 P41 10010011 FA40L1 19 Adj Local 0 1
FA400000050 202401 P41 10010011 FA40L1 17 10-Scrap 0 1
FA400000050 202410 P42 40020011 FA40C1 22 20-YTD 0 2
FA400000050 202410 P42 40020011 FA40C1 29 Adj Corp 0 2
FA400000050 202410 P42 40020011 FA40C1 27 20-Scrap 0 2
FA400000050 202401 P43 40030011 FA40A1 32 30-YTD 0 3
FA400000050 202401 P43 40030011 FA40A1 39 Adj Addl 1 0 3
FA400000050 202401 P43 40030011 FA40A1 37 30-Scrap 0 3
FA400000050 202408 P44 40040011 FA40A2 42 40-YTD 0 4
FA400000050 202408 P44 40040011 FA40A2 49 Adj Addl 2 0 4
FA400000050 202408 P44 40040011 FA40A2 47 40-Scrap 0 4
FA400000050 202401 P40 40010023 FA40 10 Tot Acquisition 0 0

Sales through rental agreement

This table shows the created revenue voucher and the updated fixed asset value per period upon invoice of the service order:
FA transaction Period Ser Vouch no Name Vtp Name Rcd Voucher type
SO200000050 202402 2 10013986 SO-INV 80 Sales 0 0

Sales through customer order line

This table shows the created revenue voucher and the updated fixed asset value per period table upon invoice of the customer order:
FA transaction Period Ser Vouch no Name Vtp Name Rcd Voucher type
OI200000050 202401 P20 20010001 OI20 50 Sales 0 0

Sales through distribution order

This table shows the created revenue voucher in the selling division and the updated fixed asset value per period table upon the creation of the internal invoice:
FA transaction Period Ser Vouch no Name Vtp Name Rcd Voucher type
MF010000050 202401 600 601017 INTDD 50 Sales 0 0

Functional flow

Corporate Accounting and Reporting FAS Functional Flow