Accounting Rules for AR - Accounts Receivable

AR05: Payment document entry

When applied

Account entries are created when a customer check or draft is recorded using 'Payment Document. Enter' (ARS105).


See Record Customer Check or Draft in the Payment Document Master.

Accounting rules for AR05: Payment document entry

This table shows the accounting rules for payment document entry:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR05-100 C Account receivable control account The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger. Only used if alternative 2 is selected in the 'AR transactions at check entry' field for the detail record under FAM function AR05 in 'FAM Function. Open Details' (CRS406).
AR05-370 D Drafts accepted Only used if remittance method 0 (Remittance method not used) is selected for the payment type in 'Payment Type. Open' (CRS078).
AR05-371 C Checks not allocated Represents the account for checks that are not yet allocated to their respective invoices. Only used if alternative 1 is selected in the 'AR transactions at check entry' for the detail record under FAM function AR05 in (CRS406).
AR05-372 C Check not cashed Represents the account for checks that will be remitted to the bank to be cashed (collected). Only used if the remittance method 1 (Checks are remitted to bank) is selected for the payment type in (CRS078).

AR10: Customer invoices

When applied

Account entries are created when a customer invoice record, for example, a customer balance, is created manually in 'Customer Invoice. Enter' (ARS100).


See Enter Customer Invoice.

Accounting rules for AR10: Customer invoices

This table shows the accounting rules for customer invoices:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR10-100 D Accounts receivable The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger.
AR10-111 C VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared for the VAT code in 'VAT Code. Open'(CRS030).
AR10-112 C VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR10-113 C Suspense account for VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR10-114 C Suspense account for VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR10-211 D VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100) it represents the General Sales Tax (GST) or the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). For details, see Canadian Sales Tax in M3.
AR10-212 D VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in (APS100) it represents the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or Quebec Sales Tax (QST). If the PST is self-assessed by the company, an offsetting PST credit transaction is created based on accounting rule AP10-217.
AR10-213 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR10-214 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR10-280 Rounding-off

AR20: Manually entered invoice

When applied

Account entries are created when a customer invoice is created and printed in 'Customer Invoice. Enter Manual' (ARS120).


See Create Customer Invoice Manually.

See Manually Create Corrective Invoice in AR.

Accounting rules for AR20: Manually entered invoice

This table shows the accounting rules for manually entered invoice:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR20-100 D Accounts receivable The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger.
AR20-111 C VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared for the VAT code in 'VAT Code. Open'(CRS030).
AR20-112 C VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR20-113 C Suspense account for VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR20-114 C Suspense account for VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR20-122 Revenue account for corrected invoice line Represents the reversed invoice line that is created with corrective method 1 when you create a corrective invoice in 'Customer Invoice. Enter Manual' (ARS120). The corrective method is defined for the FAM function detail record.
AR20-190 Rounding-off Represents the difference between the total of the invoice lines and the invoice total, rounded off according to the rounding-off rule selected in 'Currency. Connect Rounding-off Rules' (CRS053).
AR20-211 D VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100) it represents the General Sales Tax (GST) or the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). For details, see Canadian Sales Tax in M3.
AR20-212 D VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in (APS100) it represents the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or Quebec Sales Tax (QST). If the PST is self-assessed by the company, an offsetting PST credit transaction is created based on accounting rule AP10-217.
AR20-213 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR20-214 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).

AR30: Manual payments

When applied

Account entries are created when a customer payment is recorded manually in 'Payment Received. Record' (ARS110).


See Recording Customer Payments.

See Allocating Customer Payments to Invoice.

Accounting rules for AR30: Manual payments

This table shows the accounting rules for manual payments:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR30-100 C Accounts receivable The creditor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger. Only used when selecting option 'On account' or 'Debit notes' in (ARS110/F). Otherwise the account is retrieved from the invoice record that is offset.
AR30-111 C VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared for the VAT code in 'VAT Code. Open'(CRS030).
AR30-112 C VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR30-113 C Suspense account for VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR30-114 C Suspense account for VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR30-125 D Unpaid advances Debited when a project advance is paid. See PO20-125 (Unpaid advances).
AR30-126 C Paid advances Credited when a project advance is paid. See PO20-126 (Paid advances).
AR30-185 Accepted payment difference Represents the difference between the invoiced and actual paid amount that is accepted and written off automatically, as defined in 'Payment Tolerance. Open' (ARS098).
AR30-195 D Drafts/checks not remitted Represents the account to use for payment documents pending remittance to bank for collection. Only used when the payment belongs to payment class 2 (Check with direct allocation to invoice) and 4 (Draft). For drafts this account must be an accounts receivable account, and for checks a non-accounts receivable account. Which account to use is managed by exceptions defined in (CRS396).
AR30-211 D VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100) it represents the General Sales Tax (GST) or the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). For details, see Canadian Sales Tax in M3.
AR30-212 D VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in (APS100) it represents the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or Quebec Sales Tax (QST). If the PST is self-assessed by the company, an offsetting PST credit transaction is created based on accounting rule AP10-217.
AR30-213 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR30-214 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR30-301 C Realized exchange rate gain The capital gain that arises when invoices that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.
AR30-302 D Realized exchange rate loss The capital loss that arises when invoices that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.
AR30-310 C Cash discount granted

Represents the cash discount that is deducted automatically when a payment is recorded within the cash discount limits.

You can use the equal sign in all accounting dimensions in this accounting rule. When you specify =, the corresponding accounting ID in the accounting string of the invoice is retrieved instead of a fixed accounting identity.

If there are split accounting lines from costs or revenues in the original invoice, then the net cash discount amount is also split proportionally to the posted amounts in the invoice.

AR30-390 D Claim on other division - centrally made payments Represents the clearing account when payments are received in one division, but refer to invoices belonging to another division.
AR30-395 C Debt to other division - centrally made payments Represents the clearing account when payments are received in one division, but refer to invoices belonging to another division.

AR40: Automatic payments

When applied

Account entries are created when electronically transferred receipt orders update accounts receivable in 'Batch Payment. Update' (ARS040).


See Recording Customer Payments via Electronically Transferred Receipt Orders.

Accounting rules for AR40: Automatic payments

This tables shows the accounting rules for automatic payments:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR40-100 C Accounts receivable The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger.
AR40-111 C VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared for the VAT code in 'VAT Code. Open'(CRS030).
AR40-112 C VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR40-113 C Suspense account for VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR40-114 C Suspense account for VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR40-125 D Unpaid advances Represents the debit account entry when a project advance is paid. See accounting rule PO20-125.
AR40-126 C Paid advances Represents the credit account entry when a project advance is paid.
AR40-185 Accepted payment difference Represents the difference between the invoiced and actual paid amount that is accepted and written off automatically, as defined in 'Payment Tolerance. Open' (ARS098).
AR40-211 D VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100) it represents the General Sales Tax (GST) or the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). For details, see Canadian Sales Tax in M3.
AR40-212 D VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in (APS100) it represents the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or Quebec Sales Tax (QST). If the PST is self-assessed by the company, an offsetting PST credit transaction is created based on accounting rule AP10-217.
AR40-213 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR40-214 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR40-301 C Realized exchange rate gain The capital gain that arises when invoices that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.
AR40-302 D Realized exchange rate loss The capital loss that arises when invoices that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.
AR40-310 D Cash discount granted

Represents the cash discount that is deducted automatically when a payment is recorded within the cash discount limits.

You can use the equal sign in all accounting dimensions in this accounting rule. When you specify =, the corresponding accounting ID in the accounting string of the invoice is retrieved instead of a fixed accounting identity.

If there are split accounting lines from costs or revenues in the original invoice, then the net cash discount amount is also split proportionally to the posted amounts in the invoice.

AR40-350 Adjustment, balance account, cash/AR/AP Replaced by AR40-185.
AR40-380 D Bank fees Represents any fees charged by the bank for processing the payment.
AR30-390 D Claim on other division - centrally made payments Represents the clearing account when payments are received in one division, but refer to invoices belonging to another division.

AR45: Payment reminder charge

When applied

Account entries are created when payment reminders are created in 'Payment Reminder. Open' (ARS650), provided that the 'Create transactions' check box is selected in 'Payment Reminder Rule. Open' (CRS465).


See Creating Written Payment Reminder for Past Due Customer Invoices in (ARS150).

Accounting rules for AR45: Payment reminder charge

This table shows the accounting rules for payment reminder charge:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR45-100 D Accounts receivable The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger.
AR45-190 Rounding-off
AR45-335 C Reminder charge The administrative reminder fee that is printed on the payment reminder and charged to the customer. The size of the reminder fee is determined by the payment reminder rule selected for the payment reminder proposal.

AR50: Interest invoicing

When applied

Account entries are created when interest invoices are created in 'Interest Invoice. Open' (ARS660).


See Invoicing interest for late customer payments in (ARS660).

See Interest invoicing in (ARS660).

Accounting rules for AR50: Interest invoicing

This table shows the accounting rules for interest invoicing:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR50-100 D Accounts receivable The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger.
AR50-111 C VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared for the VAT code in 'VAT Code. Open'(CRS030).
AR50-112 C VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR50-113 C Suspense account for VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR50-114 C Suspense account for VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR50-190 Rounding-off Represents the difference between the total of the invoice lines and the invoice total, rounded off according to the rounding-off rule selected in 'Currency. Connect Rounding-off Rules' (CRS053).
AR50-320 C Interest revenue Represents the calculated and charged penalty interest, based on the interest invoicing rule selected for the customer in (CRS610/K).
AR50-330 C Revenue - invoice charge Represents the calculated and debited invoice charge, based on the interest invoicing rule selected for the customer in (CRS610/K).

AR60: Group invoicing

When applied

Account entries are created when group invoices are created in 'Customer Invoice. Group' (ARS190).


See Creating Group Invoices in Accounts Receivable.

Accounting rules for AR60: Group invoicing

This table shows the accounting rules for group invoicing:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR60-100 D Accounts receivable The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger.
AR60-195 D Drafts not remitted Used as the debit account when the normal accounts receivable account is credited. The account for this accounting rule must be defined as an accounts receivable account in 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630).
AR60-301 C Realized exchange rate gain The capital gain that arises when invoices that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.
AR60-302 D Realized exchange rate loss The capital loss that arises when invoices that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.

AR65: Invoice split in accounts receivable

When applied

Account entries are created when a customer invoice is split by using the option 'Invoice split' in 'Accounts Receivable. Display' (ARS200).


See Work with Recorded Customer Invoices.

Accounting rules for AR65: Invoice split in accounts receivable

This table shows the accounting rules for invoice split in accounts receivable:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR65-100 D Accounts receivable

The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger.

You can use the equals sign in all accounting dimensions in this accounting rule. By entering =, the corresponding accounting ID in the accounting string of the invoice is retrieved instead of a fixed accounting identity.

AR65-190 Rounding-off Represents the difference between the total of the invoice lines and the invoice total, rounded off according to the rounding-off rule selected in 'Currency. Connect Rounding-off Rules' (CRS053).
AR65-195 D Drafts not remitted Used as the debit account when the normal accounts receivable account is credited. The account for this accounting rule must be defined as an accounts receivable account in 'Accounting Identity. Open' (CRS630).

AR70: Allowance for doubtful debts

When Applied

Account entries are created when allowances for doubtful debts are created in 'Doubtful Account. Crate Allowances' (ARS130).


See Managing Allowance for Doubtful Debts.

Accounting Rules for AR70: Allowance for doubtful debts

Rule D/C Name Description
AR70-360 C Allowance for doubtful debts (balance sheet) Used as the balance account for allowances made. The account must be registered as a balance account in (CRS630).
AR70-361 D Allowance for doubtful debts (profit and loss statement) Represents the account for allowances made in the profit and loss statement. The account must be registered as a profit and loss account in (CRS630).
AR70-362 C Reverted allowance for doubtful debts Used for reverting previously made allowances for payments that have been received at a future run of allowances in (ARS130). The account must be registered as a profit and loss account in (CRS630).

AR72: Drafts without Acceptance

When applied

Account entries are created when you approve a proposal for creating account entries for drafts without acceptance in 'Draft without Acceptance. Open Payment' (ARS370), provided that alternative 0 = 'Not accepted' is selected in the 'Acceptance code' field for the payment method used in 'AR Payment Method. Open' (CRS076).


See Update the Financial System with Account Entries for Drafts without Acceptance.

See Draft Management in M3.

Accounting rules for AR72: Drafts without acceptance

This table shows the accounting rules for drafts without acceptance:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR72-100 C Accounts receivable
AR72-195 D Drafts not remitted Represents the account on which drafts are booked until remitted to bank for collection.
AR72-301 C Realized exchange rate gain The capital gain that arises after drafts that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.
AR72-302 D Realized exchange rate loss The capital loss that arises after drafts that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.

AR75: Bank remittance

When applied

Account entries are created when a bank remittance is created in 'Bank Remittance. Open' (ARS300).


See Remitting Customer Checks or Drafts to Bank for Collection.

See Remitting Customer Invoices for Direct Debiting or Factoring.

Accounting rules for AR75: Bank remittance

This table shows the accounting rules for bank remittance:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR75-111 C VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared for the VAT code in 'VAT Code. Open'(CRS030).
AR75-112 C VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR75-113 C Suspense account for VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR75-114 C Suspense account for VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR75-192 C Factoring charge

Represents the factoring charge for remitting invoices to a factoring company.

It is only used for invoices with a payment method belonging to payment class 6 (Factoring). The charge is based on the factoring charge specified either as a percentage or a fixed amount for the payment method in (CRS078).

AR75-193 D Direct debiting remitted Represents the account for invoices remitted to be paid by direct debiting, that is, invoices with a payment method belonging to payment class 5.
AR75-194 D Factoring remitted Represents the account for invoices remitted to a factoring company, that is, invoices with a payment method belonging to payment class 6.
AR75-196 D Drafts remitted for collection Represents the debit account entry per invoice when credit account entries are created based on accounting rules AR30-195 or AR60-195.
AR75-197 D Drafts remitted to be discounted (before the due date) Represents the debit account entry per invoice offsetting the account entry based on accounting rule AR30-195, the accounts receivable account for drafts not remitted.
AR75-198 D Drafts remitted for collection, summarized As AR75-196, but used when the 'One bank transaction' check box is selected for the bank remittance in 'Bank Remittance. Open' (ARS300/E). Only one bank transaction is then created per bank remittance instead of per invoice.
AR75-199 D Drafts remitted to be discounted (before the due date), summarized As AR75-197, but used when the 'One bank transaction' check box is selected for the bank remittance in 'Bank Remittance. Open' (ARS300/E). Only one bank transaction is then created per bank remittance instead of per invoice.
AR75-211 D VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100) it represents the General Sales Tax (GST) or the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). For details, see Canadian Sales Tax in M3.
AR75-212 D VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in (APS100) it represents the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or Quebec Sales Tax (QST). If the PST is self-assessed by the company, an offsetting PST credit transaction is created based on accounting rule AP10-217.
AR75-213 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR75-214 D Suspense account for VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR75-310 Cash discount granted Used for the cash discount that is automatically deducted when recording a payment within the cash discount limits.

You can use the equal sign in all accounting dimensions in this accounting rule. When you specify =, the corresponding accounting ID in the accounting string of the invoice is retrieved instead of a fixed accounting identity.

If there are split accounting lines from costs or revenues in the original invoice, then the net cash discount is also split proportionally to the posted amounts in the invoice.

AR80: Bank reconciliation

When applied

Account entries are created when a bank remittance is reconciled based on a bank statement in 'Bank Remittance. Reconcile Payment' (ARS350) and 'Bank Remitt. Reconcile Payt per Due Date' (ARS355).


See Reconcile Collected Draft or Definite Postdated Check and Record Bank Deductions.

See Reconciling Customer Payments through Direct Debiting and Factoring.

See Checks with due date in Accounts Receivable.

Accounting rules for AR80: Bank reconciliation

Rule D/C Name Description
AR80-191 Drafts remitted Represents the general ledger account for drafts remitted to bank.
AR80-211 D VAT receivable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in 'Supplier Invoice. Record' (APS100) it represents the General Sales Tax (GST) or the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). For details, see Canadian Sales Tax in M3.
AR80-212 D VAT receivable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030). When used to record Canadian sales tax on purchases in (APS100) it represents the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or Quebec Sales Tax (QST). If the PST is self-assessed by the company, an offsetting PST credit transaction is created based on accounting rule AP10-217.
AR80-301 C Realized exchange rate gain The capital gain that arises after drafts that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.
AR80-302 D Realized exchange rate loss The capital loss that arises after drafts that are specified in a foreign currency are settled using a different exchange rate.

AR85: Rejected checks or drafts

When applied

Account entries are created when customer checks or drafts are reported as not honored by the bank in 'Drafts/Check. Open Unpaid or Rejected' (ARS340).


See Report Customer Check or Draft Rejected by Bank.

See Managing Direct Debiting in Accounts Receivable.

Accounting rules for AR85: Rejected checks or drafts

This table shows the accounting rules for rejected checks or drafts:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR85-372 D Checks not cashed Represents the offsetting account string to the bank account when the check is not honored.
AR85-373 Customer unpaid Represents the customer claim when a check or draft is reported as not honored by the bank, provided that alternative 3 is selected in the 'Processing check/draft rejected by bank' for FAM function AR85. A new customer invoice is then created with transaction code 10 with the payment document number used as the new invoice number. The account must be registered as an accounts receivable account in (CRS630).

AR90: Doubtful invoices

When applied

Account entries are created when doubtful invoices are moved from one account in General Ledger to another in 'Customer Invoice. Process Doubtful' (ARS360).

Accounting rules for AR90: Doubtful invoices

Rule D/C Name Description
AR90-100 C Accounts receivable

Represents the accounts receivable account to use when reversing an already made allowance for doubtful debts in (ARS360).

You can use the equals sign in all accounting dimensions in this accounting rule. By entering =, the corresponding accounting ID in the accounting string of the invoice is retrieved instead of a fixed accounting identity.

If there are split accounting lines from costs or revenues in the original invoice, the net cash discount amount is also split proportionally to the posted amounts in the invoice.

AR90-109 D Doubtful accounts

Represents the debtor's new control account on which the invoice is automatically booked when moved to doubtful invoices in the General Ledger. The account entry is credited when a payment is later received for a reposted invoice.

You can use the equals sign in all accounting dimensions in this accounting rule. By entering =, the corresponding accounting ID in the accounting string of the invoice is retrieved instead of a fixed accounting identity.

If there are split accounting lines from costs or revenues in the original invoice, the net cash discount amount is also split proportionally to the posted amounts in the invoice.

AR91: Third currency adjustment AR

When applied

Account entries are created when 'Ex rt mgmt 3rd' is set to 1 or 2 in 'Settings - General Ledger' (CRS750) and when adjustments in the third currency are required.

Accounting rules for AR91: Third currency adjustments AR

This table shows the accounting rules for third currency adjustment AR:
Rule D/C Name Description
AR91-304 C Realized exchange rate gains - third currency Represents the capital gain that arises when invoices that are specified in a foreign currency, not equal to the third currency, are settled using a different third exchange rate.
AR91-305 D Realized exchange rate loss - third currency Represents the capital loss that arises when invoices that are specified in a foreign currency, not equal to the third currency, are settled using a different third exchange rate.

AR95: Payment plan

When applied

Account entries are created when invoices are generated from a payment plan in 'Customer Invoice. Create fr Payment Plan' (ARS380).


See Create Customer Invoices Based on Payment Plan.

Accounting rules for AR95: Payment plan

This table shows the accounting rules for payment plan:

Rule D/C Name Description
AR95-100 D Accounts receivable The debtor's control account on which the invoice is automatically booked in the General Ledger.
AR95-111 C VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared for the VAT code in 'VAT Code. Open'(CRS030).
AR95-112 C VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is left cleared in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR95-113 C Suspense account for VAT payable 1 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' check box is selected in (CRS030).
AR95-114 C Suspense account for VAT payable 2 Used when the 'VAT reported on payment day' is selected in combination with VAT method 2 or 3 in (CRS030).
AR95-120 C Revenues Represents the revenue account to be credited. Only used for payment plans of type 1, that is, for payment plans not based on a previously recorded invoice. (For payment plans of type 2, the account is retrieved from the original invoice.)
AR95-127 C Payment plan interest Represents the interest calculated based on the interest ID selected for the payment plan in (ARS390/F).
AR95-128 C Payment plan administrative fee Represents an extra fee added to the invoices in the payment plan to cover administrative costs.
AR95-129 C Payment plan arrangement fee Represents the initial fee for creating the payment plan. The fee is added to the first invoice that is created based on the plan.
AR95-370 Bank account