Managing Interrupted Jobs in the General Ledger
This document describes how to correct vouchers that were stopped before or during update of the general ledger due to incorrect values, and how to restart jobs that have been interrupted due to a technical failure. Use this process as part of the company's period end routines or whenever you notice any irregularities in the general ledger.
Technical Background
In M3, all transactions pass through the FCR040 work table and are screened by the GLS036 program before the GLS040 program updates the general ledger (the FGLEDG table) and the sub-ledgers. The GLS050 program then uses the FCR050 transaction table to update the general ledger balance file (the FBAVAL table). The GLS041 program then creates the journals (such as accounting journals and invoice journals). Finally, the transactions are deleted from the FCR040 work table. Interruptions might occur in each of these steps.
The general ledger is updated with all transactions in the system.
You are able to create financial statements that contain correct and complete values. The risk for problems during audits is reduced.
The FGLEDG table is updated.
Before you start
- For interrupted and erroneous jobs: Alternative 1 (strongly recommended) or 2 must be selected in the 'Check transaction file' field in 'Settings – General Ledger' (CRS750/E). Erroneous transactions will otherwise always update the general ledger without a previous check.
- For erroneous jobs: A cancellation account for erroneous vouchers must be selected in (CRS750/E). The account is applied when a voucher is canceled (deleted) in 'Transaction Work File. Restart Erroneous Jobs' (CRS037) after it is assigned a voucher number, but before the accounting journal is printed. To avoid a break in the voucher number series, a voucher is created with only one transaction in the amount of 0.00.
Follow These Steps
Restart Interrupted Jobs
Technical interruptions in the system, such as electrical failures, can cause problems with jobs in progress. Jobs that are interrupted before the general ledger is updated are stuck in the FCR040 transaction table. Jobs that are interrupted before or while updating the balance file are stuck in the FCR050 transaction table.
Review and restart any interrupted updates of and transfers to the general ledger or sub-ledgers in 'Transaction Work File. Restart Interrupted Jobs' (GLS047). You can also print a list of interrupted jobs in 'Transaction Work File. Print' (GLS970).
There are four types of jobs displayed in (GLS047), each one represented by a status. Each job has a main status:
- Status 0: An active job that has not updated the general ledger. This is either an interrupted job or a job in progress.
- Status 1: A preliminary job that has not updated the general ledger. This status is used, for example, for payments that are recorded in the Automatic Bank Statements module before you trigger the update of the ledgers.
- Status 8: A job with an erroneous voucher that can be corrected in 'Transaction Work File. Restart Erroneous Jobs' (GLS037).
- Status 9: A job that has updated the general ledger but was interrupted before or while updating the general ledger balance file. It can also refer to a job that did update the balance file but failed to produce a printed journal.
For each job, the lowest and highest statuses of the vouchers included are displayed on the B panel as well as an indication of whether the job has updated the balance file. For each status 9 job you can also see between which periods the interruption occurred; this information is useful when determining the periods for which the balance file should be repaired in 'GL Balance File. Analyze' (GLS940).
You can restart jobs with status 0 and 9 by selecting the Restart option. You cannot restart a job that is in progress, as this can cause serious errors in the general ledger and sub ledgers. Note that since jobs with status 9 might not have updated the balance file, and the restart includes clearing the transaction table (FCR050) that updates the balance file, always run (GLS940) after the restart of jobs with status 9 to correct the balance file. (See Repair the General Ledger Balance File.)
Since restarted jobs might contain transactions with invalid values and therefore appear as erroneous jobs in 'Transaction Work File. Restart Erroneous Jobs' (GLS037), always start in (GLS047) before proceeding to (GLS037).
Correct Erroneous Jobs
When an accounting line contains invalid values or a voucher does not balance, the entire voucher is stopped by the GLS040 program before updating the ledgers. An accounting journal containing all erroneous vouchers is printed.
For each entry date, review all jobs that contain a voucher with incorrect values in 'Transaction Work File. Restart Erroneous Jobs' (GLS037). Select the Change option for a job to display the vouchers included in 'Voucher. Open Erroneous' (GLS038). An error code indicates the type of error. Error 1 means that one or more accounting lines contain incorrect values, and error 2 means that the voucher is unbalanced. Drill down further with the Change option to display the incorrect accounting lines in the voucher in 'Transaction. Open Erroneous' (GLS039). The transaction error code displayed for each accounting line indicates the type of incorrect value that must be corrected in (GLS039/E). The field help text for this code in (GLS039/E) explains the meaning of each error code. For example, code 4 means that the accounting string is invalid and code 19 means that the VAT code is invalid.
Instead of correcting the voucher, you might want to delete it by selecting the Delete option for the voucher in (GLS038) to be able to re-enter the voucher afterwards.
After the jobs are corrected, select the Update option in (GLS037) to update the ledgers.
Reset Transfer of Internal Account Entries
Internal account entries are created in 'Internal Account Entry. Create' (CAS950) and transferred to the general ledger, either directly or by running 'Internal Account Entry. Transfer to GL' (CAS960). However, the transfer was interrupted for some technical reason – but the account entries are still internally labeled as transferred and cannot be transferred again.
- If the transfer was interrupted while the general ledger was being updated, begin by restarting the interrupted job in (GLS047). Then reset the indicator for transfer of internal account entries to the general ledger by selecting problem solving ID CA01 in 'Program Problem. Solve' (CRS418).
- If only the FCR040 table was updated and not the general ledger, just reset the indicator in (CRS418).
If you enter a voucher number when resetting in (CRS418/E), a cancellation voucher is created.
Repair the General Ledger Balance File
There is a discrepancy between the general ledger and the general ledger balance file, indicating that the balance file was not updated properly after the general ledger was updated.
Run 'GL Balance File. Analyze' (GLS940). See Maintaining the General Ledger balance file.