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M3 Financial Accounting User Guide
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About this Guide
Enabling Financial Management
Accounting Dimension
Accounting Dimensions Security
Accounting Identity
Accounting String
Batch Total
Control Methods for Configuration of Bank Accounts (Sweden)
Convert Document Amounts and Currency Names to Text
Create Account Group
Create Account Translation Scenario
Create Accounting Identity
Create Accounting Structures for Financial Monitoring
Create Bank Account Indicator with Company-Defined Bank Account Fields
Create Bank Groups for Categorizing Banks
Create Column Template for the General Ledger Balance File
Create Invoice Accounting Template
Create Payment Type
Create Period Accounting Curve
Create Petty Cash Function
Create User-defined Balance Keys to Filter General Ledger Information
Define Accounting Dimension Name
Define Alternative Name (Pseudo ID) for Accounting String
Define Cash Discount Terms
Define Central Currencies, Central and Local Exchange Rates, and Exchange Rate Types
Define Journal Number Series
Define Start Day Intervals
Define Voucher Number Series
Enable Customer Invoice Date Control
Enable General Ledger Management
Enabling Financial Management
Register Bank Account
Register Bank and Branches
Registering Bank Information
Tailoring Presentation of General Ledger Balances
Using FAM functions to facilitate transaction entry
List of Accounting Rules in M3
Accounting Rules Setup and Usage
The Impact of MUC Triggers
Accounting Rules for VAT Account Entries
Accounting Rules for AB - Automatic Bank Statement Processing
Accounting Rules for AP - Accounts Payable
Accounting Rules for AR - Accounts Receivable
Accounting Rules for CA - Cost Accounting
Accounting Rules for CO - Maintenance Customer Order
Accounting Rules for DR – Freight Cost Management
Accounting Rules for FA - Fixed Assets
Accounting Rules for GL - General Ledger
Accounting Rules for MF - Multiple Unit Coordination
Accounting Rules for MM - Materials Management
Accounting Rules for MO - Maintenance Orders
Accounting Rules for OI - Customer Orders
Accounting Rules for OP - Point of Sales
Accounting Rules for OS - Order Statistics and Budgeting
Accounting Rules for PC - Product Costing
Accounting Rules for PM - Production Management
Accounting Rules for PO - Project Orders
Accounting Rules for PP - Purchase Processing
Accounting Rules for SO - Service Orders
Accounting Rules for TA - Time Accounting
Accounting Rules for TX - Tax Management
Managing Accounts Receivable
Accept Cash Discount for Customer Payment
Accepting Customer Payments
Additional payment reference
Adjust Collection Assignment Proposal and Create Final Assignment for Past Due Customer Invoices
Adjust Group Invoice Proposal and Create Final Group Invoice
Adjust interest invoice proposal and create final invoice for a payer in (ARS160)
Adjust interest invoice proposal and create final invoice for a payer in (ARS660)
Adjust Payment Advice Proposal and Create Final Advice for a Payer
Adjust Payment Reminder Proposal and Create Final Reminder for Past Due Customer Invoices in (ARS150)
Adjust Receipt Orders from Batch File before Allocation to Invoice
Adjust Statement of Account Proposal and Create Final Statement for a Customer/Payer in (ARS140)
Adjusting Customer Payments
Allocate Customer Payment Using the Fast Allocation
Allocating Customer Payments to Invoice
Annual Run in Accounts Receivable
Automatically Allocate Customer Payment from Batch File to Invoice
Automatically Allocating Customer Payments from Batch File to Invoice
Automatically Write Off Customer Payment Difference
Bill Back - Accounts Receivable
Blocking customer invoices
Cash register for customer payment receipts
Checks with due date in Accounts Receivable
Check Receipt Orders from Batch File against Accounts Receivable
Create Accounting Options for Customer Payments
Create Allowance for Doubtful Debts
Create "Balance Brought Forward" Statement of Account for a Payer
Create Bank Quota
Create Bill Back Invoice for Payment Differences
Create Credit Memo by Matching Customer Payment and Credit Note
Create Customer Invoices Based on Payment Plan
Create Customer Invoice Manually
Create Interest ID for Payment Plan Processing
Create interest rate per date
Create Interest Rule
Create Invoice Remittance for Direct Debiting/Factoring
Create Payment Advice Rule
Create Payment Forecast
Create Payment Plan for Customer
Create Payment Reminder Proposal for a Customer or Payer in (ARS650)
Create Payment Reminder Rule
Create Standard Letter
Create Statement of Account Proposal for a Customer or Payer in (ARS640)
Create and Verify Collection Assignment Proposal for Past Due Customer Invoices
Create and Verify Group Invoice Proposal
Create and verify interest invoice proposal for a payer in (ARS160)
Create and verify interest invoice proposal for a payer in (ARS660)
Create and Verify Payment Advice Proposal for a Payer
Create and Verify Payment Reminder Proposal for Past Due Customer Invoices in (ARS150)
Create and Verify Statement of Account Proposal for a Payer in (ARS140)
Creating Debt Collection Assignment for Past Due Customer Invoices
Creating Group Invoices in Accounts Receivable
Creating 'Open Item' Statement of Account for a Customer or Payer in (ARS140)
Creating 'Open Item' Statement of Account for a Customer or Payer in (ARS640)
Creating 'Open Item' Payment Reminder for a Customer or Payer in (ARS650)
Creating Payment Advice for Open Customer Invoices before Due Date
Creating Written Payment Reminder for Past Due Customer Invoices in (ARS150)
Currency Deviation and Rounding Differences in Customer Payments
Customer Analysis
Define Age Ranges for Doubtful Debt Allowance
Define Bank Fee Types for Customer Payments
Define Indicator for Direct Debiting Agreements
Define Standard Opening and Closing Comments for Debt Collection Assignment
Define standard opening and closing comments for interest invoice
Define Standard Opening and Closing Comments for "Open Item" Statement of Account
Define Standard Opening and Closing Comments for Payment Advice
Define Standard Opening and Closing Comments for Payment Reminder
Define Write-off Percentages for Doubtful Debt Allowance
Delete Remittances for SEPA Direct Debit
Display additional information for accounts receivable
Draft Management in M3
Enter Customer Invoice
External and Internal Grouping of Invoices in Accounts Receivable
Group Invoice Records for Internal Reconciliation
Interest invoicing in (ARS160)
Interest invoicing in (ARS660)
Invoicing interest for late customer payments in (ARS160)
Invoicing interest for late customer payments in (ARS660)
Manage Customer Debit Note
Managing Allowance for Doubtful Debts
Managing Customer Checks or Drafts Rejected by Bank
Managing customer debts
Managing Customer Debts by Using Reminders
Managing Direct Debiting Agreements
Manage customer payment receipts
Manage customer payment receipts for Portugal
Managing Direct Debiting in Accounts Receivable
Managing Direct Debiting according to the Danish Model
Managing Factoring
Managing Invoice Number Log
Managing Invoices and Payments in Accounts Receivable
Managing Non-adjustable Differences by Recording on Account
Manually Allocate Customer Payment to Invoice - Complete and Partial Allocation
Manually Allocating Customer Payments to Invoice
Manually Create Corrective Invoice in AR
Manually Create Group Invoice
Manually Match Customer Payment Record to Invoice
Manually Write Off Customer Payment Difference
Match Customer Invoice to Credit Note
Matching Customer Payment and Invoice Records
Methods for Reconciling Credit Card Payments against Customer Invoices
Modify additional information for accounts receivable
Monthly Group Invoice Processing for Japan Market
Perform Netting of Customer Payment Difference against Supplier Invoice
Preparing for Factoring
Print Standard Letter
Processing Customer Payments
Processing Payment Plan for Customer
Postdated Checks in Accounts Receivable
Reconcile Collected Draft or Definite Postdated Check and Record Bank Deductions
Reconcile Payments for Customer Invoices through Direct Debiting and Factoring
Reconciling Customer Payments through Direct Debiting and Factoring
Record Customer Check or Draft in the Payment Document Master
Record Customer Payment on Account
Record Customer Payment Received as Draft or Definite Postdated Check
Recording Customer Payments
Recording Customer Payments Received as Draft or Definite Postdated Check
Recording Customer Payments via Electronically Transferred Receipt Orders
Register Factoring Company and Payment Method
Remitting Customer Checks or Drafts to Bank for Collection
Remitting Customer Invoices for Direct Debiting or Factoring
Report Customer Check or Draft Rejected by Bank
Report Customer Draft or Definite Postdated Check Rejected by Bank before Collection
Revenue Recognition for Prompt Payment Discounts
Reverse Customer Payment Transaction
Translate and Download Receipt Orders from Batch File in another EDI format
Update the Financial System with Account Entries for Drafts without Acceptance
Update the Financial System with Preliminary Postdated Checks
Work with Recorded Customer Invoices
Value Types Used For Accounts Receivable Balance File
Verify and Adjust Statement of Account Proposal and Create Final Statement of Account for a Customer or Payer in (ARS640)
Verify and Adjust Payment Reminder Proposal and Create Final Payment Reminder for a Customer or Payer in (ARS650)
Managing Accounts Payable
Adjust Supplier Payment Proposal
AP Checks with due date
Approval flow for expense invoices
Authorizing, Recoding and Approving Supplier Invoices for Payment
Automatic Matching of Batch Supplier Invoices to Purchase Order
Automatically Selecting Supplier Invoices to Pay
Automating Your Supplier Invoice Entry
Change Check Number
Change supplier invoice
Check Unapproved Supplier Invoice Lines
Concluding Invoice Matching when Goods Arrive
Create Accounting Options - Payment Variance
Create Bank Fees - Payment
Create Bank Quotas for Automatic Allocation of Supplier Payments to Bank
Create Debit Note for Supplier Invoice
Create and Verify Supplier Payment Proposal
Configure Selection of Supplier Invoices in Payment Proposal for Cash Discount Purposes
Define Additional Payment Reference for AP
Define Allowed Variances for Invoice Matching
Define AP Standard Document for Debit Notes
Define Automatic Processing During Invoice Matching
Define Basic Accounts Payable Settings
Define Rounding-Off Limits for Batch Invoices and Scanned Invoices
Draft Management in M3
Dynamic Selection of Payment Details
Electronic Bank Confirmation of Supplier Payments
Enter On Account Payment
Enter Payment
Enter Payment with Cash Discount
Enter Recurring Supplier Payments
Executing Supplier Payments Based on Payment Proposal
Expense reports in APS450
Manage Payment Approval Routine
Simplified Workflow to Manage Payment Approval Routine
Managing Accounts Payable
Managing Batch Supplier Invoices
Manage Fields in MI Strings
Manage Invoice Matching for Brazil
Manage Automatic Invoice Matching for Brazil
Manual Payments
Manually Enter Supplier Invoice for Payment
Manually Entering Supplier Invoices
Manually Match Goods Receipt to Supplier Invoice
Manually Report from Bank
Match Credit Request Transactions to Supplier Credit Note
Matching Supplier Invoices to Purchase Orders
Migration of Bank Accounts
Outgoing payments
Pay by Check
Pay by Direct Debiting
Pay by Draft
Pay by Manual Bank Transfer
Preparing Supplier Invoices for Payment
Reconcile Control Accounts for Received but Not Invoiced Goods and Invoiced but Not Received Goods
Register supplier or payee information required for financial management
Registering and Recoding Supplier Invoices with PO Invoice Matching using APS450MI
Report Supplier Draft as Collected
Select Goods Receipt Lines for Invoice Matching
Select Purchase Order for Invoice Matching
Setting Up Bank Accounts Using Global Electronic Messages
Simplify Routines for Authorization of Supplier Invoices
Supplier Payment Proposal Approval
Use Accounting Options - Payment Variance
Using Bank Quotas for Automatic Allocation of Supplier Payments to Bank
Using Payment Proposals to Create Supplier Payments
Corporate Netting
Validity Checks for Supplier Payments via BankGiro and PlusGiro (Sweden)
Verify and Adjust Invoice Lines for Invoice Matching
Managing Automatic Bank Statement
Allocate a Bank Statement Line Manually
Automatic Processing of Bank Statements
Automatic Bank Statement Reconciliation Setup
Automatic Bank Statement Reconciliation Processing
Bank Statement Types
Define Bank Account Identifier
Define How to Retrieve Information from the Additional Information File - by Structuring the File
Define How to Retrieve Information from the Additional Information File - Using Text Identifiers
Define Payment Variances when Processing Bank Statements
Define Scenarios for Allocating Invoices to Bank Statement Lines
Enabling Automatic Processing of Bank Statements
Enter a Bank Statement Manually
Initiate Automatic Allocation of a Bank Statement
Initiate Automatic Validation of a Bank Statement and Correct Any Errors
Multi-Division Payments
Prioritize Scenarios for Allocating Invoices to Bank Statements Lines
Reset a Bank Statement
Review a Partly or Fully Allocated Bank Statement
Review a Search for Information in the Additional Information File
Managing Accounting System
Account Addition
Accounts Allocation for General Ledger and Budget
Accounts Allocation Template for General Ledger and Budget
Account Supplementation
Activating Corporate Accounting and Reporting in Fixed Assets
Setting up Corporate Accounting and Reporting in Fixed Asset Transactions
Fixed Asset Acquisition and Addition
Fixed Asset - Revaluation
Depreciation Calculation
Extraordinary Depreciation
Corporate Accounting and Reporting FAS - Selling Equipment
Analyze and Repair the General Ledger Balance File
Archive Accounts Payable Transactions
Archive Accounts Receivable Transactions
Archiving Financial Transactions
Automated problem solving in the Financial System
Close Fiscal Year Definitively
Closing Period and Fiscal Year in General Ledger
Create Accounts Allocation in General Ledger
Create Allocation Selection Table
Create Base Table for Allocation
Create Corrective Voucher in the General Ledger
Create Filing Template for Selective Archiving of Ledger Transactions
Create Filing Types for Archiving of Ledger Transactions
Create Finance Interface Template
Create Petty Cash Transaction
Create Records in Period Accounting Table
Create Standard Voucher
Create Target Table for Allocation
Delete Record in Period Accounting Table
Display Balance Information
Display Detail Information
Display Financial Information
Display Period Analysis
Display Transaction in Voucher
Enter Bank Transaction
Enter Journal Voucher
External Reconciliation
Journal Vouchers
Maintaining the General Ledger balance file
Managing corporate accounting and reporting
Managing Finance Interface Transactions
Managing Interrupted Jobs in the General Ledger
Manually Reconcile Against External Document
Period Accounting
Petty Cash
Print Ledger Information
Print List of Transactions in Transaction Work File
Print List of Unbalanced Vouchers or Journals
Print Period Offset to Accounting Records
Reconcile Internal Transactions through (GLS385)
Reconcile Internal Transactions
Reconcile Petty Cash Transaction
Record Profit/Loss for the Year
Reverse Voucher
Security Check for a Financial System
Split Payment VAT Amount
Update Period Accounting
Use Recurring Journal Voucher for Periodic Routine Purposes
Use Standard Voucher
Year-End Closure - Italian Requirements - Introduction
Year-End Closure - Italian Requirements
Managing Fixed Assets
Automatic Registration of Equipment as a Fixed Asset at Goods Receipt
Budgeting Depreciation
Calculate Cost of Capital for Fixed Assets
Cash Discount Solution for Fixed Assets
Change Fixed Asset Entry
Configure Extraordinary Depreciation for Fixed Assets
Configuring Depreciation of Fixed Assets
Create Cost of Capital Method for Fixed Assets
Create Depreciation Types for Fixed Assets
Create Extraordinary Depreciation
Create Fixed Asset Type with Standard Values for Fixed Assets
Create Group for Fixed Assets
Create Location for Fixed Assets
Create Template for Double Declining Depreciation of Fixed Assets
Create or Update Acquisition Cost of Fixed Asset with Project Costs
Create User-defined Depreciation Plan for Fixed Assets
Create Value Type for Fixed Assets
Define Depreciation Type for a Fixed Asset Type
Defining Components for Fixed Asset Management
Depreciation Method 8 - Financial Agreement
Depreciation Plan Calculation Control
Dispose of Fixed Asset
Distribution of Depreciation for Moved Rental Equipment Registered as Fixed Assets
Divide Fixed Asset
Enter Budgeted Fixed Asset
Enter Fixed Asset or Update a Preliminary Fixed Asset
Enter Insurance Information
Examples of Transfer to Derogatory Depreciation
Impairing Fixed Assets in M3 BE
Impairment of Fixed Assets According to IAS 36 - Highlights
Initial upload of fixed assets
Management of Fixed Asset Insurance
Managing External User-defined Depreciation Plan for Fixed Assets
Methods for Depreciating Fixed Assets
Before you start
1. Building Blocks of the M3 Depreciation Solution
2. Automatic Calculation of Depreciation Plan
3. Linear Depreciation
4. Declining Balance Depreciation
5. Derogatory Depreciation
6. Auto-Change Depreciation
7. Double Declining Depreciation
8. User-Defined Depreciation Plan
9. Impact on Depreciation When Working with Fixed Assets
10. Extraordinary Depreciation
Perform Annual Run
Physical Inventory of Fixed Assets
Registering Preliminary Fixed Asset at Invoice Entry
Revaluation of Fixed Assets in M3 According to IAS 16
Selling Equipment Registered as a Fixed Asset
Selling Fixed Assets
Split Fixed Asset
Transferring to Derogatory Depreciation
Update Budget with Depreciation Transaction
Update General Ledger with Depreciation
Managing Multiple Unit Coordination
Configuration for Multiple Unit Coordination (MUC)
Create Cash Pool and Loan Management ID
Create Internal Invoice
Create Internal Invoice Proposal
Enter Standard Comments for Internal Invoices
Internal Invoicing
Manage Cash Pool and Loan Management Proposal
Multiple Unit Coordination (MUC)
Review and Change Internal Invoice Proposal
Set Parameters for Internal Invoicing
Managing Tax
Accounts Payable Tax Invoices for South Korea
Accounts Receivable Tax Invoices for South Korea
Canadian Sales Tax in M3
Configuring M3 Business Engine for VAT management
Create Template for VAT Reports
Create VAT codes for VAT transaction entry and reporting
Create XML file for Polish Tax Authorities
Creating Supplier Tax Certificate
Define Basic Trade Statistics Settings per Division
Define CZ Tax Reporting
Fiscal representatives in M3 and their impact on VAT calculation and internal invoicing
Golden Tax Invoice for Internal Invoices
Golden Tax Invoice for M3 BE Order Invoices - Automatic Process
Golden Tax Invoice for M3 BE Order Invoices - Manual Process
Golden Tax Invoice for Other Invoices
Golden Tax Management for China in M3 Business Engine
Goods and Service Tax (GST) in India
Initiate VAT Run and correct VAT transactions online
Introduction to Reporting of Trade Statistics in the European Union
Manage item related tax
Define item related tax
Update tax transactions
Report item related tax
Manage Tax Calculation Codes
Manage Withheld Tax on Customer Invoices
Manage Tax Calculation Code Selection
Manage Tax Regimes
Online VAT Reporting
Polish Tax Audit
Print VAT Report
Reconciling and declaring VAT
Reporting Supplier Tax
Report EU Sales
Reporting Trade Statistics
Reporting VAT for Goods Received/Not Invoiced
Sales Tax Management in M3 Business Engine
M3 Sales Tax
M3 Sales Tax Concepts
M3 Sales Tax Exemptions
M3 Sales Tax for Customer Invoices
M3 Sales Tax Concepts Related to Customer Invoices
M3 Sales Tax Decision on Customer Invoices
M3 Sales Tax for Supplier Invoices
M3 Sales Tax Concepts Related to Supplier Invoices
M3 Sales Tax Decision on Supplier Invoices
Define and Manage AvaTax Sales Tax
Define and Manage Vertex Sales Tax
Setup of M3 Trade Statistics
Tax Management in M3 Business Engine
Trade Statistics Scenarios within the European Union
Update General Ledger with Declared VAT
Validation of VAT Registration Numbers for EU Invoices
VAT Management in M3 Business Engine
The VAT Process
Making VAT decision
Determining VAT Rate
Triangular Trade
VAT Exemptions
Summary of VAT Management in M3
Withholding Supplier Tax Using Flexible Service Codes
Negative Withholding Supplier Tax Using Flexible Service Codes
Managing Current Assets
Acquisition Cost
Actual Value
Calculation of Inventory Value
Create accounting strings for inventory valuation variances
Create Inventory Valuation Proposal
Depreciation of Net Sales Value
Enable inventory valuation
Enable WIP Valuation
Inventory Value for Cost Accounting
Recurring Transfer of General Ledger Transactions to External Financial System
Valuate Work in Process (WIP)
Valuation of Work in Process
Creating Financial Reports
Create Account Translation Scenario
Authorize Access to Online Reports
Create Category Group for Claim/Liability Reports
Create Cells
Create Columns
Create Lines
Create Report Header
Electronic Accounts Receivable Audit Report
Electronic Report for Accounting Identities
Electronic SAF-T Report Version for country version Lithuania
Electronic SAF-T Report Version 2 for country version Norway
Electronic Z4 Reporting to Bank
Manage Claim/Liability Reports
Manage E-Invoice
Manage Invoice BOD Data
Online Invoicing Processing
Online Invoicing Processing for Hungary
Online Invoicing Processing XML Structure for Hungary
Report Definition
View Report Online and Drill Down to Individual Transactions in General Ledger
Manage Financial Reports
Manage Financial Report Proposal
Manage Financial Report Groups
Managing Group Consolidation
Configure Transfer of Consolidation Transactions
Create and Approve Consolidation Proposal for Subsidiary
Define Consolidation Settings for Subsidiary
Define Conversion of Subsidiary's Chart of Accounts
Enabling M3 Group Consolidation
Managing Group Consolidation
Register Subsidiary for Parent Company
Update Parent Company with Consolidation Transactions
Project Accounting
Project Accounting
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