Create Payment Reminder Proposal for a Customer or Payer in (ARS650)

This document explains how to create a payment reminder proposal in 'Payment Reminder. Open' (ARS650) for one or more customers or payers according to user-defined selection criteria.


For market MPL (Poland) interest per date is not supported.

You cannot define amounts on the payment reminder rule on 'Payment Reminder Rule. Open' (CRS465/E) for a specific division or currency, which can have an impact on how the invoices are selected if a proposal is created in (ARS650) from a blank division and more than one division is included in the selection on (ARS655/E). Limitation amounts on (CRS465/E) 'Min amt remindr' and 'Min remind chrg' are checked against 'Amount due – local' on (ARS651/B), which is the total of all invoices for the customer or payer listed on (ARS652). 'Reminder charge' is added to the payer currency (CRS610/J).


A payment reminder is created and printed. This contains a listing of all past due and, if they included all not due accounts receivable invoices, per customer or payer, and currency. The proposal shows on (ARS650/B) with a proposal number retrieved from number series 50-A in (CRS165) and with either of these proposal statuses:
  • 20='New': This status is set when a proposal is created.
  • 99='No records selected': This status is set when a proposal is created without any records.

These information are presented in the printout of the proposal (ARS653PF): Invoice number, invoice date, due date, currency, number of reminders, days due, collection code, invoice amount foreign, outstanding currency amount, cumulated interest, status of the invoice (included or excluded), and division of the invoice.

If the 'Auto upd prop' parameter is selected, the proposal is created and updated in the same run. The final payment reminder is then created with numbers retrieved from number series 50-1 in (CRS165), and printout (ARS659PF) is created.

If the 'Auto upd prop' parameter is not selected, you can review and adjust the proposal in (ARS650) before printing the final payment reminders.

You can create account entries and account receivable entries if reminder charge with create transaction is used on the reminder rule (CRS465). If the proposal is created from blank division and split by division (ARS655/E) activated the charge is then posted in the invoice division. If the proposal is created from blank without split by division, the user is then asked to enter a receiving division where all charges is posted.

Before you start

You must meet the starting conditions listed in Creating 'Open Item' Payment Reminder for a Customer or Payer in (ARS650).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Payment Reminder. Open' (ARS650).

    The B panel is displayed, containing the list of previous payment reminders and proposals, entry dates, created by, and status.

  2. Create a new proposal by using option 1='Create' on (ARS650/B).
  3. Specify your selection criteria for the proposal on (ARS655/E).
  4. 'To date' is mandatory. All transactions until the selected 'To date' are considered.
  5. You must select a 'Grouping method' for the proposal. These are the options:
    • If grouping method is set to 1='Per customer', a payment reminder is created for each customer.
    • If grouping method is set to 2='Per payer', a payment reminder is created for each payer.
  6. You must specify a 'Name' for the proposal. This is for you to sort the proposals based on 'Name' when using sorting order 2 on (ARS650/B).
  7. If you are logged on to a blank division, you must select a range of divisions to include in the proposal. You can then decide whether to create just one payment proposal for all invoices in all divisions or one payment reminder for each division by activating or deactivating the 'Split by division' parameter.
  8. All other selection fields are optional and you can fill them in with a From value and To value or Specific values based on your preferences. This list specifies the (ARS655/E) selection field and how the specific selection is done:
    • 'Dimension 2': Selection on invoice voucher transaction in FGLEDG
    • 'Salesperson': Selection on invoice in FSLEDG
    • 'Customer group': Selection on invoice in FSLEDG
    • 'District': Selection on customer or payer based on proposal grouping method. CCUDIV is used first, and then OCUSMA
    • 'Country': Selection on customer or payer OCUSMA based on the proposal grouping method.
    • 'Postal code': Selection on customer or payer OCUSMA based on the proposal grouping method.
    • 'Credit dept ref': Selection on customer or payer based on proposal grouping method. CCUDIV is used first, and then OCUSMA
    • 'Payer': Selection on invoice in FSLEDG
    • 'Customer': Selection on invoice in FSLEDG
    • 'Currency': Selection on invoice in FSLEDG
    • 'Invoice number': Selection on invoice in FSLEDG
    • 'No. reminders': Selection on invoice in FSLEDG

      If split by reminder is used, separate transactions for each reminder level on same customer or payer is then created in 'Payment Reminder. Open Details' (ARS651/B). Separate reminder documents (ARS659PF) for each reminder level on same customer or payer is also then created.

    • 'Pmt remind rule': Selection on customer or payer based on proposal grouping method. CCUDIV is used first, and then OCUSMA
  9. Use option 1, 2, or 3 in 'Print Ext/Int text' (ARS655/E) to include the text defined on the invoice (ARS201/T) on the payment proposal document (ARS659PF).
  10. Select 'Sort on inv date' to sort by number of reminder and invoice date instead of reminder number and invoice number in payment reminder proposal (ARS653PF) and payment reminder (ARS659PF).
  11. Optionally, specify 'Last pmt date' to inform until which date payments are done.
  12. Optionally, specify 'Prescribed date' to inform when the customer or payer must pay the invoices.
  13. Optionally, select the 'Auto upd prop' parameter to create and update a proposal in the same run. This automated work flow speeds up the process and minimize your work effort. On the other hand, if this parameter is deactivated, you can do manual adjustments to the proposal before updating it, putting you in full control of the process.
  14. Optionally, specify a report text to be printed on the proposal.
  15. Press Enter to create a new proposal and to return to panel (ARS650/B).

Job scheduling

You can schedule the creation of a proposal in (ARS650) to run on a regular basis. To prepare for this, these setup is needed:
  • In 'Job Schedule Function. Open' (SHS030), you must add function 'ARS655' and connect it to a user ID, program 'ARS655', and job 'ARS655Sbm'.
  • In 'Job Schedule Program. Open' (SHS031), you must add program 'ARS655' and connect it to display file 'ARS655DSP'.
  • In 'Job Schedule Field. Open' (SHS035), you must add these fields and connections:
    • 'WEIVDT' with connected field 'ZZIVDT'
    • 'WETODT' with connected field 'ZZTODT'
    • 'WELPDR' with connected field 'ZZLPDR'
    • 'WEPRCR' with connected field 'ZZPRCR'

With this setup, 'Job Schedule Information. Open' (SHS230) is displayed each time you create a proposal in (ARS650). On (SHS230/E) you can decide to run the job at once, or schedule the job to run later, either once or repeatedly at a certain day and time. If you schedule the job to run repeatedly, 'Job Schedule Information. Open' (SHS231) is then displayed, where you can define whether the proposals should be created for the current date, or for a fixed date.

Scheduled jobs are listed in 'Job Schedule Entry. Update' (SHS010), where you can do changes and see when the job is run last time, and when it should run next time.