Sales and cost prices for related quotation information

This section provides basic information on the retrieval of the sales price and the cost price for information connected to the equipment such as warranty or service.


The cost price of an item is retrieved from one of these prices:

  • The standard price, for standard priced items
  • The average price, for average priced items

The cost price of an item is retrieved from the item or facility record in 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003).

Note: The cost price of an item is not the default price from the purchase price in the item master record, even if it is specified. For Extended Catalog Items (ECI), the default cost price is set to zero.

The sales price of an item is calculated according to the price list on the quotation header. The list price code is retrieved from the customer record in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610). Alternatively, the sales price is set by default from the item master record in 'Item. Open' (MMS001).

In ECI, you can calculate the sales price with a sales costing model. A check is made if the related customer order type has a C in the price sequence. Then, another check is made whether the item or facility record has a model defined. If it does not, the order type itself is checked before calculating the selling price.

See Configuring items.


The cost price of a trade-in is retrieved from the trade-in value within the trade-in record.

The stock value of a trade-in is retrieved from the evaluated value within the trade-in record.

See Configuring an equipment trade-in.


The cost price of a warranty is the same as the calculated purchase price.

The sales price of a warranty is retrieved from the extended warranty item. The price list on the quotation header is used to drive the sales price.

You can configure standard warranties to be automatically linked to the quotation. In that case, the sales price or the cost price of the quotation may be affected. See Warranty records.


The cost price of a service is retrieved from the service costing associated with the service record in 'Service. Open' (MOS300). The cost price is created during the execution of 'Product costing. Calculate Service' (PCS235). For a commission service without an internal customer, the default cost price is set according to the service price list. In this case, you can edit the cost price.

The sales price of a service is retrieved by default from the service price list. The sales price is only valid for commission services without internal customer. A configuration service and a commission service with an internal customer does not affect the sales price of the quotation.

See Service records.

Maintenance Agreement

If the prepayment item number is specified, then a sales line is created. The total sales price is affected, but not the margin, because there is no initial cost.

The maintenance agreement and costing are managed separately by the maintenance agreement functionality.

See Maintenance agreement records.


Financing does not affect the sales price and the cost price of the quotation. The sales price and the cost price are only used as an input when a rental or leasing agreement is created.

See Financing records.


The cost price of promotions is retrieved from the promotion setup in 'Quotation. Add Promotion' (QUS117). The cost price can be the discount amount or discount percentage. For the discount percentage, only the price of the product is considered, not the other line types.

If the parameter in (QUS117) is set to On, then the sales price of promotions matches the cost price. If the actual discount amount is changed when the promotion is linked to the quotation, then the difference, whether positive or negative, is reflected in the sales price.

See Promotion records.

Miscellaneous costs

The cost price for miscellaneous costs is retrieved from the miscellaneous cost definition in 'Quotation. Add Miscellaneous Costs' (QUS118), only from records that contain an item. In this case, the cost price is retrieved from the cost price of this item as defined against its item or facility record in 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003).

The default sales price for miscellaneous costs linked to an item is retrieved from the item master record in 'Item. Open' (MMS001). These records can be defined with the charge code defined in ‘Order Line Charge. Open’ (CRS275).

See Miscellaneous cost records.