Programs Included in System Maintenance Runs
There are optional and mandatory programs included in a System Maintenance Run. While the mandatory programs keep various parts of the system updated, the optional programs clear redundant data record files and recalculate loads/capacities.
Mandatory programs
These programs must be run in an M3 Business Engine System Maintenance Run.
Program ID | Program name |
SAS920 | Update Agreement info on individuals |
PDS999 | Restart interrupted transactions after PDS001 |
PMS999A | Restart interrupted MO issues |
PMS966 | Create Action Message C2 |
MOS966 | Create action message C2 |
CPS931 | Create past time workload |
CRS930 | Update customer with invoice amount from ledger |
RSS310 | Move data to historical files |
RCS999 | Recreate CTP validation file |
MOS999A | Restart interrupted WO issues |
MOS984S1 | Deletion of Canceled Planned Work Orders |
MOS999S2 | Service Requirements Planning Calculation |
EVS015 | Shut down auto jobs |
CSRVASJ | Start autojobs |
Update Agreement Information on Individuals (SAS920)
This program updates the individual item file (SINDIV) with valid service agreements information.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Restart Interrupted Transactions after PDS001 (PDS999)
If the product structure, processed in 'Product Structure. Open' (PDS001) has been interrupted; (PDS999) restarts this processing. The program first calls program (PDS900) to complete the transactions, and then program (PDS906) to update lower levels of product structure, etc.
This restart can also be made in 'Product. Restart Interruption aft PDS001' (PDS998), available on the AUX menu.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Restart Interrupted MO Issues (PMS999A)
This program restarts interrupted manufacturing order (MO) issues. If an MO issue is interrupted, then program (PMS065) is called to complete the processing. This situation occurs mainly when using back flush materials and the user does not leave 'MO Operation. Reporting' (PMS070) before e.g. the back up starts. The back up routine will terminate all programs in use, including this one, and therefore no triggering is done in order to execute the back flush transactions. These transactions will not process until (PMS999) has run.
This restart can also be made in 'Restart Interrupted MO Issues PMS065' (PMS998) available on the AUX menu.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Create Action Message C2 (PMS966)
An action message suggests performing a certain planning action. It is automatically created by the system either at change of date or when change has occurred in the material plan for an item.
The action message should be regarded as a signal to the planner. The whole philosophy is based on exception technique, giving signals only for transactions that need action. Therefore the setup of parameters and lead-time relating to planning are of great importance. All action messages are related to time fences, which involves usage of the item lead-time.
The C2 message (Released order will be delayed) gives an indication that a released order may be delayed. When calculating if the C2 should be applied, the system considers operations and remaining time to estimate a possible delay. Generally it is generated when a manufacturing order has not started or started operation that cannot be finished in time.
To manually create C2 messages for transactions, you must run 'Action Message. Create C2' (PMS965) from the MAP menu. The System Maintenance Run program (PMS966) creates the C2 messages automatically.
The following criteria must be fulfilled for a C2 message:
- It must be a released manufacturing order.
- Item/warehouse must exist.
- Orders must be qualified for selected facilities/warehouse in the run.
- The item uses a planning policy where the parameter 130 Create AM for potential delays in (MMS037/F) is activated.
- No other action message is active for the manufacturing order.
- The planned start date on the manufacturing order head is earlier than time filter date (today's date minus the number of time filter days on the planning policy).
- Any operation on the order with status ≥ 60 and ≤ 70 where the calculated finish date is later than the planned finish date. The calculated finish date is calculated by distributing the remaining time according to the capacity in the capacity calendar for the work center.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Create Action Message C2 (MOS966)
This program is used to create C2 messages for work orders. The following criteria must be fulfilled for a C2 message.
- It must be a released manufacturing order.
- Item/warehouse must exist.
- Orders must be qualified for selected facilities/warehouse in the run.
- The item uses a planning policy where the parameter 130 Create AM for potential delays on (MMS037/F) is activated.
- No other action message is active for the manufacturing order.
- The planned start date on the work order head is earlier than time filter date (today's date minus the number of time filter days on the planning policy).
- Any operation on the order with status ≤ 50 (not started) and planned start date earlier than the time filter date.
- Any operation on the order with status ≥ 60 and ≤ 70 (started, partly reported) where the calculated finish date is later than the planned finish date. The calculated finish date is calculated by distributing the remaining time according to the capacity in the capacity calendar for the work center.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Create Past Time Workload (CPS931)
This program moves work center load in past time to Monday of the current week or Monday of the previous week. Which week to use is controlled by a parameter in (CRS786) - Overdue load.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Update Customer with Invoice Amount from Ledger (CRS930)
This program updates customer records with the number of overdue days, current outstanding, and overdue invoices amounts from the sales ledger.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Move Data to Historical Files - CDS (RSS310)
This program goes through the Customer Delivery Schedules (CDS) and archives those that match the criteria. Archiving of delivery schedule is set up per partner in 'Settings - Partner' (RSS015), and these parameters must be set:
- 240 Delivery schedule interval
- 245 Archiving
- 250 Days before archiving/deletion
Parameter 245 must be set to 1 to enable archiving. In this case, all delivery schedules with start date less than current date - delivery schedule interval - Days before archiving/deletion will be archived, no matter what status they have. You can view archived delivery schedules in 'Delivery Schedule. Display Historical' (RSS300) where option 21='Trf to prod' may be used to move them back to the production files.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Recreate CTP Validation File (RCS999)
- Planned orders of different order categories are the basis for creating load for the CTP validation (Global Capable to Promise) in the system. Loads are created on-line at CTP validation for the requesting order, but changes in the material plan will not update the loads in the rough cut capacity plan. Then System Maintenance Run will recreate the load and base it on the current situation in the material plan.
- Load will be generated for items that have a corresponding resource profile and are set as master scheduled in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002). Planned manufacturing orders are always included in the update of load, while other order categories are included if they are defined in 'Product Structure. Connect Item' (CRS784).
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Restart Interrupted WO Issues (MOS999A)
This program restarts interrupted work order (WO) issues. If a WO issue is interrupted, then program 'Auto report Work Order Material' (MOS065) is called to complete the processing. This situation occurs mainly when using back flush materials and the user does not leave 'WO Operation. Reporting' (MOS070) before e.g. the back up starts. The back up routine will terminate all programs in use, including this one, and therefore no triggering is done in order to execute the back flush transactions. These transactions will not be processed until (MOS999A) has run.
This restart can also be made in 'Restart Interrupted WO Issues MOS065' (MOS998) available on the AUX menu.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Deletion of Canceled Planned Work Orders (MOS984S1)
The program goes over all work requests that have status 90 (= canceled) and start date earlier than or equal to the current date. These work requests are deleted and then moved to the service history (MOS180), just as if they had been performed on the start date. The latest service date per meter (MMS242) will also be updated in the same way.
This job can also be started from 'Work Request. Delete Canceled' (MOS984) available on the AUX menu.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Service Requirements Planning Calculation (MOS999S2)
This program recalculates the master schedule for maintenance ((MOS170) work requests and (MOS180) open released work requests) for serialized items with continuous net change = 0 in (MMS240), that is, the batch net change SRP program.
The work flow of the program is as follows:
(MOS999S2) reads the whole MITPCC file and selects all serialized items that have a Next calculation date (MCCALD) equal or less than today's date.
For every item that is selected a record will be written in MITPCC. This record is updated with a 9 in Continuous net change code (MCCONC).
When all the MITPCC records have been read, the program calls (MOS950) that will do the actual SRP calculation. The items that are calculated in (MOS950) are the ones marked with a 9 in MITPCC. These records are deleted prior to calling (MOS950). When the (MOS950) has run for a serialized item, a new MITPCC record is created with a new calculated Next calculation date and Continuous net change code according to the serialized item.
This recalculation can also be started in 'Master Schedule. Regenerate' (MOS999), available on the AUX menu. Please be aware however, that when you run this program manually, you can choose from batch net change run or regenerative run.
Regenerative run means that all work requests below a given status are deleted (with some exceptions) before they are regenerated. When MOS999S2 runs in the System Maintenance Run, it is always in net change mode - never regenerative.
Shut down auto jobs (EVS015)
The program (EVS015) shuts down autojobs.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Start autojobs (CSRVASJ)
CSRVASJ can be used in 'System Maintenance. Open' (SHS100) and 'System Maintenance. Open Details' (SHS101) but is also used when starting autojobs from 'Subsystem. Open' (MNS050) and 'Subsystem Job. Open' (MNS051).
Optional programs
These programs are optional to run in an M3 Business Engine System Maintenance.
Program ID | Program name |
Field |
ECS435 | Engineering change order implement | MXEC |
MMS999S2 | Recalculate planning picture | CMRP |
MMS981S2 | Remove expired lots in MITLOC | IFCL |
MMS978 | Move lots (MILOMA) to rejected depending on date | RCLA |
OIS935 | Update payer with order-value not invoiced | BLOG |
POS999 | Generate mail from project orders and project quotations. | GMPO |
POS998 | Generate expected days for the project order schedule | GEXP |
POS997 | Update the value from not yet been delivered PO on the project orders | GCOM |
STS840 | Create Rental Invoice Orders Automatically | CROR |
TMS960 | Calculate time and attendance from Portable Device Support. | CTAA |
POS996 | Calculate degree of completion for each element in a project order. | REDG |
MWS951 | Remove old reservations | |
ATS993 | Set status 90 to attributes |
Update Engineering Changes (ECS435)
Engineering changes refer to changes in the construction or design of parts from the perspective of a product structure. These changes often result in changes to the product structure. They are made by adding, deleting, exchanging components in t he structure or changing structure quantities. Engineering changes are defined in an engineering change order (ECO) for the object of the change, such as the item, document, drawing or bill of material.
Note: To include Engineering Change Order (ECS435) in System Maintenance Run, you must activate the 309 Engineering change order field on (MNS100/J).-
(ECS435) will first call (ECS437) in order to calculate the projected on-hand balance. This information is used on order to find an implementation date for the ECO change. (ECS438) will then copy the product structure information from the product structure files to the work files. In (ECS436) the ECO change are implemented to the product structures in the work files and is then copied back to real product structure files in (ECS439). When all ECO changes have been implemented, (PDS906) is run in order to calculate the low level codes
(ECS435) will only run if module EC is installed (activate the 309 Engineering change order field on (MNS100/J).
(ECS435) implements all engineering changes that are approved, that is, in status 80.
(ECS435) can also be started manually through function key F16='Act changes' in (ECS420).
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Recalculate Planning Picture (MMS999S2)
This program recalculates the material plan and is mainly used for the items with continuous net change = 0 in (MMS002), the batch net change MRP program.
The workflow of the program is as follows:
(MMS999S2) reads the whole MITPCC table and selects all items that have a Next calculation date (MCCALD) equal or less than today's date.
For every item that is selected a record will be written in MITPCC. This record is updated with a 9 in Continuous net change code (MCCONC).
When all the MITPCC records have been read, the program calls (MMS911) that will do the actual MRP calculation. The items that are calculated in (MMS911) are the ones marked with a 9 in MITPCC.
When the MRP calculations have been done for an item, the record in MITPCC is deleted and a new one is created with a new calculated Next calculation date and the right Continuous net change code.
This recalculation can also be started in 'Material Plan. Re-calculate' (MMS999) available on the AUX menu.
System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Remove Expired Records in MITLOC (MMS981S2)
This program removes expired records from the Stock Identities table MITLOC, if all of the following criteria are met:
- Auto delete field is 1 (MMS010)
- Auto deletion delay field has passed the number of days (MMS010)
- On hand quantity is 0
- Allocated quantity is 0
This removal can also be started from 'Inventory Record. Delete Out of Stock' (MMS981), available on the AUX menu.
The record may not be labeled for inventory, which means that the field MLINON must be 0. If MLINON is 1 the balance ID first either has to be reported as calculated in the physical inventory (MMS300) or removed from the physical inventory list. Either one of these actions will set MLINON to 0 so that the balance ID can be removed.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Move MILOMA to Rejected Depending on Date (MMS978)
This program reclassifies and re-analyzes expired lots. The check means that approved expired lots (status 2) are reclassified to quarantine status 3, if no allocated quantity exists. Lots are expired when the expiration date has been passed. Re-classified lots will create a LI request, if LI is used. Lots with a passed follow up date will create a LI print out.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Update Payer with Order-Value not Invoiced (OIS935)
This program updates customer records with the order value not invoiced, also referred to as the backlog. The program calculates the backlog based on all customer orders that are not yet invoiced. If there are a lot of customers and a lot of customer orders that are not invoiced, then this calculation will take a lot of time. If the calculation is not performed, then the backlog value might not always be correct. The backlog value is used for credit check against credit limit 3, defined in (CRS610).
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Note: (OIS935) should only be executed included in a System Maintenance Run (SHS999) if Credit Limit 1 or 4 is used for past due invoices. Credit limits 1, 2, 3, and 4 are defined on 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/J). If neither credit limit 1 nor 4 is used, OIS935 should only be executed if there has occurred errors in the CCUCRL table.-
Start 'Customer Order. Stop' (OIS120).
Select the customer with error in the CCUCRL table and open the E panel.
On the E panel, select F15='Rfre inv amt'. (OIS935) is started.
Generate Mail - Projects (POS999)
This program generates messages for the M3 Business Engine mailbox from PJP - Project Processing and PJQ - Project Quotations.
To assist the project manager in keeping control of the various projects he is in charge of, M3 Business Engine offers the possibility to have messages and mails generated for specified occasions. Supported occasions are among others ''Activity xxx has been started'' and ''Actual costs exceeds budget''.
Some of these messages are generated interactively during the day, such as ''Activity has been started'' but others are trigged because no action has been taken. Therefore, there is a need for System Maintenance Run checking.
The messages will be sent to project manager and sub project manager as entered in 'Project. Open' (POS100). The messages can be viewed in 'Application Message. Open' (CRS420).
The following setup is necessary:
- The project manager must have the Msg recipient field set to 1 on the (POS015/E) panel.
- The Send message field in 'Project Element. Open' (POS001) should be set to 1. This could be changed in 'Project. Open' (POS100).
- The Message type field must be set to 1 in 'Settings - Application Messages' (CRS424). Message types for projects starts at 800.
- In order to get emails, and email address for the project manager, this must be specified in 'e-mail Address. Open' (CRS111).
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Messages included in the System Maintenance Run will be sent for the following events for active projects:
- Planned starting date has been passed.
- Planned finish date has been passed.
- Planned starting date is the same as current date.
- Planned finish date is the same as current date.
- Follow-up date is the same as current date.
- Follow-up date has been passed.
- A milestone date has been passed.
Generate Expected Days - Projects (POS998)
This program updates the Project order time planning with:
- Delivery date from connected purchase orders
- Start/end date from manufacturing orders
- Delivery date from stock transactions
The general idea behind the program is that the fulfillment of orders connected to an project element should be reflected in the project time planning. Consequently, if a Purchase order connected to an element gets Valid delivery date 20030701 then the element could be expected to end no earlier than that, hence the Expected finish date L8EXPF is set to 20030701.
Messages will be sent for the following events for active projects:
- Delivery date for a connected Purchase order is outside the planned range.
- Completion date for a connected Manufacturing order is outside the planned range.
- Completion date for a connected Maintenance order is outside the planned range.
- Completion date for a connected Stock transaction is outside the planned range.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Update Committed from PO - Projects (POS997)
This program is used to calculate the outstanding committed amount for purchase orders connected to projects.
The committed amount represents the amount that is to be accounted as outcome in the project accounting when a purchase order is received or checked for invoicing.
To identify purchase orders as committed the following conditions apply:
- The Calculate PO committed field in 'Settings - Project Management' (CRS590) decides if the committed amount should be calculated and at what stage to reduce the committed amount (goods receipt or invoice check).
- Purchase order lines (PPS201/F) have to be connected to Project number and Project element.
- The outcome has to be accounted against the project. This is prepared in 'Accounting Rule. Set' (CRS395) where project and element must be accounted in the Accounting dimensions, defined in (CRS590).
- When outcome is recorded in PJM only the project elements retrieving outcome is updated. The update is performed in the same way as when the cost for a purchase order is accounted against a project.
- If the committed amount is to be reduced at goods receipt, accounting event PP10 is used together with accounting type 903 if the item is not inventory accounted and accounting type 910 if the item is inventory accounted.
- If the committed amount is to be reduced at invoice checking, accounting event PP20 is used together with accounting type 260 if the item is not inventory accounted and accounting type 225 if the item is inventory accounted. Note that the amount recorded for these events is the same amount as for accounting type 909 at goods receipt PP10.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Create Rental Invoice Orders Automatically (STS840)
This program creates rental invoice orders for all rental invoice proposals that have been created with an agreement order type (SRS020) where the Create SO auto field is activated on the (STS020/F) panel.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Calculate Time and Attendance (TMS960)
This program calculates time and attendance times, which can be reposted in many different ways, for example from time clocks, in 'Clock-In/Out Trans. Report' (TMS001) or in 'Clock-In/Out Trans. Open Schedule Day' (TMS215), etc.
The calculation for an employee is either started from the day before the current day, or it is started from Calculate to date (EACTOD) in CEAMP if EACTOD is less than the date for the day before the current day. The calculation is ended either the current day, or the Calculated to date (EACTOD) id EACTOD is greater than the current day. Calculated to date is shown on the (CRS530/F) panel.
When the time calculation begins, all previous calculated times, if any, are first backed up to the start date for the calculation. Then the new calculations starts, and the reported times are checked against each employee's calendar. If there are any employees working night shift the current night, no times will be calculated for those employees for the current night but only for earlier nights.
If there are any times that already have been authorized, they will become unauthorized after the calculation.
The result of t he calculation depends on how each employee has been defined in 'Person. Open' (CRS530) with regards to overtime code, flextime model, variable workday, etc. The result of the calculation also depends on how the different time types have been defined in 'Time Type. Open' (TMS100). 'Work Hour Group. Connect Time Type' (TMS110) and 'Absence Type. Connect Time Type' (TMS140).
This calculation can also be made in the following ways:
- Manually, in 'Calculated Time. Generate' (TMS400)
- Using F17='Calculate' in 'Calculated Time. Approve on-Screen' (TMS230)
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Calculate Readiness Degree - Project (POS996)
This program calculates the degree of completion for each project element in a project order. The records can be viewed in 'Project. Display Progress' (POS305), but it is only in (POS996) that they will be updated or added. The program will also calculate the current values of BCWP and BCWS, as they are function of time passed since the element was started.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Remove old reservations (MWS951)
Running this program depends on using the reservation functionality (MWS330).
- This program removes all old reservations i.e. where the valid to date has passed.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.
Set status 90 to attributes (ATS993)
Running this program depends on using the attribute functionality (ATS101).
- This program removes set status 90 to all MOATTR records if the connected order doesn't exist in MITPLO. It also sets status 90 to all MIATTR records if the record doesn't exist in MILOMA and MITLOC.
- System Maintenance Run (SHS101/E) - Run function must be activated.