FIM - M3 BE Financial Accounting

APL - Accounts Payable

  • 'Supplier Invoice Batch. Archive/Delete' (APS802)

    Using 'Supplier Invoice Batch. Archive/Delete' (APS802), you can archive or delete invoices that are displayed in 'Supplier Invoice Batch. Open' (APS450), 'Supplier Invoice Batch. Open Lines' (APS451), and ‘Supplier Invoice Batch. Open Rej History’ (APS452).

    Records in the table FAPIBH are archived or deleted. If there are related records in the tables FAPIBL, FAPIBA, or FAPIBR, these are archived or deleted. Text entered on the T-panels in (APS450) or (APS451) are archived or deleted together with the batch invoices.

    For this function, you have two alternatives:

    • 'Archiving'
    • 'Deletion'

    If archiving is selected, the records are moved to the archiving library. If deletion is selected, the records are deleted from the library where they are stored.

    You can select which invoices to archive or delete based on these fields:
    • 'Entry date'
    • 'Invoice date'
    • 'Invoice batch type'
    • 'Invoice batch number'

    For the date fields, you can leave 'From date' blank, but you must define a 'To date'. The entered 'To date' is validated against the archiving policy defined for (APS802) on 'Archiving. Open Toolbox' (AMS100). The archiving policy is set on a company level. The archiving policy is set on Entry date and Invoice date

    You can leave 'Invoice batch type' and 'Invoice batch number' fields blank. Then, all invoice batch types and invoice batch numbers with the correct status in the selected date range are archived or deleted.

    In (APS802), only invoices with invoice status 90-'Updated in APL', 30-'Printed', 78-'Invoice matching recording failed', and 79-'Invoice matching on PO header level failed' are archived. Only invoice batch type 15-'Supplier invoice request', 40-'Debit note request', and 52-'Supplier claim request' are archived if the invoice status is 30-'Printed'. You can delete invoices with other statuses by using Action option Delete or pressing keyboard key F14 in 'Supplier invoice Batch. Open' (APS450).
    Note: Invoices that are excluded from the archiving or deletion run are displayed in 'Archiving Error Log. Open' (AMS350)

    If you call (APS802) as a central user working from blank division, you must select a range of divisions that are included in the run. You must fill at least one of the fields 'From division' and 'To division' on (APS802/E):

    • If 'From division' is left blank, all divisions listed in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) before and including the division stated in 'To division' are included in the run.
    • If 'To division' is left blank, all divisions listed in (MNS100) after and including the division stated in 'From division' are included in the run.

    This function archives or deletes records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction file, MF=Master file)
    FAPIBH TF: Supplier invoice batch - Header
    FAPIBL TF: Supplier invoice batch – Lines
    FAPIBA TF: Supplier invoice batch – Additional info
    FAPIBR TF: Supplier invoice batch – Reject history
    FSYTXH MF: Text head
    FSYTXL MF: Text line

    If there are any standalone records in FAPIBL, FAPIBA or FAPIBR tables without a corresponding parent record in FAPIBH table, those records are not included in the run. They are handled manually through the Business Engine Data Management tool.

  • 'General Ledger. File' (GLS800)

    You can reduce the number of transactions in Accounts Payable and General Ledger by using the 'General Ledger. File' (GLS800).

    Infor recommends that you produce the following reports before starting the archiving routines, since they are necessary for checking and reconciling the archive:

    • 'Acc Payable. Print' (APS500), layout 1 and 2
    • 'Acc Payable. Display Balances' (APS225)

    After the archiving is completed, you should produce the same reports and compare them to the reports produced before the archiving.

    Summary invoice in Accounts Payable

    To replace the archived invoices, new summary invoices are created in Accounts Payable with breaks at these fields:

    • Year
    • Payee number
    • Supplier number
    • Accounting dimension 1
    • Currency code

    The new summary invoices have accounting dates, invoice dates, and due dates according to the following logic:

    • Equal to the last date of the selected To period (specified when starting archiving).
    • If original invoice year is not the same year as the To period, the last date of the original invoice year is used.

    Summary voucher in General Ledger

    To replace the archived General Ledger transactions, a new summary voucher is created in General Ledger with breaks at this field:

    • Year

    Only General Ledger transactions with transaction codes 40 (Supplier invoices - AP) and 50 (Payments - AP) are included in the archiving of Accounts Payable.

    Audit trail

    By selecting 'Print changes' in (GLS830/E), you can produce a complete report (GLS812PF) of the invoices that were archived. All archived invoices are updated with Accounts Payable information category 422, which contains the voucher number of the summary voucher.


    • Create a voucher number series for archiving (CRS410)
    • Number series - series type 65, number series A (CRS165) must be defined
    • FAM function AP71, Filing accounts receivable (CRS405) must be defined

    Hard selections

    Only Accounts Payable invoices that are paid (the outstanding amount is 0) are included in this archive function.

    Soft selections

    You must define At least one filing type connected to filing category 4 in program (GLS830). A filing template is connected to each filing type.

    If the setting 'Complete automatic' in (GLS830) is set to 1, the archiving is performed, and summary invoices wis created. If this parameter is set to 0, the archiving process will stop when the status of the filing run is 3 or 4, depending on whether you selected 'Print changes' or not.

    This means that everything is written to the archiving library, and the invoices is deleted from the production library. In this case, FGLEDG and FPLEDG in the production library is not updated with summary invoices. Therefore, the balance on accounts are not the same as before.

    The filing run remains in the subfile in GLS800/B where you can either delete, or decide to create summary invoices at a later point.

    When you submit (GLS800), you must enter a 'To period'. Only invoices that both have the invoice (transaction code 40) and the payment (transaction code 50) before the last day in the entered 'To period' is selected.

    Process and restart

    The archiving is started in (GLS800) by using the 'Select' option for the filing type. After the job is submitted to batch, the archiving status indicates the process. These statuses are valid:

    • 11 = Query created
    • 12 = Work table FGL809 created
    • 13 = Work table FGL812 created
    • 14 = Printout GLS812PF completed
    • 15 = Work table FCR040 created
    • 16 = GLS040 started
    • 17 = GLS040 finished, FCR040 deleted
    • 18 = Work tables deleted, archiving completed

    If the job ends abnormally, the job is restarted by using the Restart option in (GLS800). If the status is 16 or 17, the job is restarted from (GLS047).

    This function archives the records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File)
    FPLEDG TF: Purchase ledger
    FPLEDX TF: Purchase ledger, extra information
    FGLEDG TF: General ledger
    FPCASH TF: Cash discount terms
    FPAPCD TF: Supplier invoice approval distribution
    FPLLOG TF: Purchase ledger log file
    CSYTXH MF: Text, header
    FSYTXH MF: Text header
    FSYTXL MF: Text line
    CSYTXL MF: Text, line

    Impact on other financial tables and processes

    The balance file or table, FPLBAL, can regenerate from the detail accounts payable table FPLEDG, which is subject for archiving. A consideration is then given to any future deletes or rebuilds of records on the supplier balance file.

ARL - Accounts Receivable

  • 'AR Statement of Account. Archive/Delete' (ARS801)

    Using AR Statement of Account Archive, you can archive or delete statement of account proposals that are displayed in 'AR Statement of Account. Open (ARS140)'. Only proposals in status 9='Completed and printed' are managed through this archiving function.

    Proposals in error statuses 1, 2, 4, 6, or 7 are reset to status 0 or 9 using 'Program Problem. Solve' (CRS418) .

    Any proposals remaining in status 0 are deleted manually in (ARS140), as they are not managed through (ARS801).

    For this function, you have two alternatives:

    • 'Archiving'
    • 'Deletion'

    If archiving is selected, the records are moved to the archiving library. If deletion is selected, the records are deleted from the library that stores the records.

    On the selection panel 'AR Statement of Account. Archive/Delete' (ARS801/E), the proposals archived or deleted are selected based on the job date displayed for each proposal on 'AR Statement of Account. Open' (ARS140/E). You must select a date range.

    You can leave 'From date' blank, but you must select a 'To date'. The entered 'To date' is validated against the archiving policy defined for (ARS801) on 'Archiving. Open Toolbox' (AMS100/E) .

    If you call (ARS801) as a central user working from a blank division, you must select a range of divisions that are included in the run. You must fill at least one of the fields 'From division' and 'To division' on (ARS801/E):

    • If 'From division' is left blank, all divisions listed in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) before and including the division stated in 'To division' are included in the run.
    • If 'To division'is left blank, all divisions listed in (MNS100) after and including the division stated in 'From division' are included in the run.

    This function archives or deletes records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File)
    FSTMT1 TF:Statem of acc - suggestions
    FSTMT2 TF:Statem of acc - suggestions (customer)
    FSTMT3 TF:Statem of acc - suggestions (invoice)

    Worktable 'TF: Sum on payer and cucd' (FSTMT4) is not included in the processing through (ARS801).

    Note: If there are any standalone records in FSTMT2 or FSTMT3 tables without a corresponding parent record in FSTMT1 table, those records are not included in the run. They are handled manually through the Business Engine Data Management tool.
  • 'Payment Reminder. Archive/Delete' (ARS802)

    Using the 'Payment Reminder. Archive/Delete' (ARS802), you can archive or delete payment reminder proposal that are displayed in 'Payment Reminder. Open' (ARS150). Only proposals in status 9='Completed and printed' are managed through this archiving function.

    Proposals in error statuses 1, 2, 4, 6, or 7 are reset to status 0 or 9 using 'Program Problem. Solve' (CRS418).

    Any proposals remaining in status 0 are deleted manually in (ARS150), as they are not managed through (ARS802).

    For this function, you have two alternatives:

    • 'Archiving'
    • 'Deletion'

    If archiving is selected, the records are moved to the archiving library. If deletion is selected, the records are deleted from the library that stores the records.

    On the selection panel 'Payment Reminder. Archive/Delete' (ARS802/E), the proposals archived or deleted are selected based on the job date displayed for each proposal on 'Payment Reminder. Open' (ARS150/E). You must select a date range.

    You can leave 'From date' blank, but you must select a 'To date'. The entered 'To date' is validated against the archiving policy defined for (ARS802) on 'Archiving. Open Toolbox' (AMS100/E) .

    If you call (ARS802) as a central user working from blank division, you must select a range of divisions that are included in the run. You must fill at least one of the fields 'From division' and 'To division' on (ARS802/E):

    • If 'From division' is left blank, all divisions listed in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) before and including the division stated in 'To division' are included in the run.
    • If 'To division'is left blank, all divisions listed in (MNS100) after and including the division stated in 'From division' are included in the run.

    This function archives or deletes records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File)
    FREMD1 TF:Reminders - suggestions
    FREMD2 TF:Reminders - suggestions (customer)
    FREMD3 TF:Reminders - suggestions (invoice)
    Note: If there are any standalone records in FREMD2 or FREMD3 tables without a corresponding parent record in FREMD1 table, those records are not included in the run. They are handled manually through the Business Engine Data Management tool.
  • 'Payment Receipt. Archive/Delete' (ARS803)

    Using the 'Payment Receipt. Archive/Delete' (ARS803), you can archive or delete payment receipts that are displayed in 'Payment Receipt. Display' (ARS400), ‘Payment Receipt. Display Documents’ (ARS401), and ‘Payment Receipt. Display Lines’ (ARS402).

    Text entered on the T-panels in (ARS400), (ARS401), or (ARS402) are archived and deleted together with the payment receipts.

    For this function, you have two alternatives:

    • 'Archiving'
    • 'Deletion'

    If archiving is selected, the records are moved to the archiving library. If deletion is selected, the records are deleted from the library that stores the records.

    On the selection panel 'Payment Receipt. Archive/Delete' (ARS803/E), you can select which payment receipts are archived or deleted based on a selection of payment receipt date, entry date, and payer.

    For the date fields, you can leave 'From date' blank, but you must define 'To date'. The entered 'To date' is validated against the archiving policy defined for (ARS803) in ‘Archiving. Open Toolbox’ (AMS100).

    If you call (ARS803) as a central user (working from blank division), you must select a range of divisions that are included in the run. You must fill at least one of the fields 'From division' and 'To division' on (ARS803/E):

    • If 'From division' is left blank, all divisions listed in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) before (and including) the division stated in 'To division' are included in the run.
    • If 'To division' is left blank, all divisions listed in (MNS100) after (and including) the division stated in 'From division' are included in the run.
    Note: Payment receipts with records having cash register status 10-'Not remitted' are excluded from the archiving/deletion run. These are displayed in 'Archiving Error Log. Open' (AMS350).

    This function archives or deletes records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File
    FARPRH TF:Payment receipts - header
    FARPRD TF:Payment receipts - documents
    FARPRL TF:Payment receipts - lines
    FSYTXH MF:Text head
    FSYTXL MF: Text line

    The worktable ‘WF: Payment receipts’ (FAR400) is not included in the archiving/deletion, and on the function ‘Worktable. Delete’ (AMS400) as records must be processed for update of Payment receipt tables (FARPRH, FARPRD, and FARPRL).

  • 'Interest Inv from ARS160. Archive/Delete (ARS804)'

    Using the 'Interest Inv from ARS160. Archive/Delete (ARS804)' archives or deletes interest invoice proposals that are displayed in 'Interest Invoice. Open' (ARS160). Only proposals in status 9='Completed and printed' are managed through this archiving function.

    Proposals in error statuses 1, 2, 4, 6, or 7 are reset to status 0 or 9 using 'Program Problem. Solve' (CRS418).

    Any proposals remaining in status 0 are manually deleted in (ARS160), as they are not managed through (ARS804).

    For this function, you have two alternatives:

    • 'Archiving'
    • 'Deletion'

    If archiving is selected, the records are moved to the archiving library. If deletion is selected, the records are deleted from the library that stores the records.

    On the selection panel 'Interest Inv from ARS160. Archive/Delete' (ARS804/E), the proposals archived or deleted are selected based on the job date displayed for each proposal on 'Interest Invoice. Open' (ARS160/E). You must select a date range.

    You can leave 'From date' blank, but you must select a 'To date'. The entered 'To date' is validated against the archiving policy defined for (ARS804) on 'Archiving. Open Toolbox' (AMS100/E) .

    If you call (ARS804) as a central user working from blank division, you must select a range of divisions that are included in the run. You must fill at least one of the fields 'From division' and 'To division' on (ARS804/E):

    • If 'From division' is left blank, all divisions listed in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) before (and including) the division stated in 'To division' are included in the run.
    • If 'To division' is left blank, all divisions listed in (MNS100) after (and including) the division stated in 'From division' are included in the run.

    This function archives or deletes records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File
    FPINT1 TF:Interest invoice - suggestions
    FPINT2 TF:Interest invoice - suggestions (customer)
    FPINT3 TF:Interest invoice - suggestions (invoices)
    Note: If there are any standalone records in FPINT2 or FPINT3 tables without a corresponding parent record in FPINT1 table, those records are not included in the run. They are handled manually through the Business Engine Data Management tool.
  • 'General Ledger. File' (GLS800)

    The 'General Ledger. File' (GLS800) function reduces the number of fully paid and reconciled transactions in Accounts Receivable and General Ledger.

    It is recommended that you produce the following reports before starting the archiving routines, since they are necessary for checking and reconciling the archive:

    • 'Accounts Receivable. Print' (ARS500) layout 1 and 2
    • 'Credit Limit. Print Analysis' (ARS525)

    After the archiving is completed, you should produce the same reports and compare them to the reports produced before the archiving.

    Summary invoice in Accounts Receivable

    To replace the archived invoices, new summary invoices will be created in Accounts Receivable with breaks at the following fields:

    • Year
    • Payer number
    • Customer number
    • Accounting dimension 1
    • Currency code

    The new summary invoices will have the accounting dates, invoice dates, and due dates according to the following logic:

    • Equal to the last date of the selected To period (specified when starting archiving).
    • If original invoice year is not the same year as the To period, the last date of the original invoice year will be used.

    Summary voucher in General Ledger

    To replace the archived GL transactions, a new summary voucher will be created in General Ledger with breaks at the following field:

    • Year
    Note: Only General Ledger transactions with transaction codes 10 (Customer invoices - AR) and 20 (Payments received - AR) are included in the archiving of Accounts Receivable.

    Audit trail

    By selecting parameter 'Print changes' in GLS830/E, you can produce a complete report (GLS807PF) of the invoices that were archived. All archived invoices will also be updated with Accounts Receivable information category 234, which contains the voucher number of the summary voucher.


    • Create a voucher number series for archiving (CRS410).
    • Number series - Series Type 55, Number Series A (CRS165) must be defined.
    • FAM function AR71 Filing accounts receivable (CRS405) must be defined.

    Hard selections

    Only accounts receivable invoices that are paid (the outstanding amount is 0) are included in this archive function.

    Soft selections

    At least one filing type connected to filing category 3 must be defined in (GLS830).

    A filing template can be connected to each filing type. This makes it possible to only select specific customers. You can also define whether penalty interest invoicing must be done prior to archiving.

    Note: If the setting 'Complete automatic' in (GLS830) is set to 1, the archiving will be performed, and summary invoices will be created. If this parameter is set to 0, the archiving process will stop when the status of the filing run is 3 or 4 (depending on whether you selected 'Print changes' or not). This means that everything will be written to the archiving library, and the invoices will be deleted from the production library. In this case, FGLEDG and FSLEDG in the production library will not be updated with summary invoices. Therefore, the balance on accounts will not be the same as before.

    The filing run will remain in the subfile in (GLS800/B) where you can either delete it, or decide to create summary invoices at a later point.

    When you submit (GLS800), you must enter a 'To period'. Only invoices that have both the invoice (transaction code 10) and the payment (transaction code 20) before the last day in the entered 'To period' will be selected.

    Process and restart

    The archiving is started in (GLS800) by using the Select option for the filing type. After the job is submitted to batch, the archiving status will indicate the process. The following statuses are valid:

    • 01 = Query created
    • 02 = Work table FGL806 created
    • 03 = Work table FGL807 created
    • 04 = Printout GLS807PF completed
    • 05 = Work table FCR040 created
    • 06 = GLS040 started
    • 07 = GLS040 finished, FCR040 deleted
    • 08 = Work tables deleted, archiving completed

    If the job for any reason ends abnormally, it can be restarted by selecting the Restart option in (GLS800). If the status is 06 or 07, it must be restarted from (GLS047).

    This function archives the records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File)
    FSLEDG TF: Sales ledger
    FSLEDX TF: Sales ledger, extra information
    FGLEDG TF: General ledger
    FSCASH TF: Cash discount terms
    CSYTXH MF: Text, header
    FSYTXH MF: Text header

    Impact on Other files and processes

    As the balance file/table, FSLBAL, can be regenerated from the detail accounts receivable table FSLEDG that is now subject to archiving, then consideration must be given to any future deletes/rebuilds of records in the customer balance file.

CUR - Current Assets

  • 'Inventory Value Round. Archive/Delete' (CAS985)
    This 'Inventory Value Round. Archive/Delete' (CAS985) function archives inventory valuation round found in 'Inventory Value. Open' (CAS180).
    Note: Only inventory valuation rounds in status 00, 98, and 99 are archived. Excluded records from the latest archive run is found in 'Archiving Error Log. Open' (AMS350).

    Soft selections are made on 'Valuation round', 'Sts stock val', and 'Valuation date'. If the user is a central user, soft selection is made on 'Division'.

    This function archives the records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File)
    MMSVAH Stock valuation head
    MMSVAD Stock valuation detail
    MMSVAT Stock valuation transactions to GL

GLR - General Ledger

  • 'FIM Interace. Archive/Delete' (GLS816)

    'FIM Interace. Archive/Delete' (GLS816) archives or deletes FIM interface transactions that are displayed in 'FIM Interface. Manage Transactions' (GLS840). Only transactions in status 20-Updated are managed using this archiving function.

    • You must manually delete any remaining transactions not in status 20 on (GLS840), as they are not managed through (GLS816).

      For this function, you have two alternatives:
      • 'Archiving'
      • 'Deletion'

    If archiving is selected, the records are moved to the archiving library. If deletion is selected, the records are deleted from the library that stores the records.

    On the selection panel (GLS816/E), the archived or deleted transactions are selected based on the entry date displayed for each transaction on (GLS840/E). You must select a date range.

    You can leave 'From date' blank, but you must select a 'To date'. The entered 'To date' is validated against the archiving policy defined for (GLS816) on 'Archiving. Open Toolbox' (AMS100/E).

    If you call (GLS816) as a central user working from blank division, you must select a range of divisions that are included in the run. You must fill at least one of the fields 'From division' and 'To division' on (GLS816/E):

    • If 'From division' is left blank, all divisions listed in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) before and including the division stated in 'To division' are included in the run.
    • If 'To division' is left blank, all divisions listed in (MNS100) after and including the division stated in 'From division' are included in the run.

    This function archives or deletes records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File)
    FGLINH MF: FIM interface header
    FGLINL MF: FIM interface line
    FGLINF MF: FIM field-based interface line
    FFIHST MF: FIM interface history file
    FFIHSD MF: FIM interface history details
    Note: If there are any standalone records in FGLINL, FGLINF, FFIHST or FFIHSD tables without a corresponding parent record in FGLINH table, those records are not included in the run. They are handled manually through the Business Engine Data Management tool.
  • 'General Ledger. File' (GLS800)

    The 'General Ledger. File' (GLS800) function reduces the number of transactions in the General Ledger. Infor recommends that you produce the following reports before starting the archiving routines, since they are necessary for checking and reconciling the archive:

    • 'General Ledger. Print' (GLS525)
    • 'General Ledger. Print Balance Lists' (GLS510) report type 1 and 2
    • 'General Ledger. Print Stmnt of Income' (GLS520)

    After the archiving is completed, you must produce the same reports and compare them to the reports produced before archiving.

    Summary voucher in General Ledger

    To replace the archived General Ledger transactions, a new summary voucher is created in the General Ledger with breaks at this field:

    • Year

    The accounting dimensions on which the aggregated summary voucher are determined by the 'Filing level' field for every filing type in (GLS830).

    This table shows the example of general ledger transactions to archive:

    Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Dim 4 Dim 5 Dim 6 Dim 7 Amount
    3010 100 1000 -3000.00
    3010 100 2000 -4000.00
    3010 200 3000 -5000.00
    3010 200 4000 -6000.00
    3010 300 5000 -7000.00
    3010 300 6000 -8000.00
    3020 400 7000 -9000.00

    This table shows the result when aggregating on dimensions 1 and 2:

    Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Dim 4 Dim 5 Dim 6 Dim 7 Amount
    3010 100 - 7000,00
    3010 200 -11000.00
    3010 300 -15000.00
    3020 400 -9000.00

    This table shows the result when aggregating on dimension 1:

    Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Dim 4 Dim 5 Dim 6 Dim 7 Amount
    3010 -33000.00
    3020 -9000.00

    The period to which the summary voucher posted is determined by the 'Balance per period' field for every filing type in (GLS830). These are the valid alternatives:

    • 0 = Posted balance per period.
    • 1 = Only at the last period covered.

    This table shows an example of transactions to archive:

    Date Amount
    1999-09-01 -3000,00
    1999-09-15 -4000,00
    1999-09-30 -5000,00
    1999-10-15 -6000,00
    1999-10-22 -7000,00
    1999-11-30 -8000,00
    1999-12-15 -9000,00

    This table shows the result when posting balances per period:

    Date Amount
    1999-09-30 -12000,00
    1999-10-31 -13000,00
    1999-11-30 -8000,00
    1999-12-31 -9000,00

    This table shows the result when posting balances at end of period:

    Date Amount
    1999-12-31 -48000,00

    Audit trail

    By selecting 'Print changes' in (GLS830/E), you can produce a complete report (GLS802PF) of the General Ledger transactions that were archived. All archived General Ledger transactions are updated with General Ledger information number 095, which contains the voucher number of the summary voucher.

    These are the prerequisites:

    • Create a voucher number series for archiving (CRS410).
    • You must define FAM function GL71, General Ledger archiving (CRS405).
    • Use function (GLS885) to create a 'Hard Close' of the Financial Years for archiving.
    • Run (GLS940) to ensure Balance File and General Ledger are synchronized, again for the financial periods being archived

    Hard selections

    First, you must define dimension 1 accounts for archiving. This is done in (CRS630).

    Soft selections

    You must define at least one filing type connected to filing category 1 (Balance accounts) or 2 (Profit and Loss accounts) in (GLS830).

    A filing template is connected to each filing type. This enables you to distinguish between different accounts archived at different times. For example, you archive all your cash accounts first, and later (or less frequently) you might archive your long-term debts.

    This function archives the records in these tables:

    Table Description
    FGLEDG TF: General Ledger
    FGLEDX TF: General Ledger, extra information

    Impact on other financial tables and processes

    The balance file or table can regenerate from the FBAVAL detail general ledger file, FGLEDG, which is subject for archiving. A consideration is then given to any future deletes or rebuilds of records on the general ledger balance file.

RISK - Risk Management

  • 'Tickler Note. Archive/Delete' (RMS801)

    'Tickler Note. Archive/Delete' (RMS801) archives or deletes tickler notes that are displayed in 'Payer. Connect Tickler Note' (RMS440). Only transactions in status '9=Closed' are managed through this archiving function.

    You must manually delete any remaining transactions not in status 9 on (RMS440), as they are not managed through (RMS801).

    For this function, you have two alternatives:
    • 'Archiving'
    • 'Deletion'

If archiving is selected, the records are moved to the archiving library. If deletion is selected, the records are deleted from the library that stores the records.

On the selection panel (RMS801/E), the archived or deleted transactions are selected based on the action date displayed for each transaction on (RMS440/B). You must select a date range based on this parameter.

You can leave 'From date' blank, but you must select a 'To date'. The entered 'To date' is validated against the archiving policy defined for (RMS801) on 'Archiving. Open Toolbox' (AMS100/E).

If you call (RMS801) as a central user working from blank division, you must select a range of divisions that are included in the run. You must fill at least one of the fields 'From division' and 'To division' on (RMS801/E):

  • If 'From division' is left blank, all divisions listed in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) before and including the division stated in 'To division' are included in the run.
  • If 'To division' is left blank, all divisions listed in (MNS100) after and including the division stated in 'From division' are included in the run.

This function archives or deletes records in these tables:

Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File)
FCRMTN TF: Tickler Notes
FCRMTD TF: Payer Tickler Notes Details

TAX - TAX Management

  • 'Trade Statistics. Archive/Delete' (TXS801)

    'Trade Statistics. Archive/Delete' (TXS801) archives or deletes Intrastat transactions that are displayed in 'Trade Statistics. Open' (TXS300). Only transactions in status 90='Reported using (CRS600)' are managed through this archiving function.

    You must manually delete any remaining transactions not in status 90 in (TXS300), as they are not managed through (TXS801).

    For this function, you have two alternatives:

    • 'Archiving'
    • 'Deletion'

    If archiving is selected, the records are moved to the archiving library. If deletion is selected, the records are deleted from the library that stores the records.

    On the selection panel (TXS801/E), the archived or deleted transactions are selected based on the Invoice date or Accounting date displayed for each transaction on (TXS300/E ) and Delivery date displayed on (TXS300/F). You must select a date range.

    You can leave 'From date' blank, but you must select a 'To date'. The entered 'To date' is validated against the archiving policy defined for (TXS801) on 'Archiving. Open Toolbox' (AMS100/E).

    If you call (TXS801) as a central user working from blank division, you must select a range of divisions that are included in the run. You must fill at least one of the fields 'From division' and 'To division' on (TXS801/E):

    • If 'From division' is left blank, all divisions listed in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) before and including the division stated in 'To division' are included in the run.
    • If 'To division' is left blank, all divisions listed in (MNS100) after and including the division stated in 'From division' are included in the run.

    This function archives or deletes records in these tables:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, MF=Master File)
    CSYECT TF: EC/Instrastat transaction
    CTXTSH TF: Trade Statistics EDI header
    CTXTSD TF: Trade Statistics EDI line
    Note: If there are any standalone records in CTXTSH or CTXTSD tables without a corresponding parent record in CSYECT table, those records are not included in the run. They are handled manually through the Business Engine Data Management tool.