Data Retrieval

You can use this setting to control which data is retrieved from M3 Business Engine.

Use this procedure to access Data Retrieval 1:

  1. From the menu, select Settings > Data Retrieval 1.
  2. Specify this information:
    Whs group
    Specify a warehouse group from M3 Business Engine.
    APS Policy
    Select an APS policy from the list. This setting is used to control which items are planned in the application.
    Forecast method
    Select Remaining forecast, Forecast, or None from the list. See Grid for details on how these options affect the demand columns in the grid.
    Stock transaction type
    Select Single trans or Multi trans.
    You can select Single trans if transaction MWS070MI/LstTrnByDateAPS exists. If not, you can select Multi trans.
    Forecast demand time
    Specify the demand time for forecast as forecast is defined on day level.
    Or/Pl or end offset
    Select the number of hours from the list. This setting is used to define the offset from the end of the bucket that is used for planning the date and time when creating new manufacturing orders or new purchase orders.
    MO start offset
    Select the number of hours from the list. This setting is used to define the offset from the start of the bucket that is used for planning the date and time when creating new manufacturing orders and taking supply decisions based on production start.
    IPW forecast cut-off
    Select the forecast cutoff in hours. If there is less than the forecast cutoff remaining in a bucket, the forecast is equal to zero in that bucket.
    Pl MO prod st time
    Select the check box to define the production start time for planned MO.
    Pl PO rel dt time
    Select the check box to define the release date time for planned PO.
    Planned PO time
    Select the check box to define the supply time for planned purchase orders.
    Released PO time
    Select the check box to define the supply time for released purchase orders.
    Alt U/M
    Select the Alternate Unit of Measure from (MMS015) that is retrieved. This is only required if Group U/M is set to Alternate U/M.
    Include stock transactions
    Select the check box to include stock transactions.
    Include production start
    Select the check box to include production start information.
    Include release date
    Select the check box to include release date information on planned purchase order proposals.
    Include supplier name
    Select the check box to include supplier name.
    Incl PO agreements not in Material Plan
    Select the check box to include PO agreements that do not update the material plan. You can select this parameter by setting the DSBP=0 or Deselect PO trans which does not update POB in MMS080MI/SelMtrlTrans.
    Include PO agreements in supplies
    Select the check box to include PO agreements in the supply cells in the grid.
    Include alternative routing
    Select the check box to include alternate routing information on planned manufacturing order proposals.
    Include int dist orders in transit

    Select the check box to include internal distribution order in transit.

    Note: This option only takes effect if Exclude internal distribution orders is selected in Data Retrieval 2. If the internal distribution orders have an equal quantity of supply and demand, you can exclude them. The only exception is if the demand has been taken from a stock in the warehouse and has an in-transit supply. Therefore, you must include them even if you can exclude all the other internal distribution orders.
    Use demand time fence for forecasts
    Select the check box to use demand time fence for forecast. If selected, the forecast is set to zero if it is inside the demand time fence horizon.
    Include style information
    Select the check box to retrieve color and options for each item number.
  3. Click OK.

Use this procedure to access Data Retrieval 2:

  1. From the menu, select Settings > Data Retrieval 2.
  2. Specify this information:
    Exclude planned MO
    Select the check box to exclude the supplies from planned Manufacturing Order Proposals for order category 100 status 1 – 19.
    Exclude firm planned MO
    Select the check box to exclude the supplies from firm planned Manufacturing Order Proposals for order category 100 status 20 – 59.
    Exclude released MO
    Select the check box to exclude the supplies from released Manufacturing Order for order category 101 and order category 100 status 60.
    Exclude planned PO
    Select the check box to exclude the planned Purchase Order Proposals for order category 250 status 1-19.
    Exclude firm planned PO
    Select the check box to exclude the firm planned Purchase Order Proposals for order category 250 status 20-59.
    Exclude released PO
    Select the check box to exclude the released Purchase Order for order category 251 and order category 250 status 60.
    Exclude PO Agreement
    Select the check box to exclude PO Agreement for order category 280.
    Exclude planned MO - material issues
    Select the check box to exclude material demands from manufacturing order proposals for order category 110 order status 1 - 19.
    Exclude firm planned MO proposal / material issues
    Select the check box to exclude material demands from manufacturing order proposals for order category 110 order status 20 - 59.
    Exclude released MO - material issues
    Select the check box to exclude material demands from released manufacturing order for order category 111.
    Exclude internal distribution orders
    Select the check box to exclude internal distribution orders. Select filter by DIDR=1 in MMS080MI/SelMtrlTrans.
    Exclude forecast
    Select the check box to exclude forecast. Select forecast from FCS350/LstForQty.
    Exclude remaining forecast
    Select the check box to exclude remaining forecast. Select forecast from MMS080MI/SelForcTrans.
    Exclude production line
    Select the check box to exclude the production line information.
    Exclude planned DOs
    Select the check box to exclude the planned Distribution Order Proposals for order category 500/510 status 1-19.
    Exclude firm planned DOs
    Select the check box to exclude the firm planned Distribution Order Proposal for order category 500/510 status 20-59.
    Exclude released DOs
    Select the check box to exclude the released Distribution Orders for order category 501/511 and order category 500/510 status 60.
  3. Click OK.