Checking the performance

The data volume directly affects the performance of Inventory Planning Workbench. The critical IPW settings that control performance are described in Recommendations and restrictions.

To check the performance, update IPW and click Log File. The log files are large and difficult to analyze. You can copy and analyze the content in a text editor. Select the full content of the log file by pressing Ctrl + A, then copy the content into a text file.

The log file contains information about the API calls and transactions, including the number of records transferred, which you can identify. The log file also contains a timestamp that you can use to identify the transaction time for each API call.

The log file contains records marked with Performance measurement, which identify number of records and execution time for each API call.

You can search for [MIAccess] Received to identify the number of records received. Importing large data volumes takes time. IPW is based on the material plan, and the API call with the most records is usually MMS080MI/SelMtrlTrans, which transfers all material plan records.

You can search for Sending record to identify when the API calls are made. By checking the timestamp at the start of each line, you can identify which API calls take time. Remaining forecast is an example of an API call that takes time. If it is not needed, you can delete it in Data retrieval 2 > Exclude remaining forecast.