Define How Routes Are Defaulted During Customer Order Entry

This document explains which settings have an impact on how routes are proposed during customer order entry.


You know how to set up and how to propose route and route departures in the customer order header and order lines.

The process of entering a customer order becomes much faster by using default values. The user is supported by the system and minimizes the risk of making mistakes.

Before you start

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates…
(OIS014/F) Route

…if and how routes are proposed by default for new customer orders.

(OIS014/F) Route departure …if and how route departures are proposed by default for new customer orders.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014) and set the panel sequence to F.

  2. Enter the customer order type that you would like to change.

  3. On the F panel, decide whether and how routes are to be proposed.

    The valid alternatives are:

    • *SYSH = Routes are automatically retrieved for the order header according to the requested delivery time. All order lines will receive this route by default.
    • *SYSL = Routes are automatically retrieved for each order line according to the requested delivery time.
    • *MSYSH = Routes are automatically retrieved for the order header according to the requested delivery time. All order lines receive this route by default. Route is mandatory to specify on the order header.
    • *MSYSL = Routes are automatically retrieved for each order line according to the requested delivery time. Route is mandatory to specify on the order line.
    • XXX = Any route can be used.
    • Field left blank = No route is proposed.
  4. Decide whether and how route departures are to be proposed. Press Enter to save the settings.

    The valid alternatives are:

    • *SYS = Route departures are automatically retrieved according to selected route and requested delivery time.
    • XXX = Any route departure can be specified. This option is only valid if a specific route is entered in the route field.