Create Distribution Template

This procedure is used to create budget distribution templates containing specifications for distributing data from one Dataset to another.

Distribution templates are used to distribute a budget to another budget on a lower level. For example, a budget for a market (level 1) can be distributed to all customers (level 2) in that market.

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Select program 'Sales Budget Distr Template. Open' (OSS422).

  2. Create a budget distribution template and specify the budget year. Press Enter.

  3. Specify a description and complete name.

  4. Perform this step.

    • To calculate budget distribution percentages automatically, specify the dataset used as the base for distribution.
      Note: The key definitions in the dataset must contain at least the two lowest key field in the target dataset.
    • To calculate budget distribution percentages manually, specify the From dataset and budget version and the To dataset and budget version.
  5. Specify a maximum of three Accumulator Field to distribute. To distribute more accumulator fields, another distribution template must be created. Press Enter.

  6. To create more budget distribution templates, repeat steps 2 to 6. To end, press F3=End.