Connect FAM Function to an Order Type

This document explains how you connect a FAM function to an order type.


A FAM function is connected to an order type.

Connecting a FAM function to an order type makes it possible to get different voucher number series for different types of invoices. (Voucher number series are connected to the FAM function.)

When you connect a FAM function to an order type, the CRFNCN table is updated.

Before you start

  • An order type must be created in 'Maint CO Type. Open' (COS010), 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010), 'Project Type. Open' (POS010), or 'Service Order Type. Open' (SOS010).
  • A FAM function (ID CO20, OI20, PO20, or SO20) must be created in 'FAM Function. Open' (CRS405).

Follow these steps

These are two alternative ways to connect a FAM function to an order type:

Work with order types (alternative 1)

  1. Start (COS010), (OIS010), (POS010) or (SOS010).
  2. Select an order type and select option 12=FAM Function to start 'Order Type. Connect FAM Function' (CRS407).
  3. Specify 'Order Type', 'Division' and 'FAM Function' and select 'New' to create a new record.

    The information displayed on the E panel is only information retrieved from the selected FAM function.

    For FAM function CO20 and SO20, the fields voucher series and voucher name can be set on (CRS407/E) for an internal payer. If these are set, the information is used when creating vouchers for invoices with an internal payer. Internal payer is identified by the customer type being equal to 7. If the fields are left blank, the ordinary voucher series and name are used independent of the payer. Internal voucher series and name are only used if 'Separate voucher no' is activated in 'Settings - Service Order Invoicing' (CRS790) and 'Settings - Maintenance CO Invoicing' (COS822).

Work with FAM function (alternative 2)

  1. Start (CRS405).
  2. Select a FAM entry ID (CO20, OI20, PO20 or SO20). Select option 11=Details to start 'FAM Function. Open Details' (CRS406).
  3. Select a FAM function and select option 12=Order Type to start (CRS407).
  4. Specify 'Order Type', 'Division' and 'FAM Function' and select 'New' to create a new record.

    The information displayed on the E panel is only information retrieved from the selected FAM function.

    For FAM function CO20 and SO20, the fields voucher series and voucher name can be set on (CRS407/E) for an internal payer. If these are set, the information is used when creating vouchers for invoices with an internal payer. Internal payer is identified by the customer type being equal to 7. If the fields are left blank, the ordinary voucher series and name are used independent of the payer. Internal voucher series and name are only used if 'Separate voucher no' is activated in (CRS790) and (COS822).