Using Supplier Rebate on Sales Agreements

Regardless of whether the maintenance customer order is for service or material sales, material issues create transactions in the invoice specification 'Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec' (COS170). When an invoice transaction is created, a check is carried out to find a valid supplier rebate on sales agreement.

When a supplier rebate on sales agreement is selected, a preliminary supplier rebate amount is calculated. This defines how much you can expect to claim from the supplier. The amount depends on the rebate calculation method defined on the agreement.

Set up of supplier rebate on sales agreement

The following criteria must be fulfilled for an agreement to be valid for a maintenance customer order invoice specification material line:
  • The 'Supplier rebate agreement check' parameter on 'Maint CO Type. Open' (COS010/F) must be selected.
  • The customer must have an agreement with status 20-'Active'. The rebate check date, that is based on the setting for parameter '160 Supplier rebate agreement check' in 'Settings - Maintenance Customer Orders' (COS895), must be within the validity dates of the agreement.
  • The item must be entitled to a valid agreement line.
This table shows the settings that are required to activate the supplier rebate on sales agreement functionality:
Program ID/Panel Field heading Description
(COS010/J) Supplier rebate agreement check Select the check box to enable the agreement check at customer order entry.
(COS895) 160 Supplier rebate agreement check The field indicates the date to be used for the validation of the agreement for a maintenance customer order. The alternatives are 1-'Order date', 2-'Requested delivery date', and 3-'Material issue date'.