Report Processing for Sales Prices

This process is used to create and run a sales price report, for example a sales price list or internal control report for sales prices.

Before you start

The sales prices must be defined according to one or more transaction types that are specified for the items included in the report.

Follow these steps

The process covers the following activities:

  1. Define report

    A report is entered in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

    • Enter basic data

      Decisive for the outcome of the report is the report type. The report type controls the source from which the items are retrieved for the price list.

      You can further limit the selection, for example, by specifying the warehouse and order type that will be used as key values. You can also select different price costing and discount calculations.

    • Enter transaction types

      The source used to retrieve price information is defined through the transaction types entered in 'Sales Price Report. Connect Trans Types' (OIS531), and accessed by using option 11 from 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

      Defining transaction types determines the information displayed in the reports.

      A transaction type controls:

      • How prices are retrieved for the report, for example according to the item file or the specified blanket agreement.
      • The calculations that influence the prices before display, for example discounts.
    • Enter item selection

      By entering a selection field, for example product group and manager, you decide which items are retrieved for the price list report. For each selection field, one or more ranges can be defined.

      The selection is entered in 'Sales Price Report. Connect Fields' (OIS532), accessed using option 12 from 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

  2. Activate report

    When a report is activated, prices and discounts are retrieved and calculated according to the transaction types defined for the report. Data retrieved into the report can be used until the report is activated.

    A report is activated using option 20=Activate, in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

    If the contents of the report need to be changed, for example if a transaction type is to be added, the report must be activated first. After the changes have been made, the report is activated again. The report's layout can be altered without deactivating the report.

  3. Run report

    The media is selected in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530/I). A defined report is run from panel B in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

    A defined report can be extracted in these ways:

    • Display
    • Print
    • As a DW/400 document, with the possibility of distributing documents
    • As a PC file


The result of the process is different sales reports according to the selections made. A report can either be further processed in M3 or in a PC application.

Examples of report types:

  • Sales price list
  • Customer price list
  • Prices according to blanket agreements
  • Gross profit analyses
  • Check reports
  • Price lists for different assortments