Status - Customer Order Line

The status of a customer order line describes the progress of the line in customer order processing. This status has two numerals. When these are the same, then the entire quantity in the customer order line has progressed to the same point in processing.

When these numerals are different, the quantity in the customer order line has been divided and the different portions have not progressed to the same degree. The first numeral indicates the shortest degree of processing. Conversely, the second numeral indicates the furthest degree of processing of the customer order line.

The table below describes what each status code indicates.

Status Indicates
2 Left to allocate
3 Allocated
4 Printed on a picking list
6 Delivered
7 Invoiced
9 Deleted

The table below contains the possible combinations for the status of a customer order line.

Highest status, last numeral
Lowest status, first numeral To allocate Allocated On picking list Delivered Invoiced
To allocate 22 23 24 26 27
Allocated 33 34 36 37
On picking list 44 46 47
Delivered 66 67
Invoiced 77

The table below shows the exceptions from the table above.

Status Indicates
05 Quotation
10 Preliminary
99 Flagged as completed without delivery