Define Customer and Customer Alias Deviations

This document explains how you can define settings per customer, address, delivery specification, item and so on.

These settings can be used if you want to override the settings already defined.


You have defined settings per customer, item and so on that will override already defined settings.

This is used in the CDS process to override settings per customer, item and so on.

The following tables are updated:

  • Customer/Address is saved in the OCUSAD table.
  • Customer/Delivery specification is saved in the OCUSAS table.
  • Customer/Item is saved in the OCUSIT table.

Before you start

The settings for enabling CDS must be defined. The new settings will override some of those settings.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Customer Item. Open Info/Customer Addr' (RSS050).

  2. Specify the information in the appropriate fields on the B panel. See the Parameters to set table.

  3. Specify the information in the appropriate fields on the E panel. Only the fields on the parameter list can be used.

    See the Parameters to set table.

Parameters to set

These parameters are valid in (RSS055). The other parameters are not used.

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(RSS050/B) Customer … a customer.
(RSS050/B) Alias no. … an alias number.
(RSS050/B) Address no. Select a value if you want these settings to be valid for a specific customer address.
(RSS050/B) Delivery spec. Select a value if you want these settings to be valid for a specific delivery spec.
(RSS050/B) Model year Select a value if you want these settings to be valid for a specific model per year.
(RSS050/B) Fr date … the date from which these settings are valid.
(RSS050/E) Select from this level

… whether you will use the values entered in this program or whether you will use the values entered in the original settings program.

Select the Yes check box.

(RSS050/E) Adjust to min qty.

… whether to use issue multiples. It is used an an alternative to the Package level field.

All quantities per day will be delivered according to the issue multiple. If 1 is entered, the delivery schedule's quantities are calculated from the specified multiple during

(RSS050/E) Min qty. ….minimum quantity describes the smallest quantity normally handled for the particular item and packaging.
(RSS050/E) Split model

… a split model. It is used to connect a defined split model to a delivery schedule belonging to definition of direction/partner/ message/application reference.

The split functionality splits a quantity into several deliveries and is defined in (RSS055) and in (RSS056).

(RSS050/E) Deviation qty 1/2/3/4

The field indicates the deviation quantity used for comparing deviations in delivery schedules.

This information is used when comparing quantities in different delivery schedules in (RSS020).

Deviation can be checked in the Check item deviation field in (RSS021). This is done by selecting a code for the deviation quantity. That actual quantity that will be used is entered in the Quantity field in (RSS050).