Adjust Budget Values

This procedure is used to adjust the values for Accumulator Field in a sales budget version.

Before you start

  • A sales budget version is defined in program 'Sales Budget. Open' (OSS420).
  • Budget values are specified for the accumulator fields to adjust.

Follow these steps

  1. Select program 'Sales Budget. Adjust' (OSS424).

  2. Specify the dataset, budget version, and budget year.

  3. To specify a selection of key field, specify option 11 = Selection for the key fields to select. Program (OSS426) is called.

    Specify the To and From values for the selection. Press F3 to return to 'Sales Budget. Adjust' (OSS424).

  4. Press F10 = Update. A warning is issued if no selection was specified. Press Enter to confirm or go to step 3 to specify a selection.

  5. To adjust all the accumulator fields by the same factor, specify the adjustment type and a general factor.

  6. Specify the accumulator fields to adjust. To select from a prompt window, press F4 = Prompt.

  7. If a general factor is not used, specify a factor for each accumulator field.

  8. Press F10 = Update. To end, press F3.