Report Processing

This process is used to create and run reports against budgeted and statistical values in Dataset.

Reports can be defined for both specific purposes and routine runs. All report definitions are saved under separate names, so they can be reused.

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Entering report

    Creating reports in program 'Sales Stats/Budget Report. Open' (OSS412) involves entering basic information for the reports, document control, specifying page headers and footers, and selecting the display media.

    • Basic information

      Basic information is entered in panel 'Sales Stats/Budget Report. Open' (OSS412/E). Most important for the report is that the information is retrieved from the correct dataset. The dataset regulates the reporting levels possible and the accumulator fields available for display or use in calculations. Refer to See Also section for related documents.

      Reporting levels are entered for each dataset to specify the levels on which the information in the key field in the dataset is displayed in the report. The level is then proposed by default either on-screen or in a different medium, but can be changed.

      The warehouse used to retrieve the values in columns 2 and 3 can be specified if is not included in the key definition of the dataset (as described below).

    • Document control

      Document control for printouts is specified in panel 'Sales Stats/Budget Report. Open' (OSS412/F). The paper format, character density, etc. can be adapted to reporting needs.

      Each report can have up to 99 columns. When displayed on-screen, all the columns can be viewed by scrolling sideways. Therefore, the relationship between the column definition and the character density of the report is important to consider.

    • Page headers and footers

      Page headers and footers are defined in panel 'Sales Stats/Budget Report. Open' (OSS412/G). There are three lines for the headers and two for footers, and each line can contain both user-defined text and headings.

      The available headings are:

      • Report ID
      • Report name (long or short)
      • Report text
      • Page number
      • User ID
      • Current date
      • Time
      • Company number
      • Company name
      • Division
      • Division name
      • Period number
      • Period name
      • Page break ID 1
      • Page break ID 1, description
      • Page break ID 2
      • Page break ID 2, description
      • Page break ID 3
      • Page break ID 3, description
      • Page break ID 4
      • Page break ID 4, description
      • Page break ID 5
      • Page break ID 5, description

      Headers and footers are used only for printouts, so they need not be defined for on-screen display.

    • Select media

      The report media is selected in panel 'Sales Stats/Budget Report. Open' (OSS412/H). Reports requested for printout can also be stored as documents in DW/400 (if AS/400 is used as application server) and sent automatically to any specific user or through a distribution list to several users.

      Reports can also be transferred to PC files for data retrieval. The transfer method and file name must be specified. A PC file is then created automatically every time the report is printed.

  2. Entering report keys

    Report keys are entered in 'Sales Stats Report. Select Key Fields' (OSS410), which is called from 'Sales Stats/Budget Report. Open' (OSS412) using option 11 = Keys.

    A report key defines the balance levels possible for the report, depending on the dataset selected. Column headings, column width and length of the key description can be defined for each report. A default column heading is retrieved from the dataset.

    For example, if item number UCITNO is a key field and the company uses item numbers shorter than standard (15 characters), the column width can be reduced as necessary to save space in the report.

  3. Entering select report key

    Report keys are selected in 'Sales Stats Report. Enter Key Values' (OSS413), which is called from 'Sales Stats Report. Select Key Fields' (OSS410) using option 11 = Selection. An unlimited number of selection ranges can be defined for every report key. When no selection is made, then all key values in the report are displayed.

    Selections can be made for IDs such as product group, item number, department, customer group or customer. Note that the selection can also be defined for the dataset selected for the report.

  4. Entering report columns

    Report columns are entered in 'Sales Stats Report. Define Columns' (OSS411), which is called from 'Sales Stats/Budget Report. Open' (OSS412) using option 12 = Columns. Each column is defined as a type as shown below.

    Type Description

    Value from accumulator field in the dataset selected for the report. Used to retrieve information about budgeted value or outcome, depending on the Transaction Type - Statistics selected for the column.

    2 Value from another file. Used to display information connected to report keys but not saved in the dataset, such as desired service level for an item at a specific warehouse. Note that values are only entered in the column for levels in the report containing the key ID.
    3 Code from basic data file. Used to display a code connected to one of the keys in the dataset, such as user-defined fields from the customer file or item file. Note that values are only entered in the column for levels in the report containing the key ID.
    4 Calculation column. Used for calculations based on values in other columns, such as the difference between budgeted and outcome values.
    5 Field from spreadsheet programs. Used to retrieve or calculate data not directly available in the report generator. A customized program that performs the calculation is referenced, but requires that the parameter list is made according to standard. See template program OSSMTPL.
    6 Text column. Used to display any text entered. Whether the text is displayed can be set to depend on the value in another column, such as a warning message displayed only when contribution margin ratio is lower than a specified percent.

    Field names are specified for column types 1, 2 and 3 to regulate the accumulator fields displayed. These can be selected from the field list containing the possible fields for each of the column types.

    Column type 1 contains allocated values. To identify the selection of data for this column, the following information must be entered:

    • Transaction type, such as budget or sales statistics. See supporting function Datasets.
    • Budget version, if budget is selected as the transaction type above.
    • From period number and year.
    • To period number and year.

    Note that relative periods can be specified, so the report can be used over time without changing the column definition. The from and to periods are then calculated for each column according to the column definition and the period number specified for the reporting period when the report is run.

    The table below illustrates an example of a definition of relative periods and the result when the report is run.

    Fr. per To yr. To per To yr. Result 9608 Result 9611
    This period this year = = = = 9608-9608 9611-9611
    Up to this year 01 = = = 9601-9608 9601-9611
    This period last year = -1 = -1 9508-9508 9511-9511
    Up to last year 01 -1 = -1 9501-9508 9501-9511
    Total last year 01 -1 12 -1 9501-9612 9501-9512
    1st quarter this year 01 = 03 = 9601-9603 9601-9603

    Column Contents

    Column headings, column width and number of decimals is defined for each column in panel 'Sales Stats Report. Define Columns' (OSS411/F). Field Column heading is used for on-screen display. For printouts field Column heading 1, 2 and 3 are used.

    User-defined text and headings can both be used for all column headings. Examples of column headings are:

    • From period number for columns, YYPP
    • From period number, description
    • To period number for columns, YYPP
    • To period number, description

    The calculation order can be specified for column types 4 and 6 (calculation columns). This order is important when the calculation order is not the same as the display order, that is in ascending column number order from left to right.

    If a column is used only for calculations, the display can be suppressed. Totals per break level in the report can be specified. Also, all columns can be edited in the following ways:

    • Editing code
    • Thousands separator
    • Minus sign placement
    • Sign reversal (positive to negative, and vice-versa)
    • Display value in tens, thousands, etc.
    • Column separators
  5. Run report

    Any defined report can be run in these ways:


Reports containing operative, tactical and strategic management information customized to user needs can be produced using this process. This includes:

  • Budget goals
  • Sales statistics
  • Profitability analyses
  • Budget variances
  • Service level evaluations
  • Lead time analyses
  • Error analyses
  • Replacements and lost sales
  • Mathematical forecasts
  • Trend analyses

The reports can be generated in either M3 reporting tools or a PC tool. The Accumulator Field defined for each dataset regulate the information displayed in these reports.