Update M3 General Ledger with Sales Ticket Information

This document explains how to update the M3 general ledger with sales ticket information received from an external point of sales (POS) system.


The general ledger in M3 is updated according to the different types of movements made in the external POS system. For example, sales, bank remittances, credit notes issuing and refunds, payment in advance issuing and refunds, tax removal refund, petty cash withdrawal.

In 'Accounts Receivable. Display' (ARS200) you can check the update of the general ledger.

New accounting objects (accounting rules, accounting events, etc.) are created and used depending on the sales ticket record type.

The various entries per record type are:

Record type Description Entries Debit/Credit
1000 Sales

OP20 120

OP20 111

OP20 112




1100 Gift certificate OP20 120 Debit
1990 Payment OP20 101 Debit
1200 Return (issuing credit note)

OP20 120

OP20 111

OP20 112




1990 Payment OP20 101 Credit
1300 Cancelled ticket No No
1400 Demo ticket No No
1500 Login/Logout No No
1600 Daily takings No No
1610 Daily takings bankfunds OP50 370 Debit
1620 Daily takings difference OP50 350 Credit/Debit
1690 Daily takings payments OP50 101 Credit
2000 Credit note refund OP20 101 Debit
2090 Payment OP20 120 Credit
2200 Payment in advance refund OP20 101 Debit
2290 Payment OP20 120 Credit
2400 Tax removal refund OP20 111 Debit
2490 Payment OP20 101 Credit
4000 Reservation (payment in advance) OP20 120 Debit
4090 Payment OP20 101 Credit
4200 Unpaid checks regularization OP20 120 Credit
4290 Payment OP20 101 Debit
4500 Account deposit of invoice payment OP35 100 Credit
4590 Payment (account or invoice) OP35 101 Debit
5000 Bank remittance

OP30 370

OP30 101



7000 Petty cash expenses

OP40 701

OP40 211

OP40 212




7090 Payment OP40 101 Credit

Before you start

  • Meet the starting conditions listed in Defining Settings for Enabling POS Integration with M3.
  • Transfer the sales ticket information from the external POS system to OPSALE (through OXSALE).
  • The status of the OPSALE records is 60='Ready for finance update'.
  • Define the FAM functions on 'FAM Function. Open' (CRS405/B).

    These FAM functions are used for sales tickets:

    • OP20 Sales ticket invoicing
    • OP30 Advance payments
    • OP35 Invoice payments
    • OP40 Sales ticket petty cash
    • OP50 Daily takings
  • Define the accounting events on 'Accounting Event. Open' (CRS375/B).

    These accounting events are used for sales tickets:

    • OP20 Sales tickets and refunds
    • OP30 Bank remittance
    • OP35 Invoice payments
    • OP40 Petty cash expenses
    • OP50 Daily takings
  • Define the accounting type 701='Petty cash expenses' on 'Accounting Type. Open' (CRS385/B).
  • Define the accounting rules and accounting strings on 'Accounting Rule. Set' (CRS395/B).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'POS Sales Ticket. Update' (OPS280/E).

  2. On the E panel, specify an interface round number, a facility, and a warehouse (shop).

    On the E panel, specify an interface round number, a facility, a from warehouse (shop), and a to warehouse (shop).

    The interface round number is used to identify all transactions in a batch. All records with the same round number are processed. Interface round numbers are defined in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165).

  3. Specify a transaction date.

    You can enter the transaction date manually when you enter transactions. In these instances, the current date is proposed for the transaction date by default. In 'Req/Distr Order. Open' (MMS100), a future transaction date and time are entered. This date determines when the transaction is automatically processed. The transaction date is the planned issue date. For distribution orders, the planned receipt date at the receiving warehouse is shown on (MMS100/F) to the right of the transport time.

  4. Select the 'Financial interface' field. Press Enter and the general ledger in M3 is updated.

    Note: Select the 'Financial interface' field on both 'Shop. Open' (OPS500/G) and 'POS Sales Ticket. Update' (OPS280/E).
  5. Specify an accounting date. The date must be within the valid range according to the FAM functions set up in 'Settings – POS' (OPS700).

  6. Optionally, specify a voucher text for the transactions. The voucher text set up in (OPS700) for the division will be proposed as the default.

  7. Press Enter and the general ledger is updated.

    When the general ledger is updated, the OPSALE records are set to status 80='No further update'.

Parameters to set

Program ID/ Panel Field The field indicates …
(OPS500/G) Financial interface

... whether M3 general ledger is to be updated with sales ticket information received from the external POS system that is connected to this warehouse (shop).

Note: Select the 'Financial interface' field on both 'Shop. Open' (OPS500/G) and 'POS Sales Ticket. Update' (OPS280/E) to update the general ledger in M3.
(OPS700/E) Account dimension for check due date … in which accounting dimension in the general ledger the due date is updated. This applies when a sales ticket is received in M3 from the external POS system.
(OPS700/E) FAM function for sales ticket invoicing … the FAM function used for sales ticket invoicing. Select FAM function OP20, which is used to book sales transactions.
(OPS700/E) FAM function for sales ticket refund … the FAM function used for sales ticket refunds. Select FAM function OP20, which is used to book refunds.
(OPS700/E) Accounting option - negative differences … the accounting option used to book negative rounding differences between the POS system and M3 FAM. The valid values are 20 to 99.
(OPS700/E) Accounting option - positive differences … the accounting option used to book positive rounding differences between the POS system and M3 FAM. The valid values are 20 to 99.
Note: The fields described in the table above, are necessary for the general ledger update when transferring sales ticket information from the external point of sales system. For more information on the settings to be defined in the financial management process, see the section Before you start and documentation.