Restart Invoicing

The purpose of this procedure is to restart invoicing after it has been interrupted.

Before you start

To restart invoicing, the interrupted job cannot be active.

Restart of an ongoing invoice job is prevented to avoid serious errors in the database.

Note: If the invoice job is interactive, the check to prevent restarting an active job will fail.

If the invoice job is from the auto job (OIS950), the auto job most likely remains active for a very long time. Therefore, restart is allowed for invoice jobs started from (OIS950) ten minutes after they were started.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'CO Invoice. Restart Processing' (OIS980). All active invoicing jobs are displayed, not only interrupted jobs. Invoicing jobs that are ended normally are automatically deleted from the list. If the job cannot be found, see step 4.

  2. Select option 9='Run' to restart an invoicing job. If nothing happens, see step 5.

  3. Press F3 to end the job.

  4. If the job cannot be found in (OIS980), activate the extended search for additional jobs. The extended search searches for records without a corresponding job command record (CJBCMD) for the invoice in the progress table (OINVIP). The jobs found can also be restarted (see step 2). The dates used when restarting are usually retrieved from the CO delivery header (ODHEAD), but if the job was interrupted before the delivery header was updated the dates stated in 'CO Invoice. Print' (OIS180) on the user that started the invoicing are selected.

  5. Sometimes nothing happens when an invoice job is restarted. In some of those cases it works if the restart is run interactively instead of as a submitted job. Use related option 'Interactive' to run the restart interactively. If nothing happens, see step 6.

  6. When something is preventing the invoicing to complete, the OINVIP status gives an indication where the problem is. Check for application messages in 'Application Message. Open' (CRS420), check Vertex logs (if Vertex is used), check for dump logs, check for corrupt data, etc. to determine the cause.