Display Sales Price List Report

This procedure is used to display a sales price list report on the screen.

Before you start

A report must be defined in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Sales Price Report. Display' (OIS535) via option 25=Run on-line, in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

  2. Specify the report ID and report level, click Next and you will proceed to the B panel.

  3. Select possible from values for the report keys. Press enter to display the report. You can look at the report at different levels by one of the options below.

    • Specify option 1 to do a drill-down.
    • Press F18=Previous level, to go the next higher level.
    • Press F19=Left or F20=Right, to scroll each page in the report.
  4. Press F12=Cancel, to change the start values, and you will return to 'Sales Price Report. Display' (OIS535/A). Repeat steps 2-3.

  5. Press F3=End to finish the procedure.