Defining Sales Price Report

This process is used to define a report for sales prices.

A report can be defined for both regular routine runs and temporary runs. A report definition is saved under its own name so that it can be run many times.

Before you start

Sales prices must be defined according to one or more transaction types that are specified for the items included in the report.

Follow these steps

  1. Enter basic data

    A report is specified in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530). Basic data is entered in (OIS530/E).

    • Select report type

      Basic data depends on the choice of report type, so the choice is very important. The report type determines the source from which items are retrieved for the price list. The entry of additional basic data depends on the report type chosen.

      The following report types are valid:

      • Items from the report's primary price list, specified in the report's basic data in the E panel.
      • Items from the customer/item file, according to the customer specified in the report's basic data.
      • Items from the blanket agreement specified in the report's basic data in the E panel.
      • Items from the item assortment specified in the report's basic data in the E panel.
      • Items from the item file.

      The item selection according to report type can be further limited by defining specific selections for the price list report in 'Sales Price Report. Connect Fields' (OIS532). See section Enter Item Selection in this document.

      You can specify the warehouse and order type that will be used as key values in the price list selection. You can also select additional price and discount calculations.

    • Item sorting entry

      Item sorting is specified in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530/F).

      The sorting capability allows you to group items, determine the page breaks, and sort the items in different ways. Items are sorted by entering different key fields, for example product manager and item group. Up to four key fields can be combined into a price list report. A heading can be entered for every key field, which is later proposed during reporting.

      You can adjust the column width so that it applies with the contents of the column. If, for example, an item number is shorter than the standard length of 15 positions, you can reduce the column width to save space in the report.

      When the report is displayed on screen, it is easy to find the desired items by doing a drill-down through the superior keys.

    • Define header and footer

      The report's header, which is three lines, and footer, which is two lines, are defined in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530/G). User-defined text and constants may be combined for all lines.

      Headers and footers are only used when printing and need not be defined for onscreen display.

      The following are examples of available constants:

      • Report-ID
      • Report name (long and short)
      • User ID
      • Current date
      • Company name
      • Customer number
      • Assortment name
      • Page break ID and description.
    • Define document check

      Document checks for printing are defined in panel 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530/H).

      Document checks are used to format a report to the desired paper size and character density etc., depending on the report width and readability requirements.

      Up to 99 columns can be defined for a single report. It is important to take the paper's width into consideration when printing a report. You should carefully note the relationship between the column definition and the report's character density.

    • Media selection entry

      The media is selected in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530/I).

      A report requested for printing can be stored as a document in DW/400 so that it is possible to distribute the report automatically.

      A report may even be transferred to a PC file, so that it is accessible in PC programs such as Microsoft Excel. The transfer method and file name must then be entered. A PC file is automatically created each time a print command is entered for the report.

  2. Enter transaction types

    The source used to retrieve price information is defined by entering transaction types in 'Sales Price Report. Connect Trans Types' (OIS531), accessed via option 11 from 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

    Defining transaction types determines the information displayed in the reports.

    A transaction type controls:

    • How prices are retrieved for the report, for example according to the item file or the specified blanket agreement.
    • The calculations that influence the prices before they are displayed, for example discounts.

    The following transaction types are available:

    • Prices according to specified sales price list.
    • Prices from the customer/item file according to the specified customer.
    • Prices from specified blanket agreement.
    • Prices from the hierarchy used at customer order entry, according to the specified customer order type. Different items may have different sources.
    • Prices from the item file.

    It is possible to combine more than one price source in a report.

    It is also possible for a transaction type to appear more than once in a report. If you would like to compare two price lists, for example, transaction type 1 can be used more than once, but with different transaction identities referring to the different price lists.

  3. Enter item selection

    Selections to determine which items to retrieve for the price list report are made by entering a selection field, for example product group and manager. One or more ranges can be defined for each selection field so that the selections can be accurately specified.

    Selections are made in 'Sales Price Report. Connect Fields' (OIS532), which is accessed using option 12 from 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

  4. Enter report columns

    Report columns are entered in 'Sales Price Report. Open Columns' (OIS534), accessed using option 13=Columns, in 'Sales Price Report. Open' (OIS530).

    Each report column is defined with a column type that determines what the column is used for or what it contains.

    The following column types are available:

    Type Description
    1 Information about the sales price according to the specified transaction type.
    2 Basic data.
    3 Alias information. Displays for example, different types of EAN numbers.
    4 Calculating column. This is used for calculations that base themselves on other column values or constants. Example: calculating the deviation between net and gross price.
    5 Fields from calculation program. These are used to retrieve or calculate data that is not directly accessible to the report generator. This is done via referral to a customized program that performs the operations. This assumes that the parameter list is constructed according to standards. See template program OISMTPL.
    6 Text column. Used to display specified text. It is possible to allow the text to be displayed depending on a value in another column. A warning is displayed if the contribution margin ratio is lower than a specified percentage.
    7 Cost price. This displays the item's cost price. Both the weighed average price and cost prices for specified costing type can be displayed. The warehouse specified in the report header controls the facility where prices are retrieved.
    • Price scale level entry

      If the price source has graduated prices, the price scale level is specified in panel 'Sales Price Report. Open Columns' (OIS534/E).

      The price scale level specifies the level in the price list to be used. Price scale level 1 indicates the price for the lowest quantity, 2 indicates the price for the next level, and so on.

    • Define column contents

      In 'Sales Price Report. Open Columns' (OIS534/F) you define the column headings, column width and number of decimal places per column.

      The Column headings field is used for onscreen display. Column headings 1, 2, and 3 are used for printing. User-defined text and constants can be combined for all column headings.

      Column types 4 and 6 allow you to enter the calculation sequence. It is important to specify the calculation sequence if it differs from the display sequence, that is the ascending numerical order from left to right.

      If a column is only used for calculations, the display function can be suppressed so that the column is hidden from view.