Create Advance - Bonus/Commission

This procedure is used to create advances for a recipient based on a bonus/commission (b/c) agreement.

Before you start

Advances must be activated for the b/c agreement according to the selected b/c advance method in 'Bonus/Comm Agreement. Open' (OIS412).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Bonus/Comm Agreement. Advance & Settle' (OIS415).

  2. Select the b/c agreement for which to calculate advances. Specify the year for the B/C record, and specify 10=Advance payment for selected periods in the 'Bonus and commission action' field. Click 'New' to proceed to the E panel. The information about the periods on which the advances will be based is retrieved from the b/c agreement's advance frequency.

  3. Check information on the E panel and select the 'Check paid invoices' field if you want to check the paid invoices against the original invoices to ensure that they are fully paid. Press Enter to confirm the information and you will return to the B panel in 'Bonus/Comm Agreement. Advance & Settle' (OIS415). An advance record with status 10 (ready) is now created.

  4. Select option 20=Create advance proposal. Depending on the status of the B/C agreement two alternatives are given:If the b/c agreement has status 30 (active – advances and settlements created immediately) in 'Bonus/Comm Agreement. Open' (OIS412), a proposal is created and processed as final. It cannot be changed. The advance is sent to M3 batch order entry where an invoice is created (see 'Batch Order. Open' (OIS275)). The advance record is assigned status 90 (processing completed). End the procedure. If the b/c agreement has status 20 (active – advances must be approved and settlement created immediately) in 'Bonus/Comm Agreement. Open' (OIS412), a preliminary proposal is created which can be manually changed. The advance record is assigned status 30, meaning that the preliminary proposal is created and can be changed. To change the proposal, go to step 5. Otherwise, go to step 8.

  5. Select option 11=Advance/settlement to change a preliminary proposal and 'Bonus/Comm Agreement. Calculate Advance' (OIS417/B) is displayed.

  6. Select the recipient you want to change. Press Enter to proceed to the E panel.

  7. Change the advance amount in the E panel. Press Enter and you will return to (OIS417/B), press F3 = End to return to 'Bonus/Comm Agreement. Advance & Settle' (OIS415).

  8. Select the advance record and select option 35=Crt adv/stl/pre. to send the advance to the batch order entry and create advance invoices. The advance record is assigned status 90 (processing completed).