Search and Display Cash Payments

This document explains how you find and display cash payments. This function facilitates the finding of specific cash payments.

You can use this function to search for and display cash payments when you quickly need to find and select specific cash payments, such as cash payments from a certain cash desk or from a certain payment date.


A selection of your choice of cash payments is made and the information is displayed. By related option it is possible to reprint the cash desk receipt, to display the voucher and to display the details of the cash desk transaction.

You can use the displayed list of cash payments when a certain type of information is needed, such as payment dates, payer and payment numbers. By making the selections, you can specify the information you need and limit the number of payments in your search. There are a number of standard views and sorting orders that can be used to filter on and it is also possible to create user defined views and sorting options.

Before you start

Standard views and sorting orders must be generated (F14) in 'View. Open' (CRS020) and in 'Sorting order. Open' (CRS022).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Cash Payment. Display' (OIS219/B).

  2. Select the sorting order and view that are relevant to use to select the information needed.

  3. If further selection is needed press F17 = 'Select' to proceed to the S panel. Select one or several of the following selection criteria to limit the records to be displayed.

    The available criteria are:

    • Payer
    • Cash desk
    • Payment method Accounts Receivable
    • Payment date
    • Payment number
    • Payment amount foreign currency
    • Currency
    • Cash desk transaction type
    • Status – Payment.
  4. Press Enter to confirm the selection.

    The cash payments of your choice will be displayed on the B panel. To get more information on the payment, select the payment and press 'Display'. 'Cash Desk. Validate' (OIS217/E) will be started, where you will find more detailed information on the payment such as payment number, payment method Accounts Receivable, cash desk transaction type, status, etc.

  5. It is also possible to print a copy of the Cash desk receipt, to display the voucher and to display the details of the cash desk transaction by using different related options.