Select Original Payment Method in Cash Desk

Refund to same payment method

The parameter 'Original payment method' in 'Cash Desk. Open' (OIS210) is used to activate the functionality of selecting payment methods from the original invoice. The parameter has two options for activating the functionality. The first alternative activates the functionality and the payment method field in 'Cash Payment. Open' (OIS215) gets protected after a payment method is selected. The other alternative enables changes of the payment method in (OIS215) even though a payment method has already been selected.

When adding a credit invoice in (OIS215), the original invoice number and year are retrieved. If the functionality of selecting an original payment method is activated, a new action key F21='Select pmt method' becomes available and this action opens 'Cash Payment. Select pmt method' (OIS204). If a negative amount is specified in the cash received field and the original payment method is not selected, (OIS204) is opened automatically.

If the original invoice number is not found, it is not possible to open (OIS204) and payments for credit invoices can only be added if the parameter 'Original payment method' is set to 2= 'Yes, selected payment method is editable' in (OIS210).

In (OIS204), the payment methods used to pay the original invoice are displayed together with the amounts paid. If previous credit invoices connected to the same original invoice have been paid, these credit invoices are also displayed. For each payment method, the paid amounts are summarized. This sum must exceed or equal the amount that is to be paid on the current credit invoice for the payment method to be valid for selection.

Other criteria for a payment method to be selectable:

  • The payment method must be connected to the current cash desk in 'Cash Desk. Connect Payment Method' (OIS211).
  • If a check has been used to pay the original invoice, the cash desk must have the parameter 'Permit creation of checks' activated in (OIS210/G).
  • If a credit card has been used to pay the original invoice, the third-party ID and third-party provider used on that payment must be the same as what is used on the current cash desk if the cash desk is externally managed. If several credit card transactions were used to pay the original invoice, the amount of the credit card transaction must fully cover the amount that must be paid.

After a payment method is selected, it is possible to create a payment.

Note: If changes in the payment occurred or if addition or deletion of invoices is performed after the selection of the payment method, a new selection must be performed.

In OIS215MI (Cash Desk), the transaction LstOrigPmtMtds presents the same information displayed in (OIS204) and the transaction GetSelPmtMtd retrieves information about the payment method that is selected in (OIS204).


  • Only one credit invoice is allowed per payment.
  • The payment of the original invoice and the credit invoice must be in the same currency as the invoices.
  • If the functionality is not activated, the original invoice number reference is not saved in the cash desk transactions. It is not possible to use the functionality on invoices paid before the functionality is activated.
  • If a corrective invoice is performed against a credit or adjustment order with the reference to the original invoice stated on the order header, the refund will be against the invoice of the credit or adjustment order.
  • When running AddPayment in OIS215MI (Cash Desk), no check is performed that a correct payment method is selected.
  • Payments only performed in the cash desk are considered.

Move to another payment facility

The parameter 'Change payment facility' in (OIS210) is used to activate the functionality to allow change of the payment facility of the invoices specified in (OIS215). The parameter 'Default payment facility' indicates the default payment facility when using the change payment facility functionality.

When the change payment facility functionality is activated, a new action becomes available in (OIS215). When taking this action, a confirm panel with the default payment facility is displayed. Upon confirming the move, the payment facility gets updated on the invoice headers of the invoices ('Invoice. Display' (OIS350)) added in (OIS215). Simultaneously, the invoices are removed from OIS215. This action is also available in 'Cash Payment. Select pmt method' (OIS204).

The sorting order '8-Outst Cash Invoice per payment facility' in (OIS350) can be used to list the cash invoices per payment facility that is not yet fully paid in cash desk.


If any payments are entered, the invoice cannot be transferred to another payment facility. The payments must be deleted first before the move can be performed.