Entering Customer Order Line

This process is used to complete customer orders, adding the necessary customer order lines to a customer order header.

It also includes entry of customer order lines with items and quantities and pertinent information such as price, fees, and order line comments.

The process can also be used to supplement current customer orders by changing the lines in it or adding additional lines.


A completed customer order is created after using this process. The process ends when all customer order lines in the order are entered.

Before you start

  • A customer order header must be specified.
  • Items must be specified in 'Item. Open' (MMS001).
  • Basic settings are specified.
Note: During entry, a number of checks are carried out. Some checks are required, but basic data checks and others are optional.

Follow these steps

  1. Enter Customer Order Lines

    Customer order lines are entered in 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101), which is called from 'Customer Order. Open' (OIS100). During customer order line entry, the items entered are processed according to both the information specified per item in 'Item. Open' (MMS001), and the order's customer order type. The settings for each customer affect entry.

    • Specifying an Item ID

      During entry, the item ID can be specified as either the in-house item number or an alternative ID that has been registered. The latter can be the customer's item number, an alias number or a kit item number. When an alternative ID is used, it is automatically changed to the in-house item number.

      If an alias number has more than one item number connected to it, a listing of valid items is displayed. The alias number definition can also contain a default quantity. This is proposed automatically during entry.

      How the order items are searched is set in panel 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101/P). The item is searched in the order specified when an alternative ID is used during order line entry. This panel is also used to define an alias unit. This allows the using of a numerical alias for a sales unit. In this way a numeric keypad can be used for order entry.

    • Pricing Customer Order Lines

      The sales price for an item on a customer order line is entered by default. The default value is retrieved from either an agreement, a price list or the item file. The sales price can also be entered manually, if allowed by the customer order type.

      The E panel in 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101) displays the origin of the price on the customer order line next to the 'Price list' field.

    • Discounting

      Discounts are retrieved automatically as specified by a discount model in the customer order header. If the discount model and the customer order type allow, discounts can then be changed manually. Discounts are entered in panel 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101/E).

    • Specifying Charges - Customer Order Lines

      One or more charges can be specified on a customer order line. They are specified by default, but can be changed or added manually.

  2. Connect Lines for Joint Delivery

    Customer order lines that will be delivered jointly are connected together with a joint delivery code.

    This code is entered by default from the customer order type, but can be changed for each line in 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101/G). A customer order can include more than one joint delivery. These can also be maintained in 'Customer Order. Reschedule' (OIS130).

  3. Materials Management at Entry

    During customer order line entry, different panels for material management might be displayed, depending on the settings for customer order type and entered item.

    • Allocation

      The item and the customer order type regulate whether a customer order line is allocated and how this is done. If the item is allocated manually, 'Allocation. Perform Detailed' (MMS121) is displayed. This can also be done using option 15=Allocations.

    • Product Configuration

      An item that is manufactured in-house can be configured during customer order line entry. When this is done, 'Config & Simulation. Open' (PDS605) is displayed. This is regulated per item.

    • Automatically Creating Manufacturing Order

      Manufacturing orders can be created in connection with customer order line entry. For this, the 'Planning method' field in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002) must be set to 3 (order-initiated).

    • Creating a Planned Purchase Order Automatically

      Planned purchase orders can be created in connection with customer order line entry. This is regulated by the line type. The planned PO is released as specified in 'Settings - Acquisition' (CRS723). This can be done either manually or automatically.

      The line type also regulates the delivery address for the PO as follows:

      Line type Definition
      1 PO delivered from supplier to the warehouse specified in customer order line.
      2 PO delivered from supplier directly to customer address.
  4. Specifying Comments for Customer Order Lines

    Comments related to the customer order line can be entered both in front of and after the other information in the line. This is done using either F16=Pre-text or F17=Post-text, respectively. After entry is completed, comments can be entered using options 18=Pre-text or 19=Post-text, respectively.

    The document group for which the comments are printed must be specified. For internal documents, comments are printed in the local language, while external documents are printed in the customer's language.