Enter Assortment per Customer

The purpose of this procedure is to connect a customer to an assortment. A customer connected in this way can purchase items included in the assortment.

Before you start

  • Customers must be specified in program 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).
  • One or more assortments must be defined in program 'Assortment. Open' (CRS105).
  • To activate the assortment check, the assortment check must be set for both the purchasing customer and item purchased. A check is made to ensure that the ordered item is included in an assortment that is connected to the customer. The check is made when specifying customer order lines.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Customer. Connect Assortment' (OIS071).

  2. Specify the customer number, assortment, and from date (from when customers have access to the assortment). Select ' New' to proceed to the E panel.

  3. On the E panel, specify the last date the customer has access to the assortment.

  4. To end, press Enter.