Define Customer Charges

This document explains how you define customer charges.

You define charges for a customer by connecting the existing charges in 'Customer. Connect Charge' (OIS003).

Before you start

  • A customer must be created in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610). See Enter Preliminary Customer.
  • Order charges must be defined in 'CO Charge. Open' (OIS030).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/B).

  2. Select the customer for which the customer charges need to be defined.

  3. Select option 12 = Charges to start 'Customer Connect. Charge' (OIS003/B).

  4. Specify an identification number and create the charge.

  5. Specify the relevant charge information on the E panel. See the Parameters to set section for more detailed description.

  6. Press F3 to return to 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/B).

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(OIS003/B) Charge …the unique ID of a charge.
(OIS003/E) Charge

…the charge amount. The field is only used if calculation method 0=Amount is used.

The information is expressed in the appropriate currency, to apply for the corresponding customer orders.

When a charge is connected to a customer, the standard amount for the charge is retrieved from 'CO Charge. Open' (OIS030), but can be changed. This amount is proposed as default value when orders are entered, but can be changed there too.

(OIS003/E) Calculation factor …the calculation factor that is used to calculate the charge amount. The field is used in combination with calculation method 1-5. A charge is calculated by multiplying the calculation factor and the base selected in the Calculation method field. The calculation is made when the customer order is invoiced. Example: If an insurance charge should be calculated as 5% of the gross price for a certain delivery, enter 0.05 in the Calculation factor field and 1 in the Calculation method field.
(OIS003/E) User-defined accounting control object …the user defined accounting control object and is most often used to control account entries and is therefore an accounting object that can be verified and changed in 'Control Object. Open User-defined' (CRS335).
(OIS003/E) Name …the name of a charge. This name is printed on all external documents.


Charges are connected to the customer.

Charges connected to the customer are used to retrieve charges automatically to the order header during the order entry.

The following tables are updated:

  • Customer Master - OCUSMA
  • Connect Customer Charges- OCUSCH
  • Customer Order Charges - ODCHRG.