Complete Customer Data

This document explains how to complete customer data. The customer data includes information such as geographical, contact, financial, and commercial terms that help to control and regulate standards and conditions for the customer. If customer information deviates per division, the customer information can be specified as a customer local exception.

See Customer Local Exceptions.


The customer data is completed in the customer master table with geographical information, contact information, financial information, and commercial terms such as pricing, discounts, insurance details, payment methods, delivery terms, and so on.

The customer data supports the automation of the customer order process.

These tables are updated:

  • Customer Master - OCUSMA
  • Discount Percent Customer - FDISCU.

Before you start

A customer must be created. See Enter Preliminary Customer for more details.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/B).

  2. Select the customer whose data needs to be completed and select option Change.

  3. Change the status to 20 on the E panel. See the Parameters to Set section for information on various statuses.

    The customer status in the E panel must be set to 20 (Definite) for a preliminary customer to be activated.

  4. Specify the relevant customer data on the E, F, G, H, I, and J panels. See the Parameters to Set section for a more detailed description.

  5. Specify the finance related data on the K and L panels.

    You can add other alternatives to the panel sequence. See the field help for all alternatives.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(CRS610/B) Customer number

…the unique identification of a customer. It can contain up to ten positions and is alphanumeric.

For temporary customers (customer type 9), the customer number must be within a defined range where only customers with customer type 9 can be specified.

M3 automatically proposes the next available customer number during customer entry. If a number series is specified, the next available number in the number series is proposed. This function can be activated or deactivated on the P panel.

Example: To indicate that the new customer number should contain seven digits and be proposed from series 5000xxx, enter 5000??? in the customer number field and then press Enter.

The next available customer number from the specified series is then proposed automatically. This number can be changed if necessary.

(CRS610/B) Customer type

…the type of customer.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Normal customer. Can also be the payer or bonus/commission recipient.

1 = Bonus/commission recipient only, not the orderer.

2 = Payer only, not the orderer. Can also be the bonus/commission recipient.

7 = Internal customer. Accounts receivable is not updated during invoicing.

8 = Temporary customer created during order entry of a temporary customer group (see customer type 9). This customer type cannot be specified when a new customer is specified in the customer file.

9 = Temporary customer group. For each customer order specified, a new record is automatically created in the customer file. The first positions of the record correspond to this group number.

(CRS610/E) Status

…the status of the customer.

The valid alternatives are:

10 = Preliminary

20 = Definite

90 = Blocked/expired.

Besides these alternatives, the following alternatives can also be used when importing from M3 Sales and Marketing:

11 = Temporary customer number, assigned when errors detected during automatic numbering. This status is raised to 12 when a new customer number is specified.

12 = Incorrect values for customer number. This status is raised to 20 when the errors are corrected.

(CRS610/E) City …the city in an address. The information is mandatory when address formatting is used, and when a city is an address element used in 'Address Formatting Rule. Open' (CRS117). Address formatting rules are defined for each country in 'Country. Open' (CRS045).
(CRS610/E) Language …the language that should be used on external documents when corresponding with customers and suppliers.
(CRS610/E) Postal code

…a postal code for a specific address.

The postal code is an address element that can be part of an address line if address formatting rules in (CRS117) are used.

(CRS610/F) Salesperson

…the person responsible for sales to a customer.

The salesperson can be used as a statistical category in order entry and for sales statistics.

During customer order entry, the salesperson from the customer file is used as a default value but can be changed.

(CRS610/F) Customer group

…the customer group to which the customer belongs.

Customers are connected to customer groups in 'Customer Group. Open' (CRS145). The customer groups can then be used as selection and sorting criteria, for example when generating statistics on order entry and sales.

(CRS610/F) Customer order type …a default order type during customer order entry.
(CRS610/F) Trade-in Supplier

The field indicates a supplier number connected to a customer and used when goods is purchased from the customer as part of a trade-in transaction.

(CRS610/F) CO no Mandatory
…controls if the customer's order number must be entered in the sales, maintenance, and rental processes and if a warning for duplicates is to be displayed or not.
Note: For customer orders, this setting is only applied when the 'CO type' field in (OIS014) contains the value *CUS.
(CRS610/G) Packaging terms

…terms that can be applied when goods are packed.

Packaging terms are printed on the picking list to inform the packing personnel about the conditions.

Packaging terms can be specified for each customer in the customer file. The terms are displayed by default when entering order but can be changed.

(CRS610/G) Warehouse

…the physical location from which delivery of customer orders can be made.

For each customer, the warehouse that is usually used for deliveries is specified.

If the customer is internal (customer type 7), the warehouse represented by the customer is specified, that is, the warehouse receiving the delivery.

The warehouse in the customer file is displayed by default upon order entry, but can be changed if the customer is not type 7.

(CRS610/G) Delivery terms

…whether the responsibility of the transport is transferred from supplier to customer. Responsibility can, for example, refer to payment, insurance terms.

Delivery terms are used at customer entry or entry of delivery addresses to be able to display the specified delivery terms at order entry.

For freight documents created from the transportation planning routines, the delivery terms are retrieved from the selected route, and managed by the shipment regardless of the value in this field.

(CRS610/G) Delivery method

…methods that are normally used when deliveries are made to the customer.

This information is displayed by default when customer orders are specified and when a delivery address is specified for a customer.

(CRS610/G) Address no

…the delivery address to be proposed by default when new customer orders are specified.

If this field is left blank and no address is specified on the customer order, the customer's mailing address will be used as the delivery address for the order.

Note:  The address number is for all address types. For example, the number 100 can be both the delivery address and invoicing address.
(CRS610/G) Facility …the company unit that usually has contact with the customer. In this case, the unit is used as search criteria to find the customer.
(CRS610/G) Display valid delivery addresses

…whether or not delivery addresses should be displayed during order entry.

The addresses will be displayed provided the customer order type allows it; that is, the 'Display delivery address' field is activated in 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010/E).

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No display.

1 = Display, provided that at least one address with address type 01 exists.

2 = Display, provided that more than one address with address type 01 exist.

3 = Display, provided that at least one address with address type 01 exists. Selection is mandatory.

If the customer order type category is 1 (normal order) or 4 (quotation), only valid delivery addresses will be displayed. For other CO type categories, valid as well as invalid delivery addresses will be displayed.

(CRS610/G) Place

…the ID of a geographic location or a place, such as a city, town, or airport.

These IDs are used in the route management to define the following:

- Valid loading points, to be assigned to supplying warehouses

- Valid unloading points, to be assigned to consignees, that is, customers, warehouses, suppliers, and subcontractors.

In addition to the loading and unloading parameters above, the following must be defined in order to establish a route network and to assign consignees:

- Routes, with valid loading and starting points and eventually predefined unloading points, depending on the route type (see separate field help in 'Route. Open' (DRS005).

(CRS610/G) Unloading zone

…the place of unloading that is divided into several different zones. Each zone can be linked to one or more delivery address. As a result, you can determine the sequence the packages are loaded on the transportation equipment.

Postal codes can be used as an alternative to using unloading zones. Enter your alternative in 'Route. Connect Unloading Places' (DRS021).

(CRS610/G) Labor code – trade statistics (TST)

…the code that is used to distinguish between different types of transactions that are reported in the trade statistics. The code specified here is optional.

For exports, you enter the labor code for each customer order type. It can then be changed for an individual customer order or order line. For imports, you enter the code in 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095), parameter 400. It then acts as a default value in each purchase order line.

(CRS610/G) Attribute pricing rule

…rules that should be used when calculating attribute-based prices or charges.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Expected attribute values are used as base

2 = Actual attribute values are used as base.

The alternative specified on the supplier master is used as a default on the purchase order line.

For customer orders, the alternative specified on the customer master can be used to set the value on the customer order line. The function Field selection for customer order type in 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014) controls where the values come from for a customer order.

For alternative 2, the reported attribute values for the stock entries/dispatch made for a purchase line/customer order line are used. These are obtained through the transaction history.

(CRS610/G) Price list table …a joint ID for the sales prices of several items. Price list tables enable you to process several sales price lists for customer orders for each item.
(CRS610/G) Discount group – customer

…the customer discount group.

Customer discount groups are specified for each customer in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610) and can be used as a control object for calculating customer order line discounts.

(CRS610/H) Bonus group …the bonus group that is used to connect a customer to a bonus or commission group. This group is used as a selection key in the routines for bonus and provision, sales statistics, and so on.
(CRS610/H) Invoicing group

…the invoicing group that is used to group different customer order types.

When you request invoicing in 'CO Invoice. Print' (OIS180), the invoicing group can be selected. Only order types within the selected invoicing group will be invoiced.

You can then select which order types should be invoiced. The invoicing group can also be specified for each customer. If the customer's invoicing group is different from the order type's invoicing group, the value set for the customer is used.

(CRS610/H) Commission group …the commission group used to connect a customer to a bonus or commission group. This group is used as a selection key in the routines for bonus and provision, sales statistics, and so on.
(CRS610/H) Customer document group

…a group of customers to which the same customer documents should be sent. In addition to the customer document group, the order type determines which documents will be sent.

Customer document groups are specified for each customer in the customer file. The customer document groups specified in (CRS610) must first be specified in the system.

More document numbers can be connected to a customer order in 'Customer Order. Connect Documents' (OIS104).

(CRS610/H) Price printout

…how prices and discounts should be printed on confirmation and invoice documents.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Complete line specification, quantity, price, line discount, line net, and order total are printed.

2 = Only quantities and order totals are printed. Price, line discount and line net are not printed for goods lines.

3 = Order total and line specification with quantity and line net are printed.

4 = Order total and line specification with only line net are printed.

5 = Complete line specification, quantity, price, line discount or net price (see note 1), line net, and order total are printed.

Note: The following only concerns the customer order confirmation, the customer quotation, the pro forma invoice and the invoice:

'Price printout' 5 depends on the net price method in 'Settings – Customer Order Entry' (CRS720). If net price method is set to 1, then the line discount is printed (the printout will be as for price printout 1). If the net price method is set to 2, then the net price is printed

(CRS610/H) Statistics Identity 1 / 2 customer

…a user-defined customer statistics accumulator.

Statistics field 1 is validated against the table in 'Customer Statistics identify 1. Open' (CRS192) and Statistics field 2 is validated against the table in 'Customer Statistics identify 1. Open' (CRS197).

Statistics field 1 can be changed for every customer order, but not statistics field 2.

The headings for these fields are defined in 'Settings- User-defined Stats Fields' (CRS715).

(CRS610/H) User-defined accounting control object …a user-defined field, but is most often used to control account entries and is therefore an accounting object that can be verified and changed in 'Control Object. Open User-Defined' (CRS335).
(CRS610/I) User-defined field 1 - customer

…the user-defined field that can be used as desired.

Field headings for these fields are defined in 'Settings – User-Defined Customer Fields' (CRS712).

(CRS610/J) Currency

…the currency for each customer order.

The currency code is proposed by default from the customer file in (CRS610). However, the currency code can be changed when customer orders are specified.

(CRS610/J) Exchange rate type

…the exchange rate type.

The rate type is mandatory when maintaining exchange rates. The rate type is also connected to customers, suppliers, price lists, and year-end budget procedures.

The valid alternatives are:

01 = Variable rate

02-99 = Can be used optionally.

Exchange rate types are defined in 'Exchange Rate Type. Open' (CRS056).

(CRS610/J) VAT code

…the VAT code on the customer master, which is used for two different purposes:

1) To indicate the VAT amount for a customer when manual invoices are specified in accounts receivable.

2) To indicate a VAT exemption agreement on an order.

Note: The VAT code from the customer master only applies to orders when a VAT exemption agreement exists, in other words, only when the tax applicable code is set to 2. In all other cases, VAT codes on the order lines and order charges are based on the specific items and charges.
(CRS610/J) Service code

…the service code used to select customer invoices to be processed with VAT. This user-defined code is connected to the customer in (CRS610).

You can change the code during each entry of an invoice.

(CRS610/J) Payment terms …how the due date should be calculated.
(CRS610/J) Payment method - accounts receivable

…how a payment is or has been handled.

The payment method is used as a general sorting key for similar routines when handling customer payments. Payment methods for Accounts Receivable are defined in 'AR Payment Method. Open' (CRS076).

Each payment method is connected to a payment class, an ID used to classify different payment methods. The payment class is in turn, connected to a payment class, which is a general designation for a category of payments (for example Cash or Draft).

(CRS610/J) Due date base

…the date base used to determine which date is to form the basis for calculation of the due date.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Invoice date

2 = Delivery date.

Due date calculation is made for each invoice when invoicing in the order system prior to possible transfer to accounts receivable.

The due date basis only applies if the due date or value date was not specified manually. It is retrieved from the payer related to the invoice.

If second alternative is selected, different invoices will be created for the same payer upon joint invoicing if the delivery dates are different for the affected orders.

(CRS610/J) Cash discount term

…terms for cash discount calculation.

Sets of different cash discount terms are defined in 'Cash Discount Term. Open' (CRS077).

(CRS610/J) Credit limit 1/2/3/4

…the highest credit limits permitted.

If any of these limits are exceeded, delivery of the customer order is blocked.

Valid values for credit limit 4 are 1-999. If 0 is specified, or if the field is left blank, credit limit 4 is not used.

Credit limit 4 is checked when credit limits 1-3 are not exceeded. Credit limit 4 has a lower priority than credit limits 1-3.

(CRS610/J) Payer

…the person or business who has paid or will pay the invoice.

In (CRS610), the payer is specified when an invoice should be sent to a different person other than to the customer placing the order.

For order and sales statistics, the payer is used as a statistics ID. For total statistics, the payer is one of the key IDs.

(CRS610/J) Invoice recipient

…the number of the customer who receives the invoice.

The information is specified for each payer in the customer file. It is copied to the order header via the payer used when entering new orders.

(CRS610/J) Credit group ...a group to which the customer is connected through setup in 'Customer Credit Group. Connect' (CRS316).

Credit groups are used for credit limit handling at a grouped customer level. For customers that are connected to a credit group, credit check is managed on credit group level.

See Credit Limit at Grouped Customer Level.

(CRS610/K) Interest rule …how to calculate interest on overdue payments and the conditions for charging a customer interest. The connection between customer and interest rule is made in the customer file.
(CRS610/K) Payment reminder rule

…the conditions to be met before a payment reminder is sent to a customer.

The connection between a customer and payment reminder rule is made in the customer file.

Note: There will be a control if the payment reminder rules specified in 'Bank Remittance. Update Payment' (ARS351) do have the same grouping method as specified in the Grouping method field.
(CRS610/K) Payment instruction …payment instructions to a certain bank for a customer's payments. If there is a payment instruction, two lines of text will be printed on the document.
(CRS610/K) Payment receipt document … whether a payment receipt document is requested by the payer or customer.
Select the check box to indicate that a payment receipt document will be printed when the payment is included in a payment receipt displayed in (ARS400). If you do not select the check box, the payment receipt will only be displayed in (ARS400).
Note: The use of payment receipt must be activated in (CRS750) and for the payment types in (CRS078).
(CRS610/K) Insurance company

…the customer's insurance company.

The insurance only applies to outstanding accounts receivable.

(CRS610/K) Insurance number …the insurance policy number of the customer.
(CRS610/K) Insurance limit …the amount for which a customer is insured. The insurance is intended to cover the customer losses. Outstanding customer debts cannot exceed the insured amount.
(CRS610/K) Group customer

…the customer's ID within the group.

An entry in the field will control the classification as an IC-customer for the debt/liability report.

(CRS610/L) Payer - bank giro

…the customer's payer number. This can be a bank account number, personal ID number, and so on.

The payer number and the company bank giro number then make up a unique ID at Bankgiro. This information is relevant only when Autogiro/Private is used.

(CRS610/L) Payer - postal giro

…the customer's payer number. This can be either a bank account number, personal ID, and so on.

This number is used by Postgiro to identify the customer's auto giro payments.

(CRS610/L) Bank account number - bank giro

…the clearing number for the bank account number to be charged when the customer has made a payment through the Bankgiro auto giro routine.

After you exit the field, the clearing number is right justified and the empty positions are filled with zeros.

(CRS610/L) Bank account number - postal giro

…the bank account number to be charged when the customer has made a payment through the Postgiro auto giro routine.

After you exit the field, the account number is right justified and the empty positions are filled with zeros.

(CRS610/L) Personal ID

…the customer's personal ID or organization number. This is only necessary when Auto giro/Private is used.

The personal ID number must begin with four numbers representing the year. The organization number must begin with two zeros.

(CRS610/L) Bank giro number …the customer's bank giro number.
(CRS610/L) Postal giro number …the customer's post giro number.
(CRS610/L) Transmission date …the date when the customer's payer information was last transferred to either Bankgiro or Postgiro.
(CRS610/L) Transmission number … the transfer when the customer's payment information was last transferred to either Bankgiro or Postgiro.
(CRS610/L) Cancellation

…if the payer information at Bankgiro or Postgiro should be canceled.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes

9 = A cancellation order has been sent.

A cancellation order is sent the next time the permission file is transferred to Bankgiro or Postgiro.



Agreement order type


Rate type

Argentina-specific master data

The following functionality must be set up for divisions configured with country version AR in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/L).

Once the functionality has been set up, the Argentina-specific master data is stored in the corresponding Argentina master tables.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start (CRS610) and include the X panel (country specific) in the sequence.
  2. Search for the specific customer and use the option Change.
  3. Navigate to 'Customer AR. Open' (CRAR03). Specify the values in the fields and click Next.
  4. The options Change, Copy, Delete, and Display can be used on (CRS610/B). The Copy option handles both the customer master, and Argentina-specific master data for the customer.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(CRAR03) VAT class

…one of the official VAT classes in Argentina.

The VAT class is one of the components available when you define the structure of Argentinian invoice numbers in 'Settings - Invoice Numbering Rule' (MFS167). A VAT class is connected to customers in (CRS610).

The VAT class can be used as a control object (XKVTCL) when defining VAT exceptions in 'VAT Exception. Open' (TXS020) for the following purposes:
  • Automatic replacement of the VAT code for an item having a VAT code with combined or chain VAT.
  • Printing a VAT exemption text on invoice documents that indicates the VAT class and its description.

Japan-specific master data

'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/L).

The following functionality must be set up for divisions configured with country version JP. Once the functionality has been set up, the Japan-specific master data is stored in the corresponding Japan master tables.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start (CRS610) and include the X panel (country specific) in the sequence.
  2. Search for the specific customer and use the option 2 - 'Change.'
  3. Navigate to 'Customer JP. Open' (CRJP01). Specify the values in the fields and click Next.
  4. The options 2 - 'Change', 3 - 'Copy', 4 - 'Delete', and 5 - 'Display' can be used on (CRS610/B). The option 3 - 'Copy' handles both the customer master, and Japan-specific master data for the customer.

Parameters to set

This table shows available parameter settings for Japan-specific master data.

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(CRJP01/E) Unit of monthly invoice

…the unit of summation to prepare monthly invoice document.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Customer

2 = Payer.

(CRJP01/E) Unit of VAT calculation base amount

…the base amount on which to calculate VAT for the monthly invoice.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Monthly invoice amount

2 = Invoice amount

3 = Amount calculated by M3.

(CRJP01/E) VAT calculation method

…the rounding rule of VAT calculation for monthly invoice.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Round-off

2 = Round up

3 = Round down.

(CRJP01/E) Invoice print type

…the invoice document type for the output.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Print (including lines)

1 = Print (not including lines)

2 = Do not print.

(CRJP01/E) Closing date

…the closing date, which is the break date for monthly invoices.

Enter 20, if the monthly invoice date for a customer is the 20th of every month.

If the date is at the very end of month, enter 99 since a month's end date depends on the month.

(CRJP01/E) Shipment on closing date

...whether to include the invoice for a shipment that is created on the closing date in the next invoice closing instead of the current invoice closing automatically.

This is done as few customers can receive the goods on the next day, if the shipment is made on the date subject to the current closing.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Include the current month

1 = Exclude from the current month and carry over to the next month.

(CRJP01/E) Type of invoice output

…the conditions for the monthly invoice document output.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Do not generate document output if only the balance of last month and payment exists

1 = Generate document output if only the balance of last month and payment received exists.

Note: This field works only if the output has 'Print balance' set to 1 on (ARS191/E).

Portugal-specific master data

The following functionality must be set up for divisions configured with country version PT on (MNS100/L). Once the functionality has been set up, the Portugal-specific master data is stored in the corresponding Portugal master tables.

Follow these steps

  1. Start and include panel X (Country specific) in the sequence.
  2. Search for the specific customer and user the option Change.
  3. Navigate to 'Customer PT. Open' (CRPT03). Specify values in the required fields and click Next.
  4. The options Change, Copy, Delete, and Display can be used on (CRS610/B). The Copy and Delete options handles both the customer master and Portugal-specific master data for the customer.

Validation of VAT registration number

Customers in status 20-'Definite' must have a VAT registration number. There is a validation that the VAT registration number is not being used for another customer if 'Chk dig mtd VAT' is set to '03' in (CRS045) for the country. No validation is done if the VAT registration number is '999999990', since that indicates that the customer is considered a final consumer.

Russia-specific master data

The following functionality must be set up for divisions configured with country version RU in (MNS100/L)..

Once the functionality has been set up, the Russia-specific master data is stored in the corresponding Russia master tables.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start (CRS610) and include panel X (Country specific) in the sequence.
  2. Search for the specific customer and use the option Change.
  3. Navigate to 'Customer RU. Open' (CRRU02). Specify values in the required fields and click Next.
  4. The options Change, Delete, and Display can be used. The Delete option deletes both the customer master and Russia-specific master data for customer.