Define Customer Order Entry Message

This document explains how to enter a customer order entry message.

Enter customer order entry message

A customer order message is a message displayed on-screen during customer order entry and is entered in 'CO Entry Message. Open' (OIS165).


This field indicates the category that triggers which messages are issued for the user during customer order entry.

Valid alternatives are:

1 = Customer number – Customer order entry message is displayed for the customer whose identity is entered in the 'Identity' field.

2 = Business chain – Customer order entry message is displayed for all customers included in the business chain whose identity is entered in the 'Identity' field.

3 = Customer category – Customer order entry message is displayed for all customers included in the customer category whose identity is entered in the 'Identity' field.

These alternatives are listed in order of their priority, with customer number highest. The message shown depends on the priority of the message category.


This field indicates an ID for the identified message category.

  • If qualifier is set to 1, customer numbers are validated and retrieved from 'Customer. Open' (CRS610).
  • If qualifier is set to 2, business chains are validated and retrieved from 'Business Chain. Open' (OIS038).
  • If qualifier is set to 3, customer categories are validated and retrieved from 'Customer Group. Open' (CRS145).


A message is made user-specific by entering a user ID as key. The message is then displayed only for the specified user, for customers that match the qualifier. This is an optional field and validated against the existing system user set up in 'User. Open' (MNS150).

In a scenario, where two messages have been defined: 1 user-specific and 1 with blank user, the user-specific message will be the first to be displayed, regardless of the priority.


This field is used to regulate the order in which messages are displayed for the user. The valid values are 1-9, where 9 is the highest and 1 the lowest priority.

Valid From date

This field indicates the date from which the registered data becomes valid.

Valid To date

This field indicates the date up to which the registered data are valid.


This check box is used to give a user the option to ignore recurring messages, that is, to select that the message should not to be displayed on succeeding order entry.

Messages ignored by users during order entry will create data in the 'Ignored messages' table (OOEIGM). The entry messages that have been ignored can be reactivated through option 21='Delete ignored' in 'CO Entry Message. Open' (OIS165). This action will delete the record in the 'Ignored messages' table (OOEIGM).

Used by

This field indicates in which application areas the message is to be used. The valid alternatives are:

0 = The text is used in customer order processing

1 = The text is used in service order processing

2 = The text is used in service agreement processing

3 = The text is used in short-term rental agreements

4 = The text is used in long-term rental agreements

5 = The text is used in all applications above.

Enter text block

Messages to be displayed during order entry are entered in the text block through 'CO Entry Message. Open' (OIS165/T). These messages can be information about a customer financial status, activities, campaign, ongoing investigations, reminders, etc. Make sure not to use the 'Language' field. Leave the field blank.

Note that this is only a text block, which means that information is no way related to any financial component in the system.

If text block is set to blank, there will be no messages displayed during order entry.