Update the Payment Provider Ledger with Credit Card Payments from Cash Desk

This document describes how to enable an update of the payment provider ledger with credit card payments when validating a cash desk.


The payment provider ledger is used to manage account entries for transactions related to payment provider payments. In the process described in this document, credit card payments are received in a cash desk and are later updated to the payment provider ledger during transfer to FIM.

Solution overview

You can select the credit card accounting method (CCAM) set to 3-'Payment provider ledger' in 'Cash Desk. Open' (OIS210) to manage credit card payments in the payment provider ledger. With this accounting method selected, bank transactions for credit card payments are determined by accounting rule OI30-196. Also, credit card payments are, at the time of transfer to FIM, created with an external reference to the payment provider in 'Payment Provider Ledger. Display' (OPS290). See Manage the Payment Provider Ledger.

The entry in (OPS290) represents an external credit card reference that originates from the cash desk. Thus, the 'Origin' (ORIG) is 02-'Cash desk' and the origin ID is the cash desk payment number. Status is set to '20', indicating that the external reference has been received.

This entails cash desk payments for which these conditions are true:

  • The payment method AR used has the 'credit card' (CRDC) check box selected.
  • The cash desk used has credit card accounting method (CCAM) set to 3-'Payment provider ledger'.
  • A valid third-party ID is defined. This is the ID connected to the payment provider that processed the credit card payment.

Furthermore, an entry with information type 01-'Payment amount - Origin' is created in 'Payment Provider Ledger. Display Entries' (OPS291). This represents the amount that was accounted on the suspense account when the cash desk payment was transferred to FIM. The entry has status 90-'General ledger updated' since the voucher has already been created. You can see the voucher number and the accounting dimensions on the F panel.

When the payment provider has confirmed the credit card transaction regarding commission and VAT amounts, the payment provider ledger is updated with account entries using API OPS291MI (Payment provider ledger entries). For more details, see Confirm Transactions in the Payment Provider Ledger. The account entries are then transferred to FIM using API OPS292MI. See Transfer Payment Provider Ledger Entries to FIM.


You must fulfill these criteria for the payment provider process:
  • You must define the 'FAM function for payment provider ledger' (FNPP) field in 'Settings - POS' (OPS700).
  • You must define accounting rule OI30-196 in 'Accounting Rule. Set' (CRS395).

  • You must create a payment provider ID in 'Credit Card Interface Settings. Open' (CRS434). The VAT details must be defined on the F panel if VAT is to be paid on the payment provider commission.


The payment provider ledger can only manage credit card payments received in local currency.

The payment provider ledger requires specifying a third-party ID for credit card payments received in the cash desk.