Paying Amount

Paying amounts are used in M3 routines for bonus/commission.

They are updated for each combination of bonus/commission agreement (b/c agreement) and recipient.

The paying amount can be expressed as a:

  • net amount (including discounts)
  • gross amount (excluding discounts)
  • sales price according to the item file
  • contribution margin (net amount - cost price)
  • cost price according to the order line.

Paying amounts are used as the basis for calculating bonus/commission according to the b/c agreement's percentage for the value reached. The calculation is made for advances and final settlements.

The paying amount and recipient are updated either during invoicing or during a separate update. The time of the update is determined in 'Settings - Customer Order Invoicing' (CRS722).

The files that determine whether or not an order line can affect the paying amount are listed below. The list is not hierarchical.

  • Item
  • Price list
  • Blanket agreement
  • Discount campaign
  • Customer order type

In each file, one of the following values is specified:

  • The order line does not affect any b/c agreements
  • The order line is generating, meaning that it affects the b/c agreement's generating value
  • The order line is generating and paying, meaning that it affects the b/c agreement's generating value and paying amount.

The file with the lowest value controls how an order line will affect bonus/commission. However, it can be changed by the user.

Note that the above values are set separately for bonus and commission. Therefore, an item can only be generating for agreement type 9 (bonus agreement), and paying for agreement types 1-8 (commission agreement).

Finally, a paying order line is also always a generating one.


If the customer order type has 0 entered for bonus, then all customer orders using this order type will be assigned a default value of 0, even if 2 is entered for the item in the item file.