Different Voucher Number Series for Different Types of Invoices

This document explains how to get different voucher number series for different types of invoices.

Before you start

Create order types and FAM Functions.


You can choose to connect a FAM function to the order type. This is done in ‘Order Type. Connect FAM Function’ (CRS407) reached via option 12=FAM function in ‘CO Type. Open’ (OIS010). The connection is done on the division level. It cannot be entered directly on the order type since FAM functions and voucher number series are division specific.

FAM functions can be connected to customer order types, service order types, project order types and maintenance order types.

The system retrieves the voucher number series from the FAM function connected to the division and order type in the table ‘Order Type. Connect FAM Function’ (CRS407). If there is no match in the table, then FAM function 1 is used.

The parameter ‘Separate voucher number’ in ‘Settings – Customer order invoicing’ (CRS722) also affects the result. If that parameter is checked, all invoices get a separate voucher number. Otherwise, all the orders that have an order type that uses the same FAM function will get the same voucher number.

Summary invoicing can only be performed if the orders use the same FAM function. The reason for this is that there is only one voucher per invoice and, thus, the orders in the summary invoice must use the same voucher number series, which means they should use the same FAM function.


You will get different voucher number series for different types of invoices when you invoice.